If the National anthem is political....

Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.
So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument

You are not constitutionally required to stand for it.

And the fact is taking a knee for the anthem was a poliical statement by those doing it. The obsession the right has with trying to tell us how wrong we are about everything when everything the right has tried failed miserably is sickening. Why not just STFU if you are a conservative because we've seen your stuff fail and liberals have had to save the country every single time after you guys come up with one of your "brilliant" ideas.

We are not constitutionally required to stand during the anthem so you yakking about standing has no constitutional basis. Nor does Trumps. I can determine what method of peaceful protest I will use to air any grievance I want and I can declare it to be political if I choose to.

Thank you for admitting taking a knee was a political statement. Myself, as well as others felt your message got blurred because of the way in which you chose to protest. The players offended a lot of ppl in the process, even though that might not have been their intention

The message didn't get blurred you chose to be blinded by your willingness to listen and obey Donald Trump. The players did not offended as many as you would like to think.

Did u look at ratings drop in the nfl? Ppl were pissed. And they were pissed before Trump
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

The owners have a right to institute a policy. If the players don’t like it they can kick rocks. There’s no right to play in the NFL
You are not constitutionally required to stand for it.

And the fact is taking a knee for the anthem was a poliical statement by those doing it. The obsession the right has with trying to tell us how wrong we are about everything when everything the right has tried failed miserably is sickening. Why not just STFU if you are a conservative because we've seen your stuff fail and liberals have had to save the country every single time after you guys come up with one of your "brilliant" ideas.

We are not constitutionally required to stand during the anthem so you yakking about standing has no constitutional basis. Nor does Trumps. I can determine what method of peaceful protest I will use to air any grievance I want and I can declare it to be political if I choose to.

Thank you for admitting taking a knee was a political statement. Myself, as well as others felt your message got blurred because of the way in which you chose to protest. The players offended a lot of ppl in the process, even though that might not have been their intention

The message didn't get blurred you chose to be blinded by your willingness to listen and obey Donald Trump. The players did not offended as many as you would like to think.

Did u look at ratings drop in the nfl? Ppl were pissed. And they were pissed before Trump

google *cutting the cord*


And the fact is taking a knee for the anthem was a poliical statement by those doing it. The obsession the right has with trying to tell us how wrong we are about everything when everything the right has tried failed miserably is sickening. Why not just STFU if you are a conservative because we've seen your stuff fail and liberals have had to save the country every single time after you guys come up with one of your "brilliant" ideas.

We are not constitutionally required to stand during the anthem so you yakking about standing has no constitutional basis. Nor does Trumps. I can determine what method of peaceful protest I will use to air any grievance I want and I can declare it to be political if I choose to.

Thank you for admitting taking a knee was a political statement. Myself, as well as others felt your message got blurred because of the way in which you chose to protest. The players offended a lot of ppl in the process, even though that might not have been their intention

The message didn't get blurred you chose to be blinded by your willingness to listen and obey Donald Trump. The players did not offended as many as you would like to think.

Did u look at ratings drop in the nfl? Ppl were pissed. And they were pissed before Trump

google *cutting the cord*


Nba railings went up.

Nice try though
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The NFL is protecting its brand, which it has every right to do? Don’t ya think?

Sure, I'm not saying. the NFL is doing anything illegal, just immoral. However if the president is actively pushing public opinion I can see a possible first amendment case here. Trump should stay out of it, especially since he can't even characterize what the protesting was about anyway.
Why doesn't trump uphold the oath he swore to?

Why does he refuse to uphold the US Constitution? Not just about this. He's against a lot more of the constitution than he is for it.

Why are RWNJs and racists okay with this? As well as okay with unequal rights for Blacks?

In 1943, the court ruled in West Virginia vs. Barnette that the First Amendment protects people from being forced to participate in patriotic ceremonies that offend their conscience or beliefs. In the 1989 case of Texas vs. Johnson, the court protected the the right to burn the American flag as a form of symbolic speech.
This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The NFL is protecting its brand, which it has every right to do? Don’t ya think?

Sure, I'm not saying. the NFL is doing anything illegal, just immoral. However if the president is actively pushing public opinion I can see a possible first amendment case here. Trump should stay out of it, especially since he can't even characterize what the protesting was about anyway.

The president has a right to sway public opinion which ever way he pleases. He has first amendment rights as well.As long as the government isn’t mandating that anyone stand it’s well within their right to opine.
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

OK, I guess. I don't really care if they play it or not.
Uber butthurt over a song, no response to a bugwit destroying our alliances with all of our closest allies.

The 'feelings' of people that have no clue why any country needs a Constitution.

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The NFL is protecting its brand, which it has every right to do? Don’t ya think?

If their brand is the unequal treatment of Blacks by cops, yes.

If they believe in the US Constitution (see above), then no. Of course not.
This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

The flag is a piece of cloth and people should be allowed to do with it what they want.

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