If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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What's telling is that the Democrats are now proposing that Trump be given 5 billion dollars for "border security" but with the provision that ZERO of that money be used for any type of barrier! So it's obviously not the cost of a wall that's bothering Democrats...what they want to make absolutely sure of...is that as few people as possible are stopped from coming into the country.

In truth, I think what a lot of the Democrats really want is just to make sure that Trump doesn't get whatever it is he wants.


Of course that is all that matters to them, just like all that matters to Trump is getting what he wants.

Not unlike the Repubs back when this was said...“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Oh, lovely. What-aboutism. Always helpful.

Couple of differences, though. First, Congressional Republicans may not have wanted Obama to get a second term, but they were always more willing to negotiate a deal than Pelosi and the Democrats now are. Second, Trump is standing firm on wanting a wall, but he's not standing firm on "opposing Democrats on everything no matter what they say, just to oppose them". I would be different if Pelosi & Co. were balking about some core policy principle of theirs, but their primary - maybe only - policy at the moment seems to be anti-Trumpism.

geeze, agree with a person and they still attack you.

It is a game both sides play and a game that the sheep from both sides give their leaders a pass on...that is why it will never change.

your willingness to excuse any action by the GOP while condemning every action by the Dems just makes you part of the problem.

both side are equally guilty of it...but you will never see that as long as you keep living in the GOP sheep pen

What "willingness to excuse any action by the GOP" would that be? The one you simply assume I have because you can't operate outside of a binary partisan paradigm?

I'm not required to pretend I think Trump is wrong about everything just to win your approval as "sophisticated and jaded, so it must mean smart." Thanks anyway.

The fact remains that in this case, Trump is actually trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not. The Democrats aren't trying to do or accomplish anything; they're just opposing Trump for the sake of opposing Trump. Of the two, I respect his position more.
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They can get loans and temp jobs. And if they aren't working they don't need to pay for daycare. I stand with Wilber Ross and Donald T. "fuckem" Trump.

Most are still working just not getting paid. So they have all the expenses and zero of the income.

You and Ross are both morons

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Think he might have had tongue in cheek Mr Gator
What's telling is that the Democrats are now proposing that Trump be given 5 billion dollars for "border security" but with the provision that ZERO of that money be used for any type of barrier! So it's obviously not the cost of a wall that's bothering Democrats...what they want to make absolutely sure of...is that as few people as possible are stopped from coming into the country.

In truth, I think what a lot of the Democrats really want is just to make sure that Trump doesn't get whatever it is he wants.


Of course that is all that matters to them, just like all that matters to Trump is getting what he wants.

Not unlike the Repubs back when this was said...“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Oh, lovely. What-aboutism. Always helpful.

Couple of differences, though. First, Congressional Republicans may not have wanted Obama to get a second term, but they were always more willing to negotiate a deal than Pelosi and the Democrats now are. Second, Trump is standing firm on wanting a wall, but he's not standing firm on "opposing Democrats on everything no matter what they say, just to oppose them". I would be different if Pelosi & Co. were balking about some core policy principle of theirs, but their primary - maybe only - policy at the moment seems to be anti-Trumpism.

geeze, agree with a person and they still attack you.

It is a game both sides play and a game that the sheep from both sides give their leaders a pass on...that is why it will never change.

your willingness to excuse any action by the GOP while condemning every action by the Dems just makes you part of the problem.

both side are equally guilty of it...but you will never see that as long as you keep living in the GOP sheep pen

What "willingness to excuse any action by the GOP" would that be? The one you simply assume I have because you can't operate outside of a binary partisan paradigm?

I'm not required to pretend I think Trump is wrong about everything just to win your approval as "sophisticated and jaded, so it must mean smart." Thanks anyway.

The fact remains that in this case, Trump is actually trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not. The Democrats aren't trying to do or accomplish anything; they're just opposing Trump for the sake of opposing Trump. Of the two, I respect his position more.
We have not been much good at bipartisanship since 2004.
I enjoy watching Strickly Kosher
If you took a job with the government and had no idea this happens now and then, it’s you own fault and nobody else.

