If the Fed Budget was managed like household's what programs would be cut?

Do you support getting back to a Balanced Budget with the 50% cuts and 50% tax increases?

  • YES, otherwise the interest on the Debt puts the US into bankruptcy

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • NO, I prefer that the US declare bankruptcy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You and I owe the government $500 each. That's our share of a BALANCED federal budget.

But wait! You bought the right kind of refrigerator last year. The kind the government wanted you to buy. The kind some refrigerator manufacturer paid Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for.

So now you only have to pay $400 in taxes.

That means the federal budget is no longer going to be BALANCED.

They will be short $100.

You are excited, though. "Woo hoo! I'm getting to keep more of my own money!"

So now the government has two choices.

1. Raise the tax rate so that everyone has to pay $550. (I'll pay $550, you'll pay $450 after deduction).

2. Borrow the difference from China.

Let's go with option 1:

My tax bill is now $550. Your deduction just took an extra $50 out of my pocket.

Your tax bill is now $450. You THINK you are getting a $100 deduction, but you really only come out ahead by $50.

And that $50 had to be stolen from me.

Option 2:

I continue to pay $500, you pay $400, and the government borrows $100 from China.

We actually do a mix of both of these options in the real world.

So what if we took that fucking bullshit out of the tax code?

Great! Now we can all go back to paying $500, you can stop stealing from me, and the government can stop borrowing from China.

Level playing fied.
Nice.........That is a tax credit that I showed earlier and they are a toon of 160 Billion a year...............I already said get rid of them.

Then I said get rid of subidies........

Now specifically get rid of the loop holes............not generalizations...........go........
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
As an aside......

Anyone who compares the federal budget to that of a “household”....is a moron.

It was meant to be a no bullshit, no excuses, no gimmicks, way to balance the budget before we go bankrupt. Money is money without the "3rd rail" politics and/or lobbyists selling loopholes. Why do you object to simple choices of reducing spending or raising revenue? We're $900b in deficit, so how do you propose raising revenue or cutting spending to balance the budget?

Households need to balance spending, the US should balance the budget too. Stop name calling and come up with viable solutions to the most important problem facing the nation.
$462 billion on welfare? That's over $1,500 for every man, woman, and child in the country.
Over the course of an entire year.

And it is only a quarter of what we spend on your gifts in the tax code.
You and I owe the government $500 each. That's our share of a BALANCED federal budget.

But wait! You bought the right kind of refrigerator last year. The kind the government wanted you to buy. The kind some refrigerator manufacturer paid Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for.

So now you only have to pay $400 in taxes.

That means the federal budget is no longer going to be BALANCED.

They will be short $100.

You are excited, though. "Woo hoo! I'm getting to keep more of my own money!"

So now the government has two choices.

1. Raise the tax rate so that everyone has to pay $550. (I'll pay $550, you'll pay $450 after deduction).

2. Borrow the difference from China.

Let's go with option 1:

My tax bill is now $550. Your deduction just took an extra $50 out of my pocket.

Your tax bill is now $450. You THINK you are getting a $100 deduction, but you really only come out ahead by $50.

And that $50 had to be stolen from me.

Option 2:

I continue to pay $500, you pay $400, and the government borrows $100 from China.

We actually do a mix of both of these options in the real world.

So what if we took that fucking bullshit out of the tax code?

Great! Now we can all go back to paying $500, you can stop stealing from me, and the government can stop borrowing from China.

Level playing fied.
Nice.........That is a tax credit that I showed earlier and they are a toon of 160 Billion a year...............I already said get rid of them.

Then I said get rid of subidies........

Now specifically get rid of the loop holes............not generalizations...........go........
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.

My plan not only balances the budget, it provides a surplus which can be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt. Then, once the debt is paid off, tax rates can be lowered even more.
Who is most vociferous in opposition to this “fair tax”?

The Fair Tax doesn't get any press coverage. Very, very few people have even heard of it. Even less understand it.

Who needs opposition when there is widespread ignorance? ;)
You and I owe the government $500 each. That's our share of a BALANCED federal budget.

