If the Mueller Investigation is a witch hunt and there is no collusion...

If Trump wanted to end he could he is just letting it implode on its on which is the wise thing to do.
You try sitting in front of a special prosecutor and being questioned ad infinitum about relevant and irrelevant veins of questioning, hr. after hr., day after day. Any slight inconsistency, even if wildly irrelevant can, and usually is turned into 'indictable evidence'.
Hillary did it.
Bringing HRC into it as a 'benchmark' for comparison.... Rich, so VERY 'hillary-ious' !!!

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Actually this one is my favorite... nice and short. Is it Hillary? ... wait no it's Comey lying, wait... uh... O NO both of them... ?

I just want to know how those who defend Trump can explain his and the GOP's hell bent effort on ending the investigation.


I believe it has already been mentioned on the board, but I'll tell your
jaboni and beaner loving ass straight up.

There is nothing to prove. They are just trying to create havoc before the
midterms. That fucking Mueller is now fighting for his professional life.
He'll charge him with anything just to create chaos, even though he would
know he'll never been able to get a conviction.

So if there is nothing there, why is Trump and the GOP trying so hard to derail the investigation?

Hey dumb ass. How many times do you have to be told.
I just want to know how those who defend Trump can explain his and the GOP's hell bent effort on ending the investigation.


I believe it has already been mentioned on the board, but I'll tell your
jaboni and beaner loving ass straight up.

There is nothing to prove. They are just trying to create havoc before the
midterms. That fucking Mueller is now fighting for his professional life.
He'll charge him with anything just to create chaos, even though he would
know he'll never been able to get a conviction.

So if there is nothing there, why is Trump and the GOP trying to hard to derail the investigation?
because Trump still needs to learn what "obstruction of justice" means.

Firing any individual employed in the executive branch of government
is in his job duties. With or without cause.

You can charge somebody for doing their job.
What has he done to try to end it?
This is a joke, right?
TRANSLATION: Umm, I can't actually name anything. So I'll fake incredulity, and try to fool somebody somewhere into believing me anyway.

Are you being facetious? Clinton campaign financing their contrived & debunked 'Steel Dossier', FBI utilizing it, knowingly misleading the FISC with this as the basis for their demonstrably illegal warrant, proceeding with their warrant for a year with FBI knowingly & illegally appearing to lie for its 're-up' again & again every 90 days... Just the bare bones of illegality, with more of the same if I were to take some time to flesh it out in detail for you. ... O and this was to change the course of an election in a free democracy, btw... with the FBI saying, after their failed coup, (in text form) "first we F... Flynn and then we F... Trump"... their "insurance policy" for the election...
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Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?
Links? What did he try to end? We know Hillary colluded with the Russians when she purchased a dossier created by them.
Comey? The guy that multiple times stated under oath that the president wasn’t being investigated and that the president never asked him to stop investigating Russian influence into the 2016 campaign? That guy?

Tell me how firing him was ever going to stop the investigation please.

What’s so crappy about this is democrats were yelling for Comey to be fired until he was and then suddenly it’s obstruction of justice or an attempt to stop the investigation which never stopped.

Trump said he fired him because of the Russia investigation.....on National TV. He fucking admitted it. WTF is wrong with you?

Nothings wrong with me. See unlike you I .don’t like corruption. I don’t like illegal surveillance or targeting people because you lose elections. It pisses me off when people in positions of trust violate it.

And it annoys me when people blindly parrot responses instead of thinking for themselves. See that makes me a normal human being

So why are you pretending anyone has tried to stop this investigation when if anyone had it would either have been stopped or someone would be in prison?

Trump said he fired Comey BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION, on National TV no less.

You pretending to not like corruption is the most hilarious thing I've heard all day.
he's his boss and has every right to fire anyone.