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these people took a good job to support their famillies. What job do you doe. Are you married? How many children? Besides aiming a gun toward your viewer, are you a mechanic? A farmer? A plumber? A truck driver? What are you?

Sob stories and appeals to blind emotion aside, what does this have to do with anything?

"Took a good job to support their families." And? How is that different from anyone else? Most of us take the best job we can to take care of our families. So what? That doesn't negate the fact of adult life that every job has its downside, and you have to plan to work around it.

Stop trying to create abused-victim stories on every subject to get your way because you can't create a coherent argument in favor of what you want.
Yes. People get jobs to support their families.They are supposed to get paid for doing work.

But you are a freak. We know this. Little "Christian mama." Go read your bible, you stupid POS.

Does it bother you at all that you calling me "Christian" as though it's an insult just makes me that much more convinced that my beliefs are correct, and everything about you is as pathetic as it is possible to be?

Run along and hump someone else's leg now, little bigot. I already have pets that are both cuter and smarter than you.

Run along, you cheap little shit. Don't you have a husband who commands your to spread your legs? You cheap girls are all alike. Just junky prostitutes.

I'm very sorry that no man worth having ever wanted you, Lice, but you really should see a therapist about how much you envy me. It's not good for you.
But trump stated when the feces hits the fan he'll be gone What a great leader with such wonderful foresight
A swine
What's telling is that the Democrats are now proposing that Trump be given 5 billion dollars for "border security" but with the provision that ZERO of that money be used for any type of barrier! So it's obviously not the cost of a wall that's bothering Democrats...what they want to make absolutely sure of...is that as few people as possible are stopped from coming into the country.

In truth, I think what a lot of the Democrats really want is just to make sure that Trump doesn't get whatever it is he wants.


Of course that is all that matters to them, just like all that matters to Trump is getting what he wants.

Not unlike the Repubs back when this was said...“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Oh, lovely. What-aboutism. Always helpful.

Couple of differences, though. First, Congressional Republicans may not have wanted Obama to get a second term, but they were always more willing to negotiate a deal than Pelosi and the Democrats now are. Second, Trump is standing firm on wanting a wall, but he's not standing firm on "opposing Democrats on everything no matter what they say, just to oppose them". I would be different if Pelosi & Co. were balking about some core policy principle of theirs, but their primary - maybe only - policy at the moment seems to be anti-Trumpism.

geeze, agree with a person and they still attack you.

It is a game both sides play and a game that the sheep from both sides give their leaders a pass on...that is why it will never change.

your willingness to excuse any action by the GOP while condemning every action by the Dems just makes you part of the problem.

both side are equally guilty of it...but you will never see that as long as you keep living in the GOP sheep pen

What "willingness to excuse any action by the GOP" would that be? The one you simply assume I have because you can't operate outside of a binary partisan paradigm?

I'm not required to pretend I think Trump is wrong about everything just to win your approval as "sophisticated and jaded, so it must mean smart." Thanks anyway.

The fact remains that in this case, Trump is actually trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not. The Democrats aren't trying to do or accomplish anything; they're just opposing Trump for the sake of opposing Trump. Of the two, I respect his position more.

if you stepped outside of the binary partisan paradigm your mind would shut down and not know what to do without being fed talking points.
In truth, I think what a lot of the Democrats really want is just to make sure that Trump doesn't get whatever it is he wants.


Of course that is all that matters to them, just like all that matters to Trump is getting what he wants.

Not unlike the Repubs back when this was said...“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Oh, lovely. What-aboutism. Always helpful.

Couple of differences, though. First, Congressional Republicans may not have wanted Obama to get a second term, but they were always more willing to negotiate a deal than Pelosi and the Democrats now are. Second, Trump is standing firm on wanting a wall, but he's not standing firm on "opposing Democrats on everything no matter what they say, just to oppose them". I would be different if Pelosi & Co. were balking about some core policy principle of theirs, but their primary - maybe only - policy at the moment seems to be anti-Trumpism.

geeze, agree with a person and they still attack you.