But wait! You bought the right kind of refrigerator last year. The kind the government wanted you to buy. The kind some refrigerator manufacturer paid Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for.

So now you only have to pay $400 in taxes.

That means the federal budget is no longer going to be BALANCED.

They will be short $100.

You are excited, though. "Woo hoo! I'm getting to keep more of my own money!"

So now the government has two choices.

1. Raise the tax rate so that everyone has to pay $550. (I'll pay $550, you'll pay $450 after deduction).

2. Borrow the difference from China.

Let's go with option 1:

My tax bill is now $550. Your deduction just took an extra $50 out of my pocket.

Your tax bill is now $450. You THINK you are getting a $100 deduction, but you really only come out ahead by $50.

And that $50 had to be stolen from me.

Option 2:

I continue to pay $500, you pay $400, and the government borrows $100 from China.

We actually do a mix of both of these options in the real world.

So what if we took that fucking bullshit out of the tax code?

Great! Now we can all go back to paying $500, you can stop stealing from me, and the government can stop borrowing from China.

Level playing fied.
Nice.........That is a tax credit that I showed earlier and they are a toon of 160 Billion a year...............I already said get rid of them.

Then I said get rid of subidies........

Now specifically get rid of the loop holes............not generalizations...........go........
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
You and I owe the government $500 each. That's our share of a BALANCED federal budget.

But wait! You bought the right kind of refrigerator last year. The kind the government wanted you to buy. The kind some refrigerator manufacturer paid Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for.

So now you only have to pay $400 in taxes.

That means the federal budget is no longer going to be BALANCED.

They will be short $100.

You are excited, though. "Woo hoo! I'm getting to keep more of my own money!"

So now the government has two choices.

1. Raise the tax rate so that everyone has to pay $550. (I'll pay $550, you'll pay $450 after deduction).

2. Borrow the difference from China.

Let's go with option 1:

My tax bill is now $550. Your deduction just took an extra $50 out of my pocket.

Your tax bill is now $450. You THINK you are getting a $100 deduction, but you really only come out ahead by $50.

And that $50 had to be stolen from me.

Option 2:

I continue to pay $500, you pay $400, and the government borrows $100 from China.

We actually do a mix of both of these options in the real world.

So what if we took that fucking bullshit out of the tax code?

Great! Now we can all go back to paying $500, you can stop stealing from me, and the government can stop borrowing from China.

Level playing fied.
Nice.........That is a tax credit that I showed earlier and they are a toon of 160 Billion a year...............I already said get rid of them.

Then I said get rid of subidies........

Now specifically get rid of the loop holes............not generalizations...........go........
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
Do you understand what the word "expenditure" means?

Look it up, and then try to say with a straight face I am not proposing spending cuts and lower tax rates.

Go ahead.

Or do you need me to post the definition for you?
Jesus, no matter how much I dumb it down, there are still people even dumber.

I give up.
Great discussion, I'm guessing that McConnell has all this worked out and ready to vote on after the mid-terms? I'm also sure that Shumer and the dems would be totally on-board with:
1. Raising everyone's taxes 7%, or go to a new fair tax or a new flat tax to raise $500b. (If you want to raise more than $500b the tax rates would generate lynch mobs)
2. Cutting spending $500b by (fill in the blank) The OP said cutting Welfare & Medicaid, but there may be other places to cut such as foreign aid, closing all loopholes, eliminate all subsidies, cut defense, tweak SS, tweak Medicare, and any other spending cuts that can be found, use an ax not a scalpel.

Sorry, G5000, but I have to agree with eagle that eliminating all deductions only affects the tax side, and does nothing to cut spending.
Nice.........That is a tax credit that I showed earlier and they are a toon of 160 Billion a year...............I already said get rid of them.

Then I said get rid of subidies........

Now specifically get rid of the loop holes............not generalizations...........go........
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
Do you understand what the word "expenditure" means?

Look it up, and then try to say with a straight face I am not proposing spending cuts and lower tax rates.

