If the Mueller Investigation is a witch hunt and there is no collusion...

If Trump wanted to end he could he is just letting it implode on its on which is the wise thing to do.
You try sitting in front of a special prosecutor and being questioned ad infinitum about relevant and irrelevant veins of questioning, hr. after hr., day after day. Any slight inconsistency, even if wildly irrelevant can, and usually is turned into 'indictable evidence'.
Hillary did it.

Yep. For eleven unflinching hours.
A new special investigator should be appointed to sift through 'Russian Collusion Debacle', based on the tangible evidence. & ya know what... It's the DNC, Clinton campaign, Clinton Crime Family Foundation, former DOJ, even CNN that would be at the epicenter of the investigation!

Look at that... Ask and you shall receive.
Trump Attorneys Approve Second Special Counsel To Probe FBI & DOJ

Trump's attorneys have no authority over the appointment of a special counsel, fool.
5 pages in and not one of the sheep can explain why Trump and the GOP would be so hell bent on ending a "pointless investigation".

You know why none of you can answer?

Because Fox News hasn't provided those talking points yet. It's really as simple as that.

What would these dopes have said if Obama had fired Comey during the election and said he did it because of the Clinton email investigation?

My god they're dumb.
What Trump needs is to be fully vindicated by a man with Mueller's integrity

He should welcome the opportunity

How will being a lie vindicating him help at all?

When are you guys going to accept that Russia didn’t steal the election? You lost.
He'll be vindicated if there's no quid pro quo promises to Russia for aid in the campaign. (no sarcasm)

What aid??
Reading comprehension is good.
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?
....because proven treasonous Democrats are waisting our time.

Going on 2 year and they still can't provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation ... of anyone BUT THEM.

RM hasn't even been on the job for 1 year, nice try though!
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?

Not only have we asked ourselves, but we have shared the information with you all. It's because it's a huge waste of taxpayer money and it's affecting the ability of the government to do it's job. There, you have the answer you can now ignore and claim we never answered it.

HAHAHAHAHAAH, So now he's concerned about wasting tax payer money?? When did that start? Conveniently when he's being investigated by the FBI.

So what? He knows there is nothing there, it’s hampering his ability to do his job, he has a low tolerance for stupid.
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?
You have to be an astounding idiot to believe this witch hunt isn't harmfull to Trump despite being totally innocent.

That's the problem with all you douchbag snowflakes. Everything you believe isn't just wrong, it's idiotic.
What Trump needs is to be fully vindicated by a man with Mueller's integrity

He should welcome the opportunity

And track record of failure? If he was so good all this wouldn’t be going on right now. An ADA in Afton Iowa could bring a better case. No judge will cut Muller any slack outside of DC. Muller is a mear hurdle in the road.
What Trump needs is to be fully vindicated by a man with Mueller's integrity

He should welcome the opportunity

And track record of failure? If he was so good all this wouldn’t be going on right now. An ADA in Afton Iowa could bring a better case. No judge will cut Muller any slack outside of DC. Muller is a mear hurdle in the road.

What case has Mueller brought out?
So far, he has kept his cards close to his chest and issued a couple of plea deals in return for cooperation

We all know our beloved President is completely innocent. There is nothing Mueller can do other than verify that fact

What are you so worried about?
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?

Let me correct that for you. Why is the pants peeing, pearl clutching media and DNC repeatedly claiming he is trying to end it and why are you stoopid enough to repeat whatever the hell you're told to say?

He told Lester Holt on National TV he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Your own eyes are lying to you now?

I would have too. With all the evidence coming out about the FBI's agenda to throw the election for Hillary, Comey is lucky he isn't headed for jail....yet.
If our President is innocent like everyone knows, he should welcome an investigation that will clear his name once and for all
when will the world class liar appear before Mueller and put his hand on a bible if he's so innocent ? Last time he appeared in court they caught him on only 30 lies Mueller would do better than that IMHO

Our President has nothing to hide
He is completely innocent.....he told us so himself

He should have no problem sitting down with Mueller and explaining why his top advisors sat down with the Russians

Which advisors sat down with the Russians?
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?
It's such a stupid question, I'm surprised you have to ask. None of the Comey investigation, the Mueller investigation nor the various Congressional investigations have turned up any evidence of collusion between the the Trump campaign and the Russian government, so this nonsense only has currency because of the leaks and rumors surrounding the secrecy of the Mueller investigation, and it is the hope of the Democrats that these unfounded rumors will help them in the elections coming up. That's why the Democrats want to keep it going and that's why the President wants it to end.
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?

Only a democrat would ask such a stupid question. I can think of 100 reasons why an investigation shouldn't continue when it has been shown to have such feeble legs to begin with. We can start with the cost to American taxpayers, the reallocation of resources better utilized elsewhere, etc...
Why is Trump trying so hard to end it?

Have any of you asked yourselves that question?
....because proven treasonous Democrats are waisting our time.

Going on 2 year and they still can't provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation ... of anyone BUT THEM.

Perhaps you've been living in a cave.

There have been indictments, guilty pleas, federal criminal charges including money laundering.

Trump's original NSA Micheal 'lock her up' Flynn is cooperating to keep his son out of prison.

Manaford will spend the rest of his life in some combination of court and prison. And his fortune is GONE.


Stay tuned, bozo.
What Trump needs is to be fully vindicated by a man with Mueller's integrity

He should welcome the opportunity

That would do precisely zero to abate the vitriol being hurled his way by the haters. They would simply insist that Meuller was corrupt and refuse to believe him. We would still see them ranting in about Russian corruption, probably even more hysterically. We know this from their taking the word of doctors who never examined Trump over that of the doctor who did.

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