It is a game both sides play and a game that the sheep from both sides give their leaders a pass on...that is why it will never change.

your willingness to excuse any action by the GOP while condemning every action by the Dems just makes you part of the problem.

both side are equally guilty of it...but you will never see that as long as you keep living in the GOP sheep pen

What "willingness to excuse any action by the GOP" would that be? The one you simply assume I have because you can't operate outside of a binary partisan paradigm?

I'm not required to pretend I think Trump is wrong about everything just to win your approval as "sophisticated and jaded, so it must mean smart." Thanks anyway.

The fact remains that in this case, Trump is actually trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not. The Democrats aren't trying to do or accomplish anything; they're just opposing Trump for the sake of opposing Trump. Of the two, I respect his position more.
We have not been much good at bipartisanship since 2004.

I'm not the blind fan of "bipartisan, oooh!" that a lot of people are. I've pretty much always assumed politics was more about bargaining and horse-trading than it was about agreeing. The big problem these days is that far too many people can't even manage THAT much pragmatism any more, and are too busy trying to find ways to get everything they want, nothing they don't, and RIGHT NOW to actually be useful or mature.

And Pelosi & Co. aren't even doing that much, because the only thing they seem to want is to disagree with Trump no matter what.

Of course that is all that matters to them, just like all that matters to Trump is getting what he wants.

Not unlike the Repubs back when this was said...“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Oh, lovely. What-aboutism. Always helpful.

Couple of differences, though. First, Congressional Republicans may not have wanted Obama to get a second term, but they were always more willing to negotiate a deal than Pelosi and the Democrats now are. Second, Trump is standing firm on wanting a wall, but he's not standing firm on "opposing Democrats on everything no matter what they say, just to oppose them". I would be different if Pelosi & Co. were balking about some core policy principle of theirs, but their primary - maybe only - policy at the moment seems to be anti-Trumpism.

geeze, agree with a person and they still attack you.

It is a game both sides play and a game that the sheep from both sides give their leaders a pass on...that is why it will never change.

your willingness to excuse any action by the GOP while condemning every action by the Dems just makes you part of the problem.

both side are equally guilty of it...but you will never see that as long as you keep living in the GOP sheep pen

What "willingness to excuse any action by the GOP" would that be? The one you simply assume I have because you can't operate outside of a binary partisan paradigm?

I'm not required to pretend I think Trump is wrong about everything just to win your approval as "sophisticated and jaded, so it must mean smart." Thanks anyway.

The fact remains that in this case, Trump is actually trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not. The Democrats aren't trying to do or accomplish anything; they're just opposing Trump for the sake of opposing Trump. Of the two, I respect his position more.
We have not been much good at bipartisanship since 2004.

I'm not the blind fan of "bipartisan, oooh!" that a lot of people are. I've pretty much always assumed politics was more about bargaining and horse-trading than it was about agreeing. The big problem these days is that far too many people can't even manage THAT much pragmatism any more, and are too busy trying to find ways to get everything they want, nothing they don't, and RIGHT NOW to actually be useful or mature.

And Pelosi & Co. aren't even doing that much, because the only thing they seem to want is to disagree with Trump no matter what.
I think you're dead wrong Didn't Pelosi offer the 5.6 for border security ,,just not for a wasteful wall?
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.
The one good thing that the trump shutdown has revealed is the amount of people and families who are living on the edge. People who have children to care for. Oh! The FAMILY!

Just where are these "traditional" types? Are they feeding and paying the rents/mortgages of these "hero" parents? Wilbur Ross, who eats every day, doesn't even understand why families are turning to food banks.The anti-abortion types want everyone to take a fertilized egg and add another mouth to feed.
Now we see couples who have made good decisions regarding their creation of families, but they can't get on. What happens to the "traditional" family--two parents, two kids?

