If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

Trump said that the wall is non-negotiable, but willing to trade something with the Democrats in return. The Democrats are saying the wall is non-negotiable, but that's the only thing Trump wants and that's why we are here.

The Democrats are saying "Re-open the government and we'll talk". As to what Democrats are willing to give, we don't know because Trump walked out before asking.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

Trump said that the wall is non-negotiable, but willing to trade something with the Democrats in return. The Democrats are saying the wall is non-negotiable, but that's the only thing Trump wants and that's why we are here.

The Democrats are saying "Re-open the government and we'll talk". As to what Democrats are willing to give, we don't know because Trump walked out before asking.

Of course that’s what they’re saying. They think Trump is some kind of a sucker born last night. Give us what we want now and then we’ll tell you to take a hike later. Would you accept that kind of deal?

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Left Wing economics destroys the middle class.
Democrat politicians regard the middle class to be their tax slaves.
Just listen to that left wing dolt Cortez.
The middle class is fleeing CA and NY to get away from the greedy corrupt Democrats.
Left Wing economics destroys the middle class.
Democrat politicians regard the middle class to be their tax slaves.
Just listen to that left wing dolt Cortez.
The middle class is fleeing CA and NY to get away from the greedy corrupt Democrats.
Pure trolling bullshit. You can't substantiate any of that nor will you try.

The goal is the claim
$60K is the exact middle...it does not describe the middle class.

80% earn less than $110K

Describe the middle class.
lower middle class $35K to $60K
Upper middle class $60K to $110K


A household making $35,000.00 annually was percentile 32.6% in 2016. This percentile ranged from $35,000.00 to $35,003.00 a year.

A household making $110,000.00 annually was percentile 77.7% in 2016. This percentile ranged from $110,000.00 to $110,042.00 a year.

2016 Household Income Percentile Calculator for the United States – DQYDJ

That's about 45% of the population.

Using this inflation calculator.

US Inflation Calculator


In 1985, that range would have been $15,695-$26,906 for lower middle class.
$26,906-$49,327 for upper middle class.
$60K is the exact middle...it does not describe the middle class.

80% earn less than $110K

Describe the middle class.
lower middle class $35K to $60K
Upper middle class $60K to $110K


A household making $35,000.00 annually was percentile 32.6% in 2016. This percentile ranged from $35,000.00 to $35,003.00 a year.

A household making $110,000.00 annually was percentile 77.7% in 2016. This percentile ranged from $110,000.00 to $110,042.00 a year.

2016 Household Income Percentile Calculator for the United States – DQYDJ

That's about 45% of the population.

Using this inflation calculator.

US Inflation Calculator

View attachment 241815

In 1985, that range would have been $15,695-$26,906 for lower middle class.
$26,906-$49,327 for upper middle class.
There's a point in there somewhere...
The rul
Left Wing economics destroys the middle class.
Democrat politicians regard the middle class to be their tax slaves.
Just listen to that left wing dolt Cortez.
The middle class is fleeing CA and NY to get away from the greedy corrupt Democrats.

The rulers we face are a coalition between upper class aristocrats, generations long political dynasties some of them, and the underclass. The upper class uses its power to confiscate middle class earnings and hand it out, in subsistence amounts, to the underclass. In exchange the underclass provides votes, riots, street action as necessary and plays on security fears of middle class families.

Its a powerful system because the people providing the resources arent the people with either political, legal or agenda setting power nor have they been pushed far enough to match the threat from below in physical terms.

Recognizing this will explain the strange sight of billionaires, bankers, corporations, hedge funds and celebrities successfully manipulating the vote of food stamp and social security recipients.

By the way the Democrats just voted down a bill to make your 24,000.00 tax deduction permanent. The underclass pay no taxes and the rich have 24,000.00 stuck in their limo cushions. Need any more evidence?
$60K is the exact middle...it does not describe the middle class.

80% earn less than $110K

Describe the middle class.
lower middle class $35K to $60K
Upper middle class $60K to $110K


A household making $35,000.00 annually was percentile 32.6% in 2016. This percentile ranged from $35,000.00 to $35,003.00 a year.

A household making $110,000.00 annually was percentile 77.7% in 2016. This percentile ranged from $110,000.00 to $110,042.00 a year.

2016 Household Income Percentile Calculator for the United States – DQYDJ

That's about 45% of the population.

Using this inflation calculator.

US Inflation Calculator

View attachment 241815

In 1985, that range would have been $15,695-$26,906 for lower middle class.
$26,906-$49,327 for upper middle class.
There's a point in there somewhere...

