if the electric grid goes down does the natural gas grid go down?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
If the pumping stations lose power the gas lines will stop flowing. They usually have backups, but I don't know how long they last
Depends on back up power.........and the condition of the gas lines.........After Hurricanes down here......many people with gas only lose gas for a short time...........As the utility has back up power......and the lines are underground and not damaged by the storm........Same goes for city water .....depends on the damage to the water mains.
Everything is inter-dependent so if electric went down for "long enough" I'm sure the nat-gas would stop flowing. Water would stop as soon as the water towers ran dry. No drinking, bathing, or flushing your toilet at that point.
if the electric grid goes down does the natural gas grid go down?

Something startling, that I learned, from a friend who was in one of the areas affected by PG&E's wind shutdowns. She was boasting of how she and her husband managed to tap into their Tesla to provide power to their gas-powered water heater, so that they could have hot water.

It turns out that in California, it is now illegal for new appliances to have pilot lights. They have to have electrically-powered ignition systems.

Now, for something like a stovetop, you could still use a match to ignite one, if there was no power for the built-in electric igniter. But for some thermostatically-regulated devices, such as a furnace or a hot water heater, during an electric outage, you're out of luck.
Since most power outages tend to be local I have a natural gas powered backup generator. It's set up to kick in automatically in the event of an outage. I can also run on propane if it needs to.

The power is never out at Casa Crepitus.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
if the electric grid goes down does the natural gas grid go down?

Something startling, that I learned, from a friend who was in one of the areas affected by PG&E's wind shutdowns. She was boasting of how she and her husband managed to tap into their Tesla to provide power to their gas-powered water heater, so that they could have hot water.

It turns out that in California, it is now illegal for new appliances to have pilot lights. They have to have electrically-powered ignition systems.

Now, for something like a stovetop, you could still use a match to ignite one, if there was no power for the built-in electric igniter. But for some thermostatically-regulated devices, such as a furnace or a hot water heater, during an electric outage, you're out of luck.
And that’s by design.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
It does not. Two completely different systems. The flow of electricity can be stopped or distorted to unusable by an electromagnetic pulse because electric is a wave. Gas runs along pipes and is a gas. An electromagnetic pulse will not stop the flow of gas. That is not to say it could not happen at the same time in some places. An explosion and an electromagnetic pulse could rupture gas lines and nock out the electric grid in areas but not likely nation wide. It would take one hell of an explosion to do it nation wide, if that were to happen you do not need to worry as you will be dead. Why are you interested? Thinking of becoming a survivalist?

Undfer a survivalist situationit is different then this can happen when pressure from the gas lines recedes after a good amount of time no electricity to run the pumping stations the natural gas will run out in most areas. This will not happen to me on a property I own that gets free natural gas from an abandoned oil well. Which is where I would go in a survivalist situation. If you are just wanting to protect your self from storm outages a natural gas generater will keep you running electricity.
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Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
It does not. Two completely different systems. The flow of electricity can be stopped or distorted to unusable by an electromagnetic pulse because electric is a wave. Gas runs along pipes and is a gas. An electromagnetic pulse will not stop the flow of gas. That is not to say it could not happen at the same time in some places. An explosion and an electromagnetic pulse could rupture gas lines and nock out the electric grid in areas but not likely nation wide. It would take one hell of an explosion to do it nation wide, if that were to happen you do not need to worry as you will be dead. Why are you interested? Thinking of becoming a survivalist?
Sorry but I think you are wrong. Your description of the gas grid is far to simplistic. Every so many miles they have a compressor station to keep the pressure of the gas up so it flows properly and they use electricity to power them. Some use N. gas to power them but many do not.

Compressor Stations: What They Do, How They Work, and Why The Are Important
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
It does not. Two completely different systems. The flow of electricity can be stopped or distorted to unusable by an electromagnetic pulse because electric is a wave. Gas runs along pipes and is a gas. An electromagnetic pulse will not stop the flow of gas. That is not to say it could not happen at the same time in some places. An explosion and an electromagnetic pulse could rupture gas lines and nock out the electric grid in areas but not likely nation wide. It would take one hell of an explosion to do it nation wide, if that were to happen you do not need to worry as you will be dead. Why are you interested? Thinking of becoming a survivalist?
Sorry but I think you are wrong. Your description of the gas grid is far to simplistic. Every so many miles they have a compressor station to keep the pressure of the gas up so it flows properly and they use electricity to power them. Some use N. gas to power them but many do not.

Compressor Stations: What They Do, How They Work, and Why The Are Important
sorry read on, had to let my son out of the garage I had him parked in so you got an incomplete thought.
We would be fucked beyond belief if the rag heads figured out how to interrupt our electrical grid.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.
So I have my answer on what situation we are talking about. You are talking about a survival situation. You live in texas, right this is good! Do you have any properties in your area listed with free natural gas due to oill lease? Great place for a survival situation. In lack oft this hogs,turkey, chickens are your friend. They are good to eat and thier shit is gold for you. There are bladders you can perchase that turn the shit into methane that can in turn run your generators for you.
Hog Farm Converts Manure to Electricity
You will also want to store your generator in a faraday cage.
How to Make a Faraday Cage
Wind and solar are also alterantives but what I dislike about them as they are above surface and can be seen by others that may want your power. Bladders are underground and not seen from a distance. Not being found by others is an important factor in this situation and comlicates it big time. How to acomplish this is the harder issue. Instead of a fort siege situation it is better to have them walk right past. Hard to do in a flat area like texas.
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Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Imagine if you owned the lowest house on the block & the sewage pumping stations went down & your house started filling up with poop :)
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

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