If you took a job with the government and had no idea this happens now and then, it’s you own fault and nobody else.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
these people took a good job to support their famillies. What job do you doe. Are you married? How many children? Besides aiming a gun toward your viewer, are you a mechanic? A farmer? A plumber? A truck driver? What are you?

If you must know, I'm a truck driver and a landlord. I don't know how that's relevant to the subject. No, I've never been married or had any children. I didn't want the expense. I don't like getting involved in things I can't easily back out of. I think ahead in life and others should as well. When others find themselves in a terrible position because they didn't want to think ahead, I have no sympathy because anybody could have done what I did.
I take it then you do not give a shit what happens to the American people.You are just a selfish slob with a gun.
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
But trump stated when the feces hits the fan he'll be gone What a great leader with such wonderful foresight
A swine
Yeah I think Obama pretty much turned his back on McCain when McCain offered to support some HC expansion but less than universal coverage. Although Obama promised Kennedy he'd press ahead. But govt went Tribal after Obamacare. Maybe it was inevitable. 1828 killed Rachel Jackson, and there was very little compromise for 8 years. Lincoln of course, although he attempted compromise. And then FDR. I guess sometimes one side has to lose.

As for Ceclile's post, I think it's obvious that a super majority is coalescing to demand some services from the fed govt, because they've lost faith in their jobs or the economy providing them. I don't see any evidence that immigrants are here to avoid work or they don't embrace a meritocracy. And I think Trump voters who aren't on soc sec just think upward opportunity isn't there for them.

And it's true that a tenth grade or HS educ won't get you too far. And employers really don't want to provide HC or retirement.
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Please find something to back up your assertions.
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either

both are dirty and both are just playing games trying to line things up for 2020. Neither give a fuck about us, illegals or any of the other tripe they spew daily.
Hutch said $60,000 in 1985 was middle class.
According to your definition of middle class, his number was 20% higher than your
top number for upper middle class.

So you actually proved he was correct. 20%? This isn't a term paper

He was wrong. He said you need $145,000 today to live a middle class lifestyle.
Today that puts you in the top 13% of household income.
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
I'm actually starting to admire Pelosi a little more. I liked PayGo when W was potus. And I don't see her options with Trump. I think it's clear the dems are signaling they'll consider an offer from Trump that doesn't include the Wall across Texas. Trump never won a popular mandate for it, and the dems just handed the gop their asses. If Trump can force his will through blackmailing by hurting over a million workers and negatively affecting our safety ... we both know damn well the SOB will do it over and over. There's only one way to stand up to a bully.
Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Many people feel entitled today, and believe they deserve something for nothing. They live beyond their means, run up debt, and can barely make ends meet. If people decided to live within their means then they could have significant savings, and not live paycheck to paycheck.

Please find something to back up your assertions.

Well, I think the fact that 78% of the nation is living paycheck to paycheck and personal debt is climbing seems to be pretty good evidence.

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck

Add to this that 71% of the country also has a smartphone...which are not cheap.
meanwhile...the American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance Fund is running dry trying to help the Coasties that are being fucked over during this shutdown.

Our turn to rescue the Coast Guard, and we need your help.

We are doing a flea market with all the proceeds going to the fund. Other post are doing similar things.

These people put their lives on the line on a more regular basis than just about anyone and we cannot even give them a paycheck.

Sometimes we just suck as a country.
dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
I'm actually starting to admire Pelosi a little more. I liked PayGo when W was potus. And I don't see her options with Trump. I think it's clear the dems are signaling they'll consider an offer from Trump that doesn't include the Wall across Texas. Trump never won a popular mandate for it, and the dems just handed the gop their asses. If Trump can force his will through blackmailing by hurting over a million workers and negatively affecting our safety ... we both know damn well the SOB will do it over and over. There's only one way to stand up to a bully.
If when he was on stage with those 17 candidates and said Americans NOT Mexico were going to pay for that wall he'd be in Fla and NY now ripping off whomever he could
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