If the left is all about "The Science" why are they still shutting down cities and establishments???

There has been no closing of church services. Many churches have gone to "virtual" services, held services outdoors, or expanded hours in order to limit occupancy.

But nobody is forbidding church services.

That's just a flat-out lie.

Why bother telling such a lie, where the truth is so easily verifiable.

I know that lying is what your side does, what your side is; but can you not at least have the self-respect to not be so obvious about it?
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Yes I understand the math with the numbers the MSM tells you.

97 year old man with heart failure, several strokes and lung cancer dies of covid.

The family of a 21-year-old woman in the UK said she had no underlying health issues but died after contracting COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Chloe Middleton, who died on Saturday, is believed to be the UK's youngest victim with no underlying health issues
Yes I understand the math with the numbers the MSM tells you.

97 year old man with heart failure, several strokes and lung cancer dies of covid.

The family of a 21-year-old woman in the UK said she had no underlying health issues but died after contracting COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Chloe Middleton, who died on Saturday, is believed to be the UK's youngest victim with no underlying health issues

99.793 recovery rate for c19. There are outliers with every bacteria or virus or protozoan or giardia or cryptosporidium.

"A 10-year-old Connecticut boy died of flu. So did a 21-year-old bodybuilder, and 4-year-old Jonah Reiben of Dayton, Ohio.

These are not the usual sick and elderly people who die from influenza. But every year, flu carries away perfectly healthy young adults and children, and tens of thousands of people over 65."
Go look up Bidens [sic] quote about that... you couldn’t be any more off base. He literally said he would follow the science

Yes, we know what kind of “science” he will follow. As I said before, the same “science” that says that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

left wrong-wing “science” has nothing whatsoever to do with genuine science. Who do you really think you are fooling?
When it comes to pandemics what institutions do you consider genuine science and why?

would you consider the White House corona virus task force team as wrong winged or genuine science?

The DOCTORS & SCIENTISTS at the WHO say lockdowns are bad so what gives lefties?

You gonna rail on Cuomo & Gretchen or continue to be two faced?
They want to crush America and bring in the UN's 666 New World Order. You are just on the edge of watching prophecy unfold.

The DOCTORS & SCIENTISTS at the WHO say lockdowns are bad so what gives lefties?

You gonna rail on Cuomo & Gretchen or continue to be two faced?
That's an easy one. By keeping the country in economic limbo, the democrats think they will be able to remove the strongest factor in Trump’s favor and reelection, a strong economy. They hate Trump so much, they are willing to destroy working American lives and business' for their political gain.
These people, none of them should be allowed to hold political office because they engage in sedition and treason every day against The USA.
Yes I understand the math with the numbers the MSM tells you.

97 year old man with heart failure, several strokes and lung cancer dies of covid.

The family of a 21-year-old woman in the UK said she had no underlying health issues but died after contracting COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Chloe Middleton, who died on Saturday, is believed to be the UK's youngest victim with no underlying health issues

99.793 recovery rate for c19. There are outliers with every bacteria or virus or protozoan or giardia or cryptosporidium.

"A 10-year-old Connecticut boy died of flu. So did a 21-year-old bodybuilder, and 4-year-old Jonah Reiben of Dayton, Ohio.

These are not the usual sick and elderly people who die from influenza. But every year, flu carries away perfectly healthy young adults and children, and tens of thousands of people over 65."
Everyone has Corona in them. Guarantee what really happened is For Profit Healthcare put them on a ventilator and then killed them for a profit. People are worth more dead than alive the health care industry.
99.793 recovery rate for c19. There are outliers with every bacteria or virus or protozoan or giardia or cryptosporidium.
I asked my gradeschool kid to do the math.
99.793% recovery rate means a 0.207 percent fatality rate.

Multiply by 7 million cases, and that comes to 15,000 fatalities.

Since we know there have been 210,000 fatalities, your percentage is pure bullshit.
The DOCTORS & SCIENTISTS at the WHO say lockdowns are bad so what gives lefties?