Hutch said $60,000 in 1985 was middle class.
According to your definition of middle class, his number was 20% higher than your
top number for upper middle class.
Hutch said $60,000 in 1985 was middle class.
According to your definition of middle class, his number was 20% higher than your
top number for upper middle class.

So you actually proved he was correct. 20%? This isn't a term paper
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

That’s been the Republican plan all along.

They loot the country to make sure billionaires have everything they need to be multi billionaires.

It’s not a secret. They tell us all the time who they are.

We just need to listen that’s all, we just need to listen.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
More lies.

If you go and take someone hostage and then tell them give me what I want and I’ll let them go.

And if you don’t give me what I want then whatever happens is your fault.

That’s what terrorists do.

That’s why this country doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.

At this point, considering the shut down, the tax cuts for billionaires, the looting, the lying, I don’t really see a lot of difference between Republicans and terrorists. Republicans even want to turn the country over to Vladimir Putin. Why? Because that’s what terrorists would do.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
More lies.

If you go and take someone hostage and then tell them give me what I want and I’ll let them go.

And if you don’t give me what I want then whatever happens is your fault.

That’s what terrorists do.

That’s why this country doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.

At this point, considering the shut down, the tax cuts for billionaires, the looting, the lying, I don’t really see a lot of difference between Republicans and terrorists. Republicans even want to turn the country over to Vladimir Putin. Why? Because that’s what terrorists would do.

Who's really the hostage takers here, R-Derp? Trump isn't asking for something extreme. He simply wants to secure the border? Now what possible reason would Democrats have for not wanting a secure border? Isn't that obvious? They're counting on a never ending stream of Hispanics entering the country and at some point becoming voters that will keep liberals in power. So your Democratic leaders in Congress are screwing over government workers and the American economy...all so they can gain more political power down the road.

That's the side that YOU support!
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
There is no express wall building power or immigration clause in our Constitution; Government should not be shut down over any implied powers.
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
Nope. Trump has said his budget request is non-negotiable. His offer is nothing on DACA . The inaction of the Supreme Court is now protecting DACA kids.

The fact is...Trump has offered a compromise. Pelosi and the Democrats have offered nothing. If one side is willing to compromise and the other is not...then who's at fault for the continuing impasse?
More lies.

If you go and take someone hostage and then tell them give me what I want and I’ll let them go.

And if you don’t give me what I want then whatever happens is your fault.

That’s what terrorists do.

That’s why this country doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.

At this point, considering the shut down, the tax cuts for billionaires, the looting, the lying, I don’t really see a lot of difference between Republicans and terrorists. Republicans even want to turn the country over to Vladimir Putin. Why? Because that’s what terrorists would do.

Who's really the hostage takers here, R-Derp? Trump isn't asking for something extreme. He simply wants to secure the border? Now what possible reason would Democrats have for not wanting a secure border? Isn't that obvious? They're counting on a never ending stream of Hispanics entering the country and at some point becoming voters that will keep liberals in power. So your Democratic leaders in Congress are screwing over government workers and the American economy...all so they can gain more political power down the road.

That's the side that YOU support!
Bullshit. Trump shut down the government over a SYMBOL. 5 billion isn't going to get a wall built and no one can say what it WILL build.

It's a fucking boondoggle to make YOU happy

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Most people believe they need an iphoneX, have to drive a Mercedes, own a 2500 sq foot house, have a 60 inch flat screen with the full cable channel package plus complete Netfix and the ultimate speed internet, then to top it all off eat out every night. Housekeeper and Gardner are almost optional.

On top of that as gg pointed out so many are into instant gratification. Must have the newest and greatest NOW.

It's true. My family adopted an old-fashioned, frugal approach to finances in order to improve our financial position in the long-term and to be more in accordance with our religious beliefs. We rented a small home (because we moved to a new city and didn't know yet where we wanted to settle permanently) which has adequate space, but nothing luxurious; we got rid of the car we were making monthly payments on and went to using public transportation until such time as we had saved enough money to purchase a vehicle outright; my husband and I are both using phones that came with our plan when we signed up five years ago, my older son has the phone I used prior to that, and my youngest doesn't bother having a phone at all; we do nearly all of our cooking at home instead of eating out, I take my lunch to work rather than getting takeout with the rest of the office, and I clip coupons and shop sales like a mad fiend. And everything that doesn't go to bills and essentials goes into the savings account.

Although my husband and I actually make quite a decent living between us, people keep assuming that we're poor because we actually do without things on the crazy basis of "We don't really need that."
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