Go ahead.

Or do you need me to post the definition for you?
We will disagree...........loopholes are tax deductions.......so they don't pay..........you equate that as spending cuts........we disagree...............

Tax credits are a payment........especially for the fridge you spoke of..........and child Tax Credits which are basically welfare.

Again...........in the over 4 trillion...............cut something...............hmmm
You and I owe the government $500 each. That's our share of a BALANCED federal budget.

But wait! You bought the right kind of refrigerator last year. The kind the government wanted you to buy. The kind some refrigerator manufacturer paid Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for.

So now you only have to pay $400 in taxes.

That means the federal budget is no longer going to be BALANCED.

They will be short $100.

You are excited, though. "Woo hoo! I'm getting to keep more of my own money!"

So now the government has two choices.

1. Raise the tax rate so that everyone has to pay $550. (I'll pay $550, you'll pay $450 after deduction).

2. Borrow the difference from China.

Let's go with option 1:

My tax bill is now $550. Your deduction just took an extra $50 out of my pocket.

Your tax bill is now $450. You THINK you are getting a $100 deduction, but you really only come out ahead by $50.

And that $50 had to be stolen from me.

Option 2:

I continue to pay $500, you pay $400, and the government borrows $100 from China.

We actually do a mix of both of these options in the real world.

So what if we took that fucking bullshit out of the tax code?

Great! Now we can all go back to paying $500, you can stop stealing from me, and the government can stop borrowing from China.

Level playing fied.
Nice.........That is a tax credit that I showed earlier and they are a toon of 160 Billion a year...............I already said get rid of them.

Then I said get rid of subidies........

Now specifically get rid of the loop holes............not generalizations...........go........
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.

My plan not only balances the budget, it provides a surplus which can be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt. Then, once the debt is paid off, tax rates can be lowered even more.

Golly Wally, if ONLY we could elect you as Prez. Get over yourself kid. I'm just so grateful for whatever you allow me to keep. God I wish I could just wash your feet....
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
Do you understand what the word "expenditure" means?

Look it up, and then try to say with a straight face I am not proposing spending cuts and lower tax rates.

Go ahead.

Or do you need me to post the definition for you?
We will disagree...........loopholes are tax deductions.......so they don't pay..........you equate that as spending cuts........we disagree...............

Tax credits are a payment........especially for the fridge you spoke of..........and child Tax Credits which are basically welfare.

Again...........in the over 4 trillion...............cut something...............hmmm

You MUST understand, G thinks that whatever monies you get to keep of your own money is an "expenditure".
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed
Trying to simplify the US Budget process, 2019 revenue is about $3.4T, plus the borrowing of about $985b to cover the $4.4T 2018 Budget. That is at least $900b too high. So looking at the Budget items from the article:

Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $1,050b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893b

Busting 5 Myths About Government Discretionary Spending
Department Budget Emergency Total Discretionary
Dept of Defense
$597.1 $88.9 $686.0
HHS $69.5 $0.5 $70.0
Education $59.9 $59.9
VA $83.1 $83.1
Homeland Security $46.0 $6.7 $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2 $29.2
NNSA $15.1 $15.1
HUD $29.2 $29.2
State Dept $28.3 $12.0 $40.3
NASA $19. $19.9
All Other Agencies$129.8 $3.3 $133.1
TOTAL $1,303b

If you stare at the numbers for a few minutes it becomes apparent that to cut spending by more than $900b it needs to come from Entitlements.
SS can't be cut, those benefits were promised. However, the retirement age can be raised and a few tweaks can be made to keep it solvent.
Medicare can't be cut, those benefits were promised, however some savings can be realized to keep it solvent.
Medicaid can be cut, those benefits were not earned.
Welfare can be cut, those benefits were not earned.

If the deficit is covered 1/2 by cuts and 1/2 by revenue
Revenue needs to increase by $500b. (all tax rates need to increase 10%)
Defense needs to be cut by at least 10%, say $100b to $793b
Cuts of $400b need to come out of welfare ($250b) + ($150b) medicaid, with some savings from SS & Medicare if possible.

