If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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And what
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Please find something to back up your assertions.

Well, I think the fact that 78% of the nation is living paycheck to paycheck and personal debt is climbing seems to be pretty good evidence.

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck

Add to this that 71% of the country also has a smartphone...which are not cheap.
do these gov't workers get paid So much that they can save for a calamity like the one trump is giving for them?
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
I'm actually starting to admire Pelosi a little more. I liked PayGo when W was potus. And I don't see her options with Trump. I think it's clear the dems are signaling they'll consider an offer from Trump that doesn't include the Wall across Texas. Trump never won a popular mandate for it, and the dems just handed the gop their asses. If Trump can force his will through blackmailing by hurting over a million workers and negatively affecting our safety ... we both know damn well the SOB will do it over and over. There's only one way to stand up to a bully.
If when he was on stage with those 17 candidates and said Americans NOT Mexico were going to pay for that wall he'd be in Fla and NY now ripping off whomever he could
That was one strange election. Both "parties" lost. Of course after Comey my neighbor and I both figured the country was fucked.
And what
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Please find something to back up your assertions.

Well, I think the fact that 78% of the nation is living paycheck to paycheck and personal debt is climbing seems to be pretty good evidence.

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck

Add to this that 71% of the country also has a smartphone...which are not cheap.
do these gov't workers get paid So much that they can save for a calamity like the one trump is giving for them?

Most get paid enough to save some. Fed workers get paid a fair wage, and for those with less than a Master's they get paid pretty darn well.

Average Federal Employee Salary in States: How Do You Compare? : FedSmith.com

These numbers are skewed by the fact that the Fed workforce is much older on average than the civilian workforce, there are very few entry level jobs in the Fed government. Thus they are more experienced and tend to have more education so they get paid for that.
do these gov't workers get paid So much that they can save for a calamity like the one trump is giving for them?

they make good salaries for what they do, and get great pensions, and benefits for life. If Schumer, and Pelosi accepted Trumps COMPROMISES which has offered multiple times then the shutdown would end. The Democrats OWN the shutdown. They are obstructionists and the Party of NO.
I have lived all of my life in high-expence areas of the country. I don't know where I could rent an apartment for $600 a month.

the republicans seem to be inept regarding to what the American Peoples' needs are in this country, and their followers seem to be ignorant.
do these gov't workers get paid So much that they can save for a calamity like the one trump is giving for them?

they make good salaries for what they do, and get great pensions, and benefits for life. If Schumer, and Pelosi accepted Trumps COMPROMISES which has offered multiple times then the shutdown would end. The Democrats OWN the shutdown. They are obstructionists and the Party of NO.

Every party that is not the party in the White House is the party of no.

Perhaps you have forgotten these folks...

John Boehner on the Obama agenda“We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”

Mitch McConnell “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
Most live paycheck to paycheck because they don't make enough to save and corporate wages aren't spectacular for most. The system dictates most will have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Okay, so how does the lowly fast food worker manage to survive off $18,000 a year if $60,000 a year isn't enough to save money on a regular basis?

Surviving is saving?
$60k was a middle class income thirty years ago. Today, $145k is required to have the same lifestyle.

Inflation Calculator

And that somehow excuses people making $60k from being equally responsible with their money as the fast food worker?
They survive just barely...and with government assistance. Newsflash...on $18K you aren't paying a mortgage or a car payment. You rent cheaply and MIGHT drive a clunker

Really? Anyone making $18,000 a year is on government assistance? You moron, someone making that much money makes too much to qualify for assistance.

Sure, it's not a luxurious lifestyle, but they make it work. And if they can make it work, then there is no reason why someone making $60k a year is unable to tuck away savings every month. Anyone living paycheck to paycheck at $60k a year is terrribly irresponsible and I have no sympathy for them whatsoever.

What fucking planet do you live on?

How much do YOU make?

More than you'll ever make. Oh, and I have a royalty check on it's way soon! Mo money, mo money! Be that as it may, I also know what it means to struggle financially. REALLY struggle.
do these gov't workers get paid So much that they can save for a calamity like the one trump is giving for them?

they make good salaries for what they do, and get great pensions, and benefits for life. If Schumer, and Pelosi accepted Trumps COMPROMISES which has offered multiple times then the shutdown would end. The Democrats OWN the shutdown. They are obstructionists and the Party of NO.

