If the Muslim Brotherhood stands its ground


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
and counterattacks the protesters, claiming that the democratic process is being undermined...who will Obabble support?
Muslims use the language as freely as the gay marriage advocates...."democracy" can mean anything they want....

Democracy can mean anything anyone wants. But I don't think a military takeover is democratic. Obama is not at fault in Egypt. The middle east hornet's nest has been being stirred since LONG before Obama.

Lets say I dont fault Obama....so who does he back??
Muslims use the language as freely as the gay marriage advocates...."democracy" can mean anything they want....

Democracy can mean anything anyone wants. But I don't think a military takeover is democratic. Obama is not at fault in Egypt. The middle east hornet's nest has been being stirred since LONG before Obama.

Lets say I dont fault Obama....so who does he back??

Does it matter? How much longer will the next dictator last?
The loony reactionaries are a riot to watch, so very entertaining.

They will impeach our president's action whatever he does.

And the sane part of America laughs at their idiotic chants for whatever.

Personally, I hope BHO stays out of it.
The loony reactionaries are a riot to watch, so very entertaining.

They will impeach our president's action whatever he does.

And the sane part of America laughs at their idiotic chants for whatever.

Personally, I hope BHO stays out of it.

He can't and won't.

Egypt is an important ally.
Democracy can mean anything anyone wants. But I don't think a military takeover is democratic. Obama is not at fault in Egypt. The middle east hornet's nest has been being stirred since LONG before Obama.

Lets say I dont fault Obama....so who does he back??

Does it matter? How much longer will the next dictator last?

They tend to stay a while....

List of Presidents of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Egypt seems to be following the Turkish pattern. Now imo, that's a lot better than the MB pattern.
It appears Morsi and the Brotherhood have been ousted by the military despite calls from Kerry and the Obama administration not to do that it's going to rather difficult for Obama to stay out of this as the last time he called for Mubarak to go but has not done that to Morsi so if he says nothing he has thrown the elected leader of Egypt like him or not under the bus if he backs Morsi he pisses of the majority of Egypt's population and sends the anti American fever that already exist there into overdrive not a good spot to be in.
Egypt seems to be following the Turkish pattern. Now imo, that's a lot better than the MB pattern.

They are trying...

Indeed. :thup:

If it's going to come from anywhere, I had thought it would come from Egypt though I never expected El Baradei to create a majority secular liberal party.

Someone else will have to be found to lead. I don't think he's got legitimacy but he may be used as a placeholder until a legitimate Muslim leader is found. I can't see Muslims standing with a man who has proclaimed himself as a "secular pope".

There's interesting times ahead and rife with possibilities.
The loony reactionaries are a riot to watch, so very entertaining.

They will impeach our president's action whatever he does.

And the sane part of America laughs at their idiotic chants for whatever.

Personally, I hope BHO stays out of it.

He can't and won't.

Egypt is an important ally.

The Military is a better ally than any Islamic Fundie.
Roo, you come up with statements like that and absolutely no evidence.

When was the last time you traveled to Istanbul and Ankara, traveled throughout the country?
Roo, you come up with statements like that and absolutely no evidence.

When was the last time you traveled to Istanbul and Ankara, traveled throughout the country?

Jake it is MUCH too easy to make you look like stupid fuck you are.

Turkey: Massive Protests Against Erdogan's Islamism

And while they decry his authoritarianism, it is his campaign to Islamize the country they fear the most – or his efforts, as , Cem Uçan, a social media executive who has been active in the demonstrations, put it, to create “a religion-based, more and more conservative Turkey, who will play a leading role for other Muslim powers in the region

Turkey: Massive Protests Against Erdogan's Islamism | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam
Erdogan used public funds to construct 17,000 mosques while announcing plans to build a super mosque overlooking Istanbul. The government proclaimed that every shopping mall, theater or public facility in Turkey should sport a Muslim prayer room. Erdogan then decried use of social media as "anti-Islam." In an echo of the recent scandal at the National Security Agency and furor over whistle-blower Edward Snowden, Turkish intelligence has reportedly collected information about the religious affiliations of hundreds of individuals and companies, as well as figures close to the CHP, in an effort to prevent people from acquiring choice jobs in the public sector.

Nikolas Kozloff: When It Comes to Debate Over Turkey and Islam, the Left Is Dazed and Confused

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