If the Mueller Investigation is a witch hunt and there is no collusion...

What Trump needs is to be fully vindicated by a man with Mueller's integrity

He should welcome the opportunity

How will being a lie vindicating him help at all?

When are you guys going to accept that Russia didn’t steal the election? You lost.
He'll be vindicated if there's no quid pro quo promises to Russia for aid in the campaign. (no sarcasm)

Would you believe it if Meuller cleared him?
Nope. But i supposed you’d have to respond that way

How about him Firing Comey for instance. You know the guy who was leading the investigation in to him. Is that a good start?

Comey? The guy that multiple times stated under oath that the president wasn’t being investigated and that the president never asked him to stop investigating Russian influence into the 2016 campaign? That guy?

Tell me how firing him was ever going to stop the investigation please.

What’s so crappy about this is democrats were yelling for Comey to be fired until he was and then suddenly it’s obstruction of justice or an attempt to stop the investigation which never stopped.

Trump said he fired him because of the Russia investigation.....on National TV. He fucking admitted it. WTF is wrong with you?

Nothings wrong with me. See unlike you I .don’t like corruption. I don’t like illegal surveillance or targeting people because you lose elections. It pisses me off when people in positions of trust violate it.

And it annoys me when people blindly parrot responses instead of thinking for themselves. See that makes me a normal human being

So why are you pretending anyone has tried to stop this investigation when if anyone had it would either have been stopped or someone would be in prison?

Trump said he fired Comey BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION, on National TV no less.

You pretending to not like corruption is the most hilarious thing I've heard all day.

Where did he say it was to stop the investigation?

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