If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Like Bill Maher? Or Barrack Obama? Or Warren Buffet? Or Bill Gates? Or the Clintons? Or me? I am doing just fine, because I dont rely on someone else to take care of me, but have enough income of my own, not to worry about missing a paycheck. Many of my friends, who own their own businesses dont worry about missing a paycheck either. Seems that when you rely on the government to take care of you, you will be fucked every time by that government. The government isnt the answer, the government is the problem....

Did you miss the part about paycheck, or are you really that obtuse?

Most people work for a living as employees and don't own their own business. They don't rely on the government.

Like Maher said, the problem is we can't have a socioeconomic system, that is of the benefit of the few.

Which is why we will be returning to a socioeconomic system that existed between 1947-1980.

Being the successful business owner that you are, this shouldn't be an issue for you right?

I have my income coming in from Dividend paying stocks between 6 - 10% annually. I started investing back in 1987 with Home Depot and bought other stocks since then. My annual income is over $400,000 year. Everyone could be doing this, but the liberal elites dont want you to know about it, because then you would be more like them....

Yeah, I use to think that. I started investing in stocks and mutual funds in 1968 and have never stopped which has provided a great income for me and my family and has made it possible to help family members who needed help

However, many people are just not that lucky. I was because I got to go college and got a good paying job and kept one till I retired. For various reasons many people just lose faith in themselves. They believe they are losers and that's what they become. They would never invest in the stock market because they don't believe they will succeed.

I think it all starts when your very young. Some parents can instill in their kids self esteem and a believe that they can succeed. Other parents do just the opposite.

However, many people are just not that lucky.
You shouldn't play the stock market if you think it is luck. It takes work and knowledge to play the market. Back in 2007 when Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, caused the housing bubble, I went to a restaurant with my kids, because at the time, the crowd was all the way out the door and around the building. After eating there, I went and checked out the stock and found that before the crash it was $155 a share but was now down to 50. So bought in with $40,000 and waited for it to go back up. Boy did it go up...CMG (Chipotle Mexican Grill). Yeah, it was a risk, but a small one, because companies that provide good food and service, cheaply, I knew had a place. I sold at $400 a share, thus making 8 x profits. All the resources to be a good investors is right in front of everyone who is reading this.

Stock market today: News, data and summary - MSN Money

Because jobs don’t pay worth a shit anymore.
Fake news.
See? ^^

These fools don't care about addressing problems. They are just cackling grave dancers.
We are addressing the problems. We elected Trump. You traitor liars spew filth and half truth and outright lies 24/7. You should be imprisoned for life.
Whiny trolls will be whiny trolls...
And poverty queens/queers, will bitch and moan how they dont have money because of the "income gap"...When you vote for the people who want to keep you poor, then you deserve to be poor. Dumbass.
So any way, I have taught all my kids how to invest in the stock market. I have told them about the highs the lows, the dividend income, that if a Socialist like Bernie gets in, to sell everything and buy gold, but if we continue to have FREE markets, they will over a long period of time have over 5 million dollars each if they invest it in the market with dividends paying 6-11% annually reinvested. So when they achieve 55 they can if they want retire and on 5 million dollars at 11% dividend paid out, that is $550,000 a year and only pay around 5% taxes on that non earned income. Too many people doubt this, which is why they remain poor, but that is their choice...

if they invest it in the market with dividends paying 6-11% annually reinvested.

Which of your holdings is paying you 11%?
I have two at the moment. This is not insider trading just to let you know.

CIM - Stock quote for Chimera Investment Corp - MSN Money

Dividend Rate (Yield) 2.00 (10.76%)

GMLP - Stock quote for Golar LNG Partners LP - MSN Money

Dividend Rate (Yield) 1.62 (11.77%)

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

The same reason Donald has gone bankrupt over and over. Reckless spending behaviors and general stupidity.

Speaking of general stupidity, how do you call "over and over again" when the number is actually five bankruptcies after owning or operating over 550 companies?