Who supports getting back to a Balanced Budget? It is not that difficult
Fuck your tax increases. When has Congress ever cut spending? Ever? Give then more revenue, and they will spend 3 times more.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
Do you understand what the word "expenditure" means?

Look it up, and then try to say with a straight face I am not proposing spending cuts and lower tax rates.

Go ahead.

Or do you need me to post the definition for you?
We will disagree...........loopholes are tax deductions.......so they don't pay..........you equate that as spending cuts........we disagree...............

Tax credits are a payment........especially for the fridge you spoke of..........and child Tax Credits which are basically welfare.

Again...........in the over 4 trillion...............cut something...............hmmm

You MUST understand, G thinks that whatever monies you get to keep of your own money is an "expenditure".
That's the sure sign of a groveling servile statist.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
Do you understand what the word "expenditure" means?

Look it up, and then try to say with a straight face I am not proposing spending cuts and lower tax rates.

Go ahead.

Or do you need me to post the definition for you?
We will disagree...........loopholes are tax deductions.......so they don't pay..........you equate that as spending cuts........we disagree...............

Tax credits are a payment........especially for the fridge you spoke of..........and child Tax Credits which are basically welfare.

Again...........in the over 4 trillion...............cut something...............hmmm

You MUST understand, G thinks that whatever monies you get to keep of your own money is an "expenditure".
He's dancing around the issue calling it spending.........which isn't honest..........go figure.......Tax Credits are spending......as people can get a check in the mail every year for tax credits...........subsidies are spending.........as are aid to foreign countries........

I listed those before he showed up.
How ironic. You refer to "loop holes" and then demand we not talk about generalizations! :lol:

I want ALL tax expenditures banned, period. Is that simple enough for you?

All deductions. All credits. All exemptions.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I allow one tax expenditure, I would choose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is the only one which has been proven to increase productivity.
And I said Flat Tax method get rid of all deductions at a lower rate.............

Again.........you refuse to address specific cuts to gov't.........



We spend more than the GDP now of other nations except China...........how is this not a spending problem..................................
My plan cuts $1.4 TRILLION in spending from the budget. And that is before we get around to raising the retirement age!

I don't know of anyone who has proposed bigger spending cuts than me.
You dance around my question and redefine tax cuts as spending..............

Again, I ask you for specific spending cuts ............not an increase in taxes.......I've already addressed Subsidies, Tax Credits, and waste fraud and abuse before you posted this.

You refuse to address the other side of the sword and the fact of how much we spend compared to the GDP of other nations...........which is excessive.

Face it.........we spend too dang much and those bills are coming due.............They need to be cut before you raise taxes......

In all honesty.......if you wanted to end this mess..........both would have to be done to have a prayer at it.
Do you understand what the word "expenditure" means?

Look it up, and then try to say with a straight face I am not proposing spending cuts and lower tax rates.

Go ahead.

Or do you need me to post the definition for you?
We will disagree...........loopholes are tax deductions.......so they don't pay..........you equate that as spending cuts........we disagree...............

Tax credits are a payment........especially for the fridge you spoke of..........and child Tax Credits which are basically welfare.

Again...........in the over 4 trillion...............cut something...............hmmm
Read post 73. Over and over. Until you get it.
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed
Trying to simplify the US Budget process, 2019 revenue is about $3.4T, plus the borrowing of about $985b to cover the $4.4T 2018 Budget. That is at least $900b too high. So looking at the Budget items from the article:

Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $1,050b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893b

Busting 5 Myths About Government Discretionary Spending
Department Budget Emergency Total Discretionary
Dept of Defense
$597.1 $88.9 $686.0
HHS $69.5 $0.5 $70.0
Education $59.9 $59.9
VA $83.1 $83.1
Homeland Security $46.0 $6.7 $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2 $29.2
NNSA $15.1 $15.1
HUD $29.2 $29.2
State Dept $28.3 $12.0 $40.3
NASA $19. $19.9
All Other Agencies$129.8 $3.3 $133.1
TOTAL $1,303b

If you stare at the numbers for a few minutes it becomes apparent that to cut spending by more than $900b it needs to come from Entitlements.
SS can't be cut, those benefits were promised. However, the retirement age can be raised and a few tweaks can be made to keep it solvent.
Medicare can't be cut, those benefits were promised, however some savings can be realized to keep it solvent.
Medicaid can be cut, those benefits were not earned.
Welfare can be cut, those benefits were not earned.