That's not the question I asked.
what does that matter, he's his boss, he can fire him. It's how business works. Bosses can fire subordinates.
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
when will the world class liar appear before Mueller and put his hand on a bible if he's so innocent ? Last time he appeared in court they caught him on only 30 lies Mueller would do better than that IMHO
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
when will the world class liar appear before Mueller and put his hand on a bible if he's so innocent ? Last time he appeared in court they caught him on only 30 lies Mueller would do better than that IMHO

Our President has nothing to hide
He is completely innocent.....he told us so himself

He should have no problem sitting down with Mueller and explaining why his top advisors sat down with the Russians
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
when will the world class liar appear before Mueller and put his hand on a bible if he's so innocent ? Last time he appeared in court they caught him on only 30 lies Mueller would do better than that IMHO

Our President has nothing to hide
He is completely innocent.....he told us so himself

He should have no problem sitting down with Mueller and explaining why his top advisors sat down with the Russians

Exactly. This is the thing that still no one can answer. Why would a clearly innocent man be so hell bent on ending an investigation that would only prove his innocence?
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
when will the world class liar appear before Mueller and put his hand on a bible if he's so innocent ? Last time he appeared in court they caught him on only 30 lies Mueller would do better than that IMHO

Our President has nothing to hide
He is completely innocent.....he told us so himself

He should have no problem sitting down with Mueller and explaining why his top advisors sat down with the Russians

Exactly. This is the thing that still no one can answer. Why would a clearly innocent man be so hell bent on ending an investigation that would only prove his innocence?
and the nitwits here don't get it The ah ,if innocent should say "come on down give it your best shot" But he rants and raves ,,,just what a guilty man would do
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
when will the world class liar appear before Mueller and put his hand on a bible if he's so innocent ? Last time he appeared in court they caught him on only 30 lies Mueller would do better than that IMHO

Our President has nothing to hide
He is completely innocent.....he told us so himself

He should have no problem sitting down with Mueller and explaining why his top advisors sat down with the Russians

Exactly. This is the thing that still no one can answer. Why would a clearly innocent man be so hell bent on ending an investigation that would only prove his innocence?
and the nitwits here don't get it The ah ,if innocent should say "come on down give it your best shot" But he rants and raves ,,,just what a guilty man would do

He's guilty of something for sure.
Being an idiot, definitely.
Russia collusion, possibly.
Extensive financial crimes and money laundering, likely.
Obstruction of Justice, absolutely.
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?

Not only have we asked ourselves, but we have shared the information with you all. It's because it's a huge waste of taxpayer money and it's affecting the ability of the government to do it's job. There, you have the answer you can now ignore and claim we never answered it.
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?

Not only have we asked ourselves, but we have shared the information with you all. It's because it's a huge waste of taxpayer money and it's affecting the ability of the government to do it's job. There, you have the answer you can now ignore and claim we never answered it.

HAHAHAHAHAAH, So now he's concerned about wasting tax payer money?? When did that start? Conveniently when he's being investigated by the FBI.
Trump is thin-skinned. Thus innocence (my belief) or guilt has no connection towards his desire to end the investigation. It is simply the act of being looked upon with a wary eye that drives his motive.
Trump is thin-skinned. Thus innocence (my belief) or guilt has no connection towards his desire to end the investigation. It is simply the act of being looked upon with a wary eye that drives his motive.
You mean the arrogance?? The How Dare you investigate me?
Trump is thin-skinned. Thus innocence (my belief) or guilt has no connection towards his desire to end the investigation. It is simply the act of being looked upon with a wary eye that drives his motive.

He seemed to be in no hurry to end the investigations against Obama or Hillary
Trump is thin-skinned. Thus innocence (my belief) or guilt has no connection towards his desire to end the investigation. It is simply the act of being looked upon with a wary eye that drives his motive.
You mean the arrogance?? The How Dare you investigate me?

Sure that's part of it. Plus I believe his legal team pushes argument that if he gives in it'll weaken the presidency (at least that is what I would advise). Plus he relishes the role of playing the victim.

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