And you know damn well that all those companies are nothing more than pieces of paper. Having 500 passthrough LLCs doesn't mean you actually own 500 businesses. It simply means you have 500 complicated loopholes to use for tax and debt dodging.

It makes no difference. Find me any other business person who owned and operated that amount of companies and only had five bankruptcies.
And poverty queens/queers, will bitch and moan how they dont have money because of the "income gap"
Along with an awful lot of very working people. So go on, keep it up....
I used to be a working person, but as I have said before, instead of relying on someone else(gubermint) to take care of me in my retirement, I socked away 10,000s of dollars mostly while I was in Saudi Arabia(I left my comfort zone to make oodles of money) at 0 taxes. Also learned most of my investment strategies there, like when McDonnell Douglas which I purchased my first share at $75 dropped to $9 a share and held there for the next 2 years. But then the company came out and said they were going to buy back 1/3 of their debt by paying $400,000,000 on the $1.2 billion they owed. I dropped $10,000 onto the stock, it went up to $300 a share, split 3 for 1, went up to $200 a share, and split 2 for 1, then Boeing bought them out. Was one of my best investments at the time.

BA - Stock quote for Boeing Co - MSN Money
someone with a master's should know that Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment even if all potential labor market participants were required to obtain a doctorate before participating in the market for labor.

I have never denied that Capitalism had a natural rate of unemployment, of course it does that is why 4% is considered full employment.

We differ on if it is a bad thing and what should be done about it.
You miss the point. We have a "natural rate of unemployment for the bottom line of capitalists" not the People.

The People would prefer a natural rate of employment for the People.

We are all capitalists, or if you have more than half a brain you are.

Also, if there is a natural rate of unemployment, there has to be a corresponding natural rate of employment.
Why is there any homeless problem in "Right to Work" States.

Not everyone wants to work, not everyone is willing to do what it takes to better themselves, not everyone has the skills needed for the jobs that are there.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed would solve that dilemma.
I have never denied that Capitalism had a natural rate of unemployment, of course it does that is why 4% is considered full employment.

We differ on if it is a bad thing and what should be done about it.
You miss the point. We have a "natural rate of unemployment for the bottom line of capitalists" not the People.

The People would prefer a natural rate of employment for the People.

We are all capitalists, or if you have more than half a brain you are.

Also, if there is a natural rate of unemployment, there has to be a corresponding natural rate of employment.
Why is there any homeless problem in "Right to Work" States.

Not everyone wants to work, not everyone is willing to do what it takes to better themselves, not everyone has the skills needed for the jobs that are there.
and that is their problem not mine
then stop whining about the cost of social services.
It's too bad working people are struggling considering how hard people today work. This is a highly motivated highly productive workforce...this new generation. Unfortunately their wages will not get them ahead no matter how many hours they work. Bleak futures in a sense.
It's too bad working people are struggling considering how hard people today work. This is a highly motivated highly productive workforce...this new generation. Unfortunately their wages will not get them ahead no matter how many hours they work. Bleak futures in a sense.
This is a highly motivated highly productive workforce...this new generation.
I dont think we are seeing eye to eye on this generation...

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Like Bill Maher? Or Barrack Obama? Or Warren Buffet? Or Bill Gates? Or the Clintons? Or me? I am doing just fine, because I dont rely on someone else to take care of me, but have enough income of my own, not to worry about missing a paycheck. Many of my friends, who own their own businesses dont worry about missing a paycheck either. Seems that when you rely on the government to take care of you, you will be fucked every time by that government. The government isnt the answer, the government is the problem....

Did you miss the part about paycheck, or are you really that obtuse?

Most people work for a living as employees and don't own their own business. They don't rely on the government.

Like Maher said, the problem is we can't have a socioeconomic system, that is of the benefit of the few.

Which is why we will be returning to a socioeconomic system that existed between 1947-1980.

Being the successful business owner that you are, this shouldn't be an issue for you right?