Every party that is not the party in the White House is the party of no.

Perhaps you have forgotten these folks...

John Boehner on the Obama agenda“We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”

Mitch McConnell “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
They survive just barely...and with government assistance. Newsflash...on $18K you aren't paying a mortgage or a car payment. You rent cheaply and MIGHT drive a clunker

Really? Anyone making $18,000 a year is on government assistance? You moron, someone making that much money makes too much to qualify for assistance.

Sure, it's not a luxurious lifestyle, but they make it work. And if they can make it work, then there is no reason why someone making $60k a year is unable to tuck away savings every month. Anyone living paycheck to paycheck at $60k a year is terrribly irresponsible and I have no sympathy for them whatsoever.

What fucking planet do you live on?

How much do YOU make?

More than you'll ever make. Oh, and I have a royalty check on it's way soon! Mo money, mo money! Be that as it may, I also know what it means to struggle financially. REALLY struggle.
oh come on stormy not everyone gets 130000 for a little pussy
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Guess you don't know how much government workers make, do you?

General Schedule (GS) Base Pay Scale for 2019

At entry level, GS1 step 1's make around 18,500/year.

And, most government workers are GS5 or below. You gotta be a supervisor to get those higher positions. A GS5 step 8 (highest pay for a GS5), makes around 36,600/year.

18,500/year is around 1,500/month.
36,600/year is around 3,000/month.

Here in Amarillo, cheap rent is 950 for a house, with most of them being 1,200 to 1,500/month. Then, you have to factor in utilities, 50 average for elect, 40 for water, 50 for gas. Then, there is the need for food and gas money to get back and forth to work.

Add all that up, and you can see quite easily how a GS1 would DEFINITELY be living paycheck to paycheck, and even a GS5 would have trouble saving very much money for a rainy day.

Trump needs to stop this foolishness and reopen the government. If these workers miss another paycheck, the ripple effect on the economy could be pretty bad.
Why are people living from paycheck to paycheck? It is because they overextend themselves. I am retired on a fixed income and I could miss a few social security checks and still stay above water. I do not receive food stamps but I am in subsidized housing and I have my medical care. I do not understand seniors who are having to choose between medicine and food. I spend wisely and budget and I manage to save each month. If needed there are over a dozen food pantries I can go to for food and other items.
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Please find something to back up your assertions.

Well, I think the fact that 78% of the nation is living paycheck to paycheck and personal debt is climbing seems to be pretty good evidence.

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck

Add to this that 71% of the country also has a smartphone...which are not cheap.

Depends on the smartphone. Like I said, I'm using the one that the phone company gave me for practically nothing when I signed up with them years ago. Does everything I need it to do, and it's in excellent condition, because I've taken care of it instead of treating it like it's disposable, as so many people do.
Why are people living from paycheck to paycheck? It is because they overextend themselves. I am retired on a fixed income and I could miss a few social security checks and still stay above water. I do not receive food stamps but I am in subsidized housing and I have my medical care. I do not understand seniors who are having to choose between medicine and food. I spend wisely and budget and I manage to save each month. If needed there are over a dozen food pantries I can go to for food and other items.

Look up how much a government worker makes. GS1 step 1 makes 18,500/year. GS5 step 8 makes around 36,000/year, and most government workers are GS5 and below.

At 18,500/year, you are taking home 1,500/month
At 36,600/year, you are taking home roughly 3,000/month.

Very few government workers that I knew over the 20 years I was in the Navy had subsidized housing. They had to pay full rent.

Rent here in Amarillo is 950 for cheap rent, average is 1,200 to 1,500/month for a house. But, if you don't mind living in sketchy areas of town, you can get rent down to around 550/month.

Don't forget the utilities. 50 bucks for gas, 50 for water, and maybe 100 for electricity.

Then, you can start to factor in things like gas to get to work, food, clothing and incidental expenses.

Do the math, and you can see how lots of government workers are living paycheck to paycheck.
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Guess you don't know how much government workers make, do you?

