If the National anthem is political....


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
Where on the political spectrum does it side?
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.
So love and respect for your country, which the National Anthem embodies, somehow has something to do with president Trump?
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument

You are not constitutionally required to stand for it.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.

Forget about Trump. Standing is not making a political statement. There are those on the left that are disingenuously making that claim
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.
No, "one" might not. When blacks protest, (see black lives don't matter anymore than anyone else's), business get looted and cities get burnt to the ground, and when black people kneel during the National Anthem, they're just pissing on the flag and our Anthem. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows this.

President Trump didn't invent patriotism or love for our country. It's been around since long before he was born, as was our flag and anthem. He invited these coddled, disrespectful blacks to the White House to tell him their grievances. I haven't heard of any of them taking him up on his offer yet. Seems as though they have a lot more fun pissing on our flag and national anthem then being sincere about their grievances.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.
No, "one" might not. When blacks protest, (see black lives don't matter anymore than anyone else's), business get looted and cities get burnt to the ground, and when black people kneel during the National Anthem, they're just pissing on the flag and our Anthem. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows this.

President Trump didn't invent patriotism or love for our country. It's been around since long before he was born, as was our flag and anthem. He invited these coddled, disrespectful blacks to the White House to tell him their grievances. I haven't heard of any of them taking him up on his offer yet. Seems as though they have a lot more fun pissing on our flag and national anthem then being sincere about their grievances.
One kneels to pray. How is kneeling equivalent to "pissing on the flag"?
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.
No, "one" might not. When blacks protest, (see black lives don't matter anymore than anyone else's), business get looted and cities get burnt to the ground, and when black people kneel during the National Anthem, they're just pissing on the flag and our Anthem. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows this.

President Trump didn't invent patriotism or love for our country. It's been around since long before he was born, as was our flag and anthem. He invited these coddled, disrespectful blacks to the White House to tell him their grievances. I haven't heard of any of them taking him up on his offer yet. Seems as though they have a lot more fun pissing on our flag and national anthem then being sincere about their grievances.
One kneels to pray. How is kneeling equivalent to "pissing on the flag"?

Everyone knows it’s proper decorum to stand
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

Add in the Pledge Of Allegiance. Conservatives love this forcing on students to pledge obedience to the government. It was written by a socialist.

Should any American be forced to pledge allegiance to anything or anyone? That's what Kim Jong Un does. Too many people in the US view symbols as far more important than rights and that spells, over time, death for a democracy.
1789 Hail Columbia! 1800 My Country Tis of Thee , 1850 Dixie 1930 Oh OK, Star Spangled Banner, we burn through these things honestly. It says lets see, Oh I wish, I mean can you see, if you don't follow that flag or the other flag, this flag was the best, rocket's red glare, that was the right flag, the other flags were wrong. Hail Columbia was too bipartisan, as the Union anthem ,didn't do enough for alienating agreeing Southern folk. By the way, I will kneel with black athletes, with an arm on their shoulder, and start singing Dixie, to see what happens.

Hail Columbia has nuance. Its all about George Washington coming out of retirement, Washington the District of Columbia, modest polite Virginian he is, obviously first hail to the feminine first as the gentleman, Columbia is a latin feminine "America" , so you know, no backsies. One man, one fertile soil, its God's plan.
Andrew Jackson battle of New Orleans "they won't rest on this soil a single day!"
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Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

Add in the Pledge Of Allegiance. Conservatives love this forcing on students to pledge obedience to the government. It was written by a socialist.

Should any American be forced to pledge allegiance to anything or anyone? That's what Kim Jong Un does. Too many people in the US view symbols as far more important than rights and that spells, over time, death for a democracy.

Of course no one should be forced to do anything. Weird question bro

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