I have my income coming in from Dividend paying stocks between 6 - 10% annually. I started investing back in 1987 with Home Depot and bought other stocks since then. My annual income is over $400,000 year. Everyone could be doing this, but the liberal elites dont want you to know about it, because then you would be more like them....

Yeah, I use to think that. I started investing in stocks and mutual funds in 1968 and have never stopped which has provided a great income for me and my family and has made it possible to help family members who needed help

However, many people are just not that lucky. I was because I got to go college and got a good paying job and kept one till I retired. For various reasons many people just lose faith in themselves. They believe they are losers and that's what they become. They would never invest in the stock market because they don't believe they will succeed.

I think it all starts when your very young. Some parents can instill in their kids self esteem and a believe that they can succeed. Other parents do just the opposite.

This especially true for inner-city kids raised by one parent. That's why primary education fails them.

If you ask any high school graduate what they know about investments, you will probably get a blank stare unless they were from a family that taught them. School needs to pickup where the parent left off. Many schools figure if finances are your interest, you can take that up in college. Great for the kids that make it to or through college, bad for the ones that don't.

So a lower income kid figures the only way to achieve financial success is if you were born the right color, from the right family, from the right neighborhood. Either that or hope you have great talent in sports or making rap songs. If none of that is your forte, there is always crime to pursue.
I never claimed that

Yes, you did. You conveniently did not quote it here. so I can't shove it up your ass!
do you like shoving things up mens ass's???

its OK if you do,,,but sorry I dont swing that way

You know you'd love it! Why else would you do thing to force others to make it happen?
NOPE,,,a doctor used his finger when I was 15 and I vowed never again,,,so I will most likely die from undiagnosed colon cancer

Ignorance usually results in death at some time or another. You will just be further proof.

Besides, if you think back, I'll bet both of his hands were on your shoulders at the time!
I’ve found that intelligence usually results in death at some time or another too.
From what I see employers have never had an easier time filling most positions. The workforce has never been this productive and willing to perform.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Like Bill Maher? Or Barrack Obama? Or Warren Buffet? Or Bill Gates? Or the Clintons? Or me? I am doing just fine, because I dont rely on someone else to take care of me, but have enough income of my own, not to worry about missing a paycheck. Many of my friends, who own their own businesses dont worry about missing a paycheck either. Seems that when you rely on the government to take care of you, you will be fucked every time by that government. The government isnt the answer, the government is the problem....

Did you miss the part about paycheck, or are you really that obtuse?

Most people work for a living as employees and don't own their own business. They don't rely on the government.

Like Maher said, the problem is we can't have a socioeconomic system, that is of the benefit of the few.

Which is why we will be returning to a socioeconomic system that existed between 1947-1980.

Being the successful business owner that you are, this shouldn't be an issue for you right?

I have my income coming in from Dividend paying stocks between 6 - 10% annually. I started investing back in 1987 with Home Depot and bought other stocks since then. My annual income is over $400,000 year. Everyone could be doing this, but the liberal elites dont want you to know about it, because then you would be more like them....

Yeah, I use to think that. I started investing in stocks and mutual funds in 1968 and have never stopped which has provided a great income for me and my family and has made it possible to help family members who needed help

However, many people are just not that lucky. I was because I got to go college and got a good paying job and kept one till I retired. For various reasons many people just lose faith in themselves. They believe they are losers and that's what they become. They would never invest in the stock market because they don't believe they will succeed.

I think it all starts when your very young. Some parents can instill in their kids self esteem and a believe that they can succeed. Other parents do just the opposite.

I had a very genteel older man approach me in 1989 about Mutual funds. The way he explained it, they sounded really good to me, are they?

I got a good vibe from him, but had no money to invest at the time.

The woman of the house would not have any of it, and I had to trim 300 feet of hedge that day.

Like 14 different stocks. They try and pick all winners.

What is the risk?

What is the guarantee?
Because far to many people don't know how to manage money or how to live within there means if you can't or wont do this your going to be in financial peril no matter what the economy is like.