You gonna rail on Cuomo & Gretchen or continue to be two faced?
Because democrats wouldn't know true science if it jumped up and bite them in the ass.
Trump is against the WHO recommendations. Trump won't even test and contract trace the white house.
I hope you're not stupid enough to hold up the WHO as any kind scientific authority. Hell they're even dumber and more corrupt than our own NHS. Anyone who expects to find any measure of true science going on inside of any sort of fucked up gubberment beaucratcy has pure shit for brains and that's a scientific fact.
Yes I understand the math with the numbers the MSM tells you.

97 year old man with heart failure, several strokes and lung cancer dies of covid.

The family of a 21-year-old woman in the UK said she had no underlying health issues but died after contracting COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Chloe Middleton, who died on Saturday, is believed to be the UK's youngest victim with no underlying health issues

Yes some young people wil perish. Doesn't change the fact in the US the numbers are extremely inflated for various reasons.
99.793 recovery rate for c19. There are outliers with every bacteria or virus or protozoan or giardia or cryptosporidium.
I asked my gradeschool kid to do the math.
99.793% recovery rate means a 0.207 percent fatality rate.

Multiply by 7 million cases, and that comes to 15,000 fatalities.

Since we know there have been 210,000 fatalities, your percentage is pure bullshit.

We know the fatality rate is extremely inflated.
99.793 recovery rate for c19. There are outliers with every bacteria or virus or protozoan or giardia or cryptosporidium.
I asked my gradeschool kid to do the math.
99.793% recovery rate means a 0.207 percent fatality rate.

Multiply by 7 million cases, and that comes to 15,000 fatalities.

Since we know there have been 210,000 fatalities, your percentage is pure bullshit.

Oops, yeah, you're not very bright.

COVID-19 Survival Rates

Age 0-19 — 99.997%
Age 20-49 — 99.98%
Age 50-69 — 99.5%
Age 70+ — 94.6%

Yes some young people wil perish. Doesn't change the fact in the US the numbers are extremely inflated for various reasons.
They say the same thing about the unemployment numbers.

U3 vs U6. If you can't fix the problem, you try to fix the numbers.
We know the fatality rate is extremely inflated.

The fatality rate is number of fatalities, divided by number of cases.

We know there are 210,000 fatalities, give me the number of cases, and i'll give you the fatality rate. Which won't be anywhere close to your claim.
We know the fatality rate is extremely inflated.

The fatality rate is number of fatalities, divided by number of cases.

We know there are 210,000 fatalities, give me the number of cases, and i'll give you the fatality rate. Which won't be anywhere close to your claim.
Then you have to come to terms with what actually constitutes a "case" as they have a nasty habit of screwing around with terms as well as actual numbers too. To them "the truth" is what they want it to be and "the truth" has far more to do with politics than it does actual pure science, data and mathematical reality.
We know the fatality rate is extremely inflated.

The fatality rate is number of fatalities, divided by number of cases.

We know there are 210,000 fatalities, give me the number of cases, and i'll give you the fatality rate. Which won't be anywhere close to your claim.
Then you have to come to terms with what actually constitutes a "case" as they have a nasty habit of screwing around with terms as well as actual numbers too. To them "the truth" is what they want it to be and "the truth" has far more to do with politics than it does actual pure science, data and mathematical reality.
A case is just somebody testing positive.
We know the fatality rate is extremely inflated.

The fatality rate is number of fatalities, divided by number of cases.

We know there are 210,000 fatalities, give me the number of cases, and i'll give you the fatality rate. Which won't be anywhere close to your claim.

You dance around the fact that 210,000 fatalities is nonsense.
This covid bullshit is being used to maximize public misery. The democrooks and their ministry of propaganda totally blew a seasonal flu way out of proportion. They want the misery index high as possible and that's the bottom line.

That's why I refuse to wear these fuckin masks, and I still shake hands. I will not be manipulated by these sociopaths.

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