If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
No, I'm not saying he shouldn't fight for his wall. He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal. He should allow government to start for 30 or 60 days while he tries to work a deal with Pelosi. Whose to say that Pelosi would not comprise with him on his wall and he builds just 100 miles of it this year.

He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal.

Is Pelosi going to be more willing to cut a deal when 800,000 people are suffering, or more willing when they aren't? Why?
Why should she? The American people aren't going to hold her responsible for the shutdown. In fact 71% of Americans say the wall is not worth the shutdown.

There is no way the American public is not going to hold Trump responsible for the shutdown. First he said he was taking responsibility. Second, he refuse to negotiate on his budget request.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.
This is beyond silly. Did you ask this question during the 17-day 2013 shutdown, when wages were flat-lined?

It is just amazing to see you liberals ignore all the good economic developments that are occurring under Trump: rising wages, a record hike in manufacturing jobs, take-home-pay increases thanks to the tax cuts, historically low unemployment, hundreds of billions coming back to the U.S. from overseas, record low black and Hispanic unemployment.
This is beyond silly. Did you ask this question during the 17-day 2013 shutdown, when wages were flat-lined?

It is just amazing to see you liberals ignore all the good economic developments that are occurring under Trump: rising wages, a record hike in manufacturing jobs, take-home-pay increases thanks to the tax cuts, historically low unemployment, hundreds of billions coming back to the U.S. from overseas, record low black and Hispanic unemployment.

If Trump was responsible for providing funds to cure cancer and they managed to do it, leftists would be saying it was going to happen anyway.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

Trump said that the wall is non-negotiable, but willing to trade something with the Democrats in return. The Democrats are saying the wall is non-negotiable, but that's the only thing Trump wants and that's why we are here.
So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
No, I'm not saying he shouldn't fight for his wall. He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal. He should allow government to start for 30 or 60 days while he tries to work a deal with Pelosi. Whose to say that Pelosi would not comprise with him on his wall and he builds just 100 miles of it this year.

He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal.

Is Pelosi going to be more willing to cut a deal when 800,000 people are suffering, or more willing when they aren't? Why?
Why should she? The American people aren't going to hold her responsible for the shutdown. In fact 71% of Americans say the wall is not worth the shutdown.

There is no way the American public is not going to hold Trump responsible for the shutdown. First he said he was taking responsibility. Second, he refuse to negotiate on his budget request.

Great, she doesn't want to deal, she won't get a deal.
Let's not forget adding a couple of thousand more border agents to patrol the wall. Why are people so ignorant to leave that out? I'm fine with the wall. But a ton more agents are needed to patrol it as well.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

It is frightening that working people are only one-to-two paychecks away from disaster. Working people. This fact has made me think that our current economic system is not working out and that capitalism is a failure. Yes, it has been hyped, but the current government shutdown has certainly demonstrated its flaws. A "typical" family of four, with not one, but two breadwinners, has no backup. If the orange whore in the Oval Office has done anything good, it is to expose this flaw.
Capitalism isn't the problem. It's the only decent system out there. The biggest problem I see is that there is an effort out there to chisel away at the things that help working people such as Medicare and social security. Rhetoric does exist that those are evil along with paid sick leave, vacation time, erc. And some working folk actually buy into the nonsense. Middle class people attacking other middle class people because they work for the government is truly the lowest form of ignorance. We've sunk pretty low due to ignorance.
If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?
Because American society passed from save-and-spend to spend-and-repay in just one generation. This was more than encouraged by banks, which generated great quantities of easily obtainable credit lines using cards instead of cash or checks.
The idea of spending more than one had became acceptable where it had previously been seen as reprehensible, irresponsible. A prime, almost parental example was provided by the government (elected officials), spending unheard of sums and hocking an uncertain future. Limiting tomorrow to choices made today.
So, spending as if there were no tomorrow (almost like assuring there wouldn't be one) became the order of the day. Everyone was doing it, why get left behind?
Short story long, people are now so in debt that hiccups hurt.

