If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Hogwash. I'm not in the top 10%, and Trump's tax cuts alone have given me an extra $220 in monthly take-home pay. For people who earn between $70K and $110K, the tax cuts have increased their net monthly pay by between $70 and $120 per month, which is not "crumbs" by any stretch.

Under Trump, wages have seen a sizable jump for the first time in years. Last year alone, wages rose by 3.2%. That's a larger raise than the military is getting this year (2.8%).

Well, but those are "crumbs" doncha know?

Hey, enough crumbs equals a loaf.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
More lies.

If you go and take someone hostage and then tell them give me what I want and I’ll let them go.

And if you don’t give me what I want then whatever happens is your fault.

That’s what terrorists do.

That’s why this country doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.

At this point, considering the shut down, the tax cuts for billionaires, the looting, the lying, I don’t really see a lot of difference between Republicans and terrorists. Republicans even want to turn the country over to Vladimir Putin. Why? Because that’s what terrorists would do.

Who's really the hostage takers here, R-Derp? Trump isn't asking for something extreme. He simply wants to secure the border? Now what possible reason would Democrats have for not wanting a secure border? Isn't that obvious? They're counting on a never ending stream of Hispanics entering the country and at some point becoming voters that will keep liberals in power. So your Democratic leaders in Congress are screwing over government workers and the American economy...all so they can gain more political power down the road.

That's the side that YOU support!
Bullshit. Trump shut down the government over a SYMBOL. 5 billion isn't going to get a wall built and no one can say what it WILL build.

It's a fucking boondoggle to make YOU happy

Are you against the wall because of cost? Funny...the shutdown has already cost more than what Trump has asked to build the wall! The people using the wall as a "symbol" are you on the left! There really isn't a good reason NOT to secure the border...other than it might cost you votes down the road.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Our representatives to Government are delegated their powers, to promote and provide for the general welfare not the general malfare.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Our representatives to Government are delegated their powers, to promote and provide for the general welfare not the general malfare.

And one of the things our representatives are tasked with is keeping the nation secure. Why you think a secure border is a negative thing is something you'll have to explain.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Actually the 1880s...and it was based on race after we had decided that all the Chinese we imported to build our railroads shouldn't become citizens
I'm against the wall because it's a ransom boondoggle

So a government shutdown isn't? There was bipartisan agreement before Donald Trump ever ran for office that we needed to address both border security and immigration. Now, any call for border security has been turned into a call for racism by you on the left. This entire boondoggle is nothing more than political FARCE.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Our representatives to Government are delegated their powers, to promote and provide for the general welfare not the general malfare.

And one of the things our representatives are tasked with is keeping the nation secure. Why you think a secure border is a negative thing is something you'll have to explain.
we don't have a common defense issue on our borders, it is a refugee problem.

Implied powers are null and void from Inception, should any Express powers gainsay the contention of the Right Wing.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Actually the 1880s...and it was based on race after we had decided that all the Chinese we imported to build our railroads shouldn't become citizens

Actually 1875. Do you really want to get into a historical debate with a history major?
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Our representatives to Government are delegated their powers, to promote and provide for the general welfare not the general malfare.

And one of the things our representatives are tasked with is keeping the nation secure. Why you think a secure border is a negative thing is something you'll have to explain.
A wall in the middle of the desert isn't keeping anyone secure.
We have a rather bad problem with our southern border and it's not just with "refugees"...we're dealing with Narco Terrorist cartels who have turned Mexico into a slaughterhouse and are now moving their operations north into the US. A secure border would go a long ways towards fighting that.
The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Our representatives to Government are delegated their powers, to promote and provide for the general welfare not the general malfare.

And one of the things our representatives are tasked with is keeping the nation secure. Why you think a secure border is a negative thing is something you'll have to explain.
A wall in the middle of the desert isn't keeping anyone secure.

The middle of the desert is where most human traffickers choose to cross the border. What part of that concept don't you on the left grasp?
We have a rather bad problem with our southern border and it's not just with "refugees"...we're dealing with Narco Terrorist cartels who have turned Mexico into a slaughterhouse and are now moving their operations north into the US. A secure border would go a long ways towards fighting that.
Of course we know that a wall wouldn't address drugs in any meaningful way since 90% comes through actual points of entry...but hey...ya gotta same somethin...right professor?
We have a rather bad problem with our southern border and it's not just with "refugees"...we're dealing with Narco Terrorist cartels who have turned Mexico into a slaughterhouse and are now moving their operations north into the US. A secure border would go a long ways towards fighting that.
in right wing fantasy, it is Always a general warfare issue that they insist the Other People pay for.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Immigration law has been enforced in this country since the 1800's, Daniel. Our last President used Executive Orders to make an end run around Congress and impose his own immigration law on the US. Securing the border falls under providing security for Americans...one of the main charges of the Federal Government! Those powers aren't "implied"...they are established by existing law.
Actually the 1880s...and it was based on race after we had decided that all the Chinese we imported to build our railroads shouldn't become citizens

Actually 1875. Do you really want to get into a historical debate with a history major?
You're heard of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 I assume then Professor.?
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