I don't know if it's that so much or that we conditioned people to believe somebody will always bail them out. We no longer live in a world of working or starving. Somehow, somewhere there is a program for everybody in the event of failure.

So how many younger people do you know today that work a lot of hours or have two jobs? That's what we did years ago. I know or am familiar with very few. One of them is my nephew, but he's in his early 30's still living at home with his mother. He has a Masters degree and is trying to payoff college loans. I think a lot of younger people find themselves in that situation today because we have way more people going to college than years ago, and even then, college was affordable back then.
Keep in mind that a lot of the "unemployment" among young people is due to job changes. And yes, there are plenty of young people that have two jobs. One of my granddaughters is going to college and has two jobs now. One of my daughters is raising 3 kids on her own and has 2 jobs. Often a second job is a necessity for young people because many jobs today are part time and temp.

The other day, I was talking to the girl that was cleaning our condo. She's in college in her second year majoring in Fine Arts. I ask what she planned to do with her degree. She said, she had no idea where she might get a job but anything would better than cleaning houses and raising her kids on welfare. I think there are a lot of kids like this. They don't have the aptitude or background to get an education that leads to really good paying jobs so they get an education in something that they hope will just help them get a job with possibilities, at least something better than scrubbing floors and toilets.

There is truth to that. My niece wanted to go to college to be a marine biologist. Asked her why, and she said she loved dolphins. It took a little doing, but we explained to her that when she wants to see dolphins, go to Sea World. In the meantime, learn something that will land you a career.

She graduated with a biology degree, and she's still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Like Bill Maher? Or Barrack Obama? Or Warren Buffet? Or Bill Gates? Or the Clintons? Or me? I am doing just fine, because I dont rely on someone else to take care of me, but have enough income of my own, not to worry about missing a paycheck. Many of my friends, who own their own businesses dont worry about missing a paycheck either. Seems that when you rely on the government to take care of you, you will be fucked every time by that government. The government isnt the answer, the government is the problem....

Did you miss the part about paycheck, or are you really that obtuse?

Most people work for a living as employees and don't own their own business. They don't rely on the government.

Like Maher said, the problem is we can't have a socioeconomic system, that is of the benefit of the few.

Which is why we will be returning to a socioeconomic system that existed between 1947-1980.

Being the successful business owner that you are, this shouldn't be an issue for you right?

I have my income coming in from Dividend paying stocks between 6 - 10% annually. I started investing back in 1987 with Home Depot and bought other stocks since then. My annual income is over $400,000 year. Everyone could be doing this, but the liberal elites dont want you to know about it, because then you would be more like them....

Yeah, I use to think that. I started investing in stocks and mutual funds in 1968 and have never stopped which has provided a great income for me and my family and has made it possible to help family members who needed help

However, many people are just not that lucky. I was because I got to go college and got a good paying job and kept one till I retired. For various reasons many people just lose faith in themselves. They believe they are losers and that's what they become. They would never invest in the stock market because they don't believe they will succeed.

I think it all starts when your very young. Some parents can instill in their kids self esteem and a believe that they can succeed. Other parents do just the opposite.

I had a very genteel older man approach me in 1989 about Mutual funds. The way he explained it, they sounded really good to me, are they?

I got a good vibe from him, but had no money to invest at the time.

The woman of the house would not have any of it, and I had to trim 300 feet of hedge that day.

Like 14 different stocks. They try and pick all winners.

What is the risk?

What is the guarantee?

I tried a mutual fund while in Saudi Arabia because at the time it was touting a 7% return on money invested. But when the McD stock went down I lost $400 on the fund. I realized that I also could lose that money and only have me to blame, but the rewards of being your own manager is 10 fold better.

A Mutual fund manager will take your money and invest it so you earn 7% return, where is the other 93% of the money he generated? Yeah, he does the work, but doesnt have the risk as he is spending other peoples money..
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