Or more simply, incomes don't allow for saving as they have in the past.
Most live paycheck to paycheck because they don't make enough to save and corporate wages aren't spectacular for most. The system dictates most will have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Okay, so how does the lowly fast food worker manage to survive off $18,000 a year if $60,000 a year isn't enough to save money on a regular basis?

Surviving is saving?
$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago. Today, $145k is required to have the same lifestyle.

Inflation Calculator
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Okay, so how does the lowly fast food worker manage to survive off $18,000 a year if $60,000 a year isn't enough to save money on a regular basis?

They survive just barely...and with government assistance. Newsflash...on $18K you aren't paying a mortgage or a car payment. You rent cheaply and MIGHT drive a clunker

Somewhere in that rambling nonsense is sounded like you are basically admitting that real economic struggle is found in the $18K a year fast food worker--that the $60K a year government employee only lives paycheck to paycheck because they insist on living an expensive lifestyle that consumes their entire income.

What fucking planet do you live on?

How much do YOU make?
This is beyond silly. Did you ask this question during the 17-day 2013 shutdown, when wages were flat-lined?

It is just amazing to see you liberals ignore all the good economic developments that are occurring under Trump: rising wages, a record hike in manufacturing jobs, take-home-pay increases thanks to the tax cuts, historically low unemployment, hundreds of billions coming back to the U.S. from overseas, record low black and Hispanic unemployment.
The economy was trending up anyway.

Tax cut economics are worthless if they Can't cover spending.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Most live paycheck to paycheck because they don't make enough to save and corporate wages aren't spectacular for most. The system dictates most will have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Okay, so how does the lowly fast food worker manage to survive off $18,000 a year if $60,000 a year isn't enough to save money on a regular basis?

Surviving is saving?
$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago. Today, $145k is required to have the same lifestyle.

Inflation Calculator

$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago.

Median household income was about $61400 in 2017, your claim is wrong.
In 1989, median was under $29000.


Median Household Income in the United States
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

Trump said that the wall is non-negotiable, but willing to trade something with the Democrats in return. The Democrats are saying the wall is non-negotiable, but that's the only thing Trump wants and that's why we are here.
That is the problem. A wall is worthless and only Costs.

There is no express wall building clause in our federal Constitution.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

It is frightening that working people are only one-to-two paychecks away from disaster. Working people. This fact has made me think that our current economic system is not working out and that capitalism is a failure. Yes, it has been hyped, but the current government shutdown has certainly demonstrated its flaws. A "typical" family of four, with not one, but two breadwinners, has no backup. If the orange whore in the Oval Office has done anything good, it is to expose this flaw.

Thank Goodness blue States are Pioneering the way!
Most live paycheck to paycheck because they don't make enough to save and corporate wages aren't spectacular for most. The system dictates most will have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Okay, so how does the lowly fast food worker manage to survive off $18,000 a year if $60,000 a year isn't enough to save money on a regular basis?

Surviving is saving?
$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago. Today, $145k is required to have the same lifestyle.

Inflation Calculator

$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago.

Median household income was about $61400 in 2017, your claim is wrong.
In 1989, median was under $29000.

View attachment 241808

Median Household Income in the United States

Middle class is median? So 50% are above middle class?
I used 1985.
Most live paycheck to paycheck because they don't make enough to save and corporate wages aren't spectacular for most. The system dictates most will have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Okay, so how does the lowly fast food worker manage to survive off $18,000 a year if $60,000 a year isn't enough to save money on a regular basis?

Surviving is saving?
$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago. Today, $145k is required to have the same lifestyle.

Inflation Calculator

$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago.

Median household income was about $61400 in 2017, your claim is wrong.
In 1989, median was under $29000.

View attachment 241808

Median Household Income in the United States

Middle class is median? So 50% are above middle class?
I used 1985.

Middle class is median?

What range do you want to use for middle class? Median to double the median?

I used 1985.

You said thirty years ago. That's 1989.
$60K is the exact middle...it does not describe the middle class.

80% earn less than $110K
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