If the deficit is covered 1/2 by cuts and 1/2 by revenue
Revenue needs to increase by $500b. (all tax rates need to increase 10%)
Defense needs to be cut by at least 10%, say $100b to $793b
Cuts of $400b need to come out of welfare ($250b) + ($150b) medicaid, with some savings from SS & Medicare if possible.

Who supports getting back to a Balanced Budget? It is not that difficult
Fuck your tax increases. When has Congress ever cut spending? Ever? Give then more revenue, and they will spend 3 times more.

This needs to be another grand bargain, the GOP eats the tax increase, and the dems eat the cuts. Needs to be both to balance the Budget or its no deal and the entire US economy tanks for a long, long time.
Even then we have a $21T Debt that eats $363b a year, so we're not really paying down the Debt at those rates/cuts.
The OP uses the actual 2019 Budget. It doesn't balance by ~$900b. Baseline budgeting gets increased by emergency spending for wars, etc. Keep it simple. Revenue needs to be greater than spending. I proposed 50/50 between cuts/revenue. The dems will whine about the cuts, and the GOP will squeal about the 10% tax increase, which is really 3% less due to the recent tax cut, so its really a 7% tax increase above the 2016 rates.
Except for the defense budget, Congress has never cut anything, ever. No plan that doesn't get around the irrefutable fact is doomed from the get-go.
Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed
Trying to simplify the US Budget process, 2019 revenue is about $3.4T, plus the borrowing of about $985b to cover the $4.4T 2018 Budget. That is at least $900b too high. So looking at the Budget items from the article:

Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $1,050b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893b

Busting 5 Myths About Government Discretionary Spending
Department Budget Emergency Total Discretionary
Dept of Defense
$597.1 $88.9 $686.0
HHS $69.5 $0.5 $70.0
Education $59.9 $59.9
VA $83.1 $83.1
Homeland Security $46.0 $6.7 $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2 $29.2
NNSA $15.1 $15.1
HUD $29.2 $29.2
State Dept $28.3 $12.0 $40.3
NASA $19. $19.9
All Other Agencies$129.8 $3.3 $133.1
TOTAL $1,303b

If you stare at the numbers for a few minutes it becomes apparent that to cut spending by more than $900b it needs to come from Entitlements.
SS can't be cut, those benefits were promised. However, the retirement age can be raised and a few tweaks can be made to keep it solvent.
Medicare can't be cut, those benefits were promised, however some savings can be realized to keep it solvent.
Medicaid can be cut, those benefits were not earned.
Welfare can be cut, those benefits were not earned.

If the deficit is covered 1/2 by cuts and 1/2 by revenue
Revenue needs to increase by $500b. (all tax rates need to increase 10%)
Defense needs to be cut by at least 10%, say $100b to $793b
Cuts of $400b need to come out of welfare ($250b) + ($150b) medicaid, with some savings from SS & Medicare if possible.

Who supports getting back to a Balanced Budget? It is not that difficult
Fuck your tax increases. When has Congress ever cut spending? Ever? Give then more revenue, and they will spend 3 times more.

This needs to be another grand bargain, the GOP eats the tax increase, and the dems eat the cuts. Needs to be both to balance the Budget or its no deal and the entire US economy tanks for a long, long time.
Even then we have a $21T Debt that eats $363b a year, so we're not really paying down the Debt at those rates/cuts.
You're delusional. It's never going to happen. It would be easier to get a lion to eat vegetables than to get Congress to agree to spending cuts.

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