General Schedule (GS) Base Pay Scale for 2019

At entry level, GS1 step 1's make around 18,500/year.

And, most government workers are GS5 or below. You gotta be a supervisor to get those higher positions. A GS5 step 8 (highest pay for a GS5), makes around 36,600/year.

18,500/year is around 1,500/month.
36,600/year is around 3,000/month.

Here in Amarillo, cheap rent is 950 for a house, with most of them being 1,200 to 1,500/month. Then, you have to factor in utilities, 50 average for elect, 40 for water, 50 for gas. Then, there is the need for food and gas money to get back and forth to work.

Add all that up, and you can see quite easily how a GS1 would DEFINITELY be living paycheck to paycheck, and even a GS5 would have trouble saving very much money for a rainy day.

Trump needs to stop this foolishness and reopen the government. If these workers miss another paycheck, the ripple effect on the economy could be pretty bad.

HuffPo has a much different opinion than yours.

Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce
12/21/2015 03:21 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017

Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce | HuffPost
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
I'm actually starting to admire Pelosi a little more. I liked PayGo when W was potus. And I don't see her options with Trump. I think it's clear the dems are signaling they'll consider an offer from Trump that doesn't include the Wall across Texas. Trump never won a popular mandate for it, and the dems just handed the gop their asses. If Trump can force his will through blackmailing by hurting over a million workers and negatively affecting our safety ... we both know damn well the SOB will do it over and over. There's only one way to stand up to a bully.
If when he was on stage with those 17 candidates and said Americans NOT Mexico were going to pay for that wall he'd be in Fla and NY now ripping off whomever he could

You people are such puppets. Trump didn't win based on who would pay for the wall, he won because he was the only candidate that promised to build it. To try and convince you sheep, the Democrats planted this nonsense in your head that Mexico paying for the wall was an issue with Trump voters. Trust me, it's not and never has been.
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Guess you don't know how much government workers make, do you?

General Schedule (GS) Base Pay Scale for 2019

At entry level, GS1 step 1's make around 18,500/year.

And, most government workers are GS5 or below. You gotta be a supervisor to get those higher positions. A GS5 step 8 (highest pay for a GS5), makes around 36,600/year.

18,500/year is around 1,500/month.
36,600/year is around 3,000/month.

Here in Amarillo, cheap rent is 950 for a house, with most of them being 1,200 to 1,500/month. Then, you have to factor in utilities, 50 average for elect, 40 for water, 50 for gas. Then, there is the need for food and gas money to get back and forth to work.

Add all that up, and you can see quite easily how a GS1 would DEFINITELY be living paycheck to paycheck, and even a GS5 would have trouble saving very much money for a rainy day.

Trump needs to stop this foolishness and reopen the government. If these workers miss another paycheck, the ripple effect on the economy could be pretty bad.

HuffPo has a much different opinion than yours.

Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce
12/21/2015 03:21 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017

Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce | HuffPost

I worked with many government workers while on shore duty over the 20 years I was in the Navy. The average rank was GS5 or below. I already posted the pay scale for you to view.

Besides.................I thought you conservatives would never trust HuffPo.
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
I'm actually starting to admire Pelosi a little more. I liked PayGo when W was potus. And I don't see her options with Trump. I think it's clear the dems are signaling they'll consider an offer from Trump that doesn't include the Wall across Texas. Trump never won a popular mandate for it, and the dems just handed the gop their asses. If Trump can force his will through blackmailing by hurting over a million workers and negatively affecting our safety ... we both know damn well the SOB will do it over and over. There's only one way to stand up to a bully.
If when he was on stage with those 17 candidates and said Americans NOT Mexico were going to pay for that wall he'd be in Fla and NY now ripping off whomever he could

You people are such puppets. Trump didn't win based on who would pay for the wall, he won because he was the only candidate that promised to build it. To try and convince you sheep, the Democrats planted this nonsense in your head that Mexico paying for the wall was an issue with Trump voters. Trust me, it's not and never has been.

You are attempting to rewrite history here. Mexico paying for the wall was mentioned just about every time the wall was mentioned, the two themes were tied together purposefully by Trump.
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