If the National anthem is political....

This debate has been going on for awhile now. Both sides have been passionate about it. There are those on the left that want to take the anthem out of sports, because they feel it’s political and by making players stand they are forcing a brand of politics on them. This thread is to clarify that that is a bogus claim.

What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.

So you hate whites; do you hate Latinos more?


Whites and Latinos in America are pretty much on the same page. Cubans and legal Mexicans helped Trump win Florida.

I've heard anecdotally over the last number of years that the two groups aren't particularly friendly.


Idk what to tell ya. There was that Cuban woman that wanted her kid to be American so bad she named him "US Mail". So there's that.

Naturalized Mexicans love America, too. I've seen that first-hand.

PS: "John Oates" is not his real name. ;)
What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

I support your right to say it, doesn't mean I agree with you.

Just hold your breath until the mailman delivers that reparations check, mmmk?
What do you think forcing people to stand for the anthem is about?

Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

You have the freedom to say what ever you like. If you decide actions are the same as free speech, then I could probably be convinced if your actions are offensive.
Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

I support your right to say it, doesn't mean I agree with you.

Just hold your breath until the mailman delivers that reparations check, mmmk?

You do that. I'll just laugh as I watch your part of this nation crumble for it's arrogance.
The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

I support your right to say it, doesn't mean I agree with you.

Just hold your breath until the mailman delivers that reparations check, mmmk?

You do that. I'll just laugh as I watch your part of this nation crumble for it's arrogance.

No you won't. Are you trying to convince me I'm wrong to support your right to free speech? If so, you're doing a bang-up job.

Anytime I deal with you, I have to remind myself that you are an outlier.
The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

I support your right to say it, doesn't mean I agree with you.

Just hold your breath until the mailman delivers that reparations check, mmmk?

You do that. I'll just laugh as I watch your part of this nation crumble for it's arrogance.

You bet...how's that working for ya so far?
Let me ask you this - who’s doing the forcing?

The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

You have the freedom to say what ever you like. If you decide actions are the same as free speech, then I could probably be convinced if your actions are offensive.

We are free to sit. So be offended.
The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

You have the freedom to say what ever you like. If you decide actions are the same as free speech, then I could probably be convinced if your actions are offensive.

We are free to sit. So be offended.

You're ugly too, but I wasn't gonna say nothin'. :rolleyes:
The NFL. They can stand in public or kneel in a locker room.

Also the President shouldn't weigh in on this as he is borderline making this a first amendment issue if the NFL feels it's being pushed to make these rules by influence of the government.

The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

You have the freedom to say what ever you like. If you decide actions are the same as free speech, then I could probably be convinced if your actions are offensive.

We are free to sit. So be offended.

Wouldn't doubt you've done more than your fair share of sitting.
The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

I support your right to say it, doesn't mean I agree with you.

Just hold your breath until the mailman delivers that reparations check, mmmk?

You do that. I'll just laugh as I watch your part of this nation crumble for it's arrogance.

No you won't. Are you trying to convince me I'm wrong to support your right to free speech? If so, you're doing a bang-up job.

Anytime I deal with you, I have to remind myself that you are an outlier.

Yes I will. I'm no outlier and reparations had nothing to do with this conversation. So don't pretend you didn't make that comment then act like what I said was about your comment on my freedom of speech.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

So you’re not making a political statement by standing for it. That’s the argument some on the left have. It’s a bogus argument
There was one voice that chastised the protesting players. One voice calling them sons of bitches. One voice calling for them to be fired.

Trumpians and their leader don't like Black people when they protest loudly (see Black Lives Matter). And they don't like,it whenBlack people protest silently (see the anthem curfluffle). One might rightly assume, therefore, Trump and his minions just don't like Black people at all. And using the National Anthem as an aegis in their outrage flies in the face of all things good and proper and fitting about our nation.

So you hate whites; do you hate Latinos more?

I hate Authoritarian assholes. If they're White, so be it.
The players should be able to kneel on the sidelines. The flag is not to be worshipped, nor is a song.

Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

You have the freedom to say what ever you like. If you decide actions are the same as free speech, then I could probably be convinced if your actions are offensive.

We are free to sit. So be offended.

Wouldn't doubt you've done more than your fair share of sitting.

Yep. In an office sitting in a directors chair.
The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.

What political statement am I making by standing for it? That I love my country and I respect those who fought for it? Liberals. smh lol
It has nothing to do with politics. Patriotism is not a political statement. Folks from both sides of the aisle are patriotic.
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The National Anthem is apolitical. Bipartisan.

But using it as a political cudgel is pure Trumpian.
So love and respect for your country, which the National Anthem embodies, somehow has something to do with president Trump?

Like it hasn't been around since 1812 or something. :uhoh3:
1931, but who's counting?

This is why revisionist history is bad, mmk?

Penned in 1814, voted to be The National Anthem by Congress in 1931. My! That's akin to being a law, huh?

The Star-Spangled Banner - Wikipedia

Wiki, because fuck you, asshat, that's why.
That's some chip on those narrow shoulders of yours! Did your Mom teach you to be a nasty asshole, or was it due to your crappy life experience?

Reported, family rule. My mom was a saint. She had no guile to her. She's also dead.
Who the hell is worshipping the flag? The flag should be respected, and if that's too difficult for you perhaps you're in the wrong country.

Well one can accurately say this nation and has taken a knee on blacks and has disrespected blacks. Since respect is a 2 way thing...… And if you don't like my freedom to say that, YOU are in the wrong country.

You have the freedom to say what ever you like. If you decide actions are the same as free speech, then I could probably be convinced if your actions are offensive.

We are free to sit. So be offended.

Wouldn't doubt you've done more than your fair share of sitting.

Yep. In an office sitting in a directors chair.

LOL...sure, was he/she on vacation?
So love and respect for your country, which the National Anthem embodies, somehow has something to do with president Trump?

Like it hasn't been around since 1812 or something. :uhoh3:
1931, but who's counting?

This is why revisionist history is bad, mmk?

Penned in 1814, voted to be The National Anthem by Congress in 1931. My! That's akin to being a law, huh?

The Star-Spangled Banner - Wikipedia

Wiki, because fuck you, asshat, that's why.
That's some chip on those narrow shoulders of yours! Did your Mom teach you to be a nasty asshole, or was it due to your crappy life experience?

Reported, family rule. My mom was a saint. She had no guile to her. She's also dead.
Did you tell the mods you called me asshat for no good reason other than the way you were raised? Include that bon mot next time you rat me out, trailer park.
I thought the proper place for a Director's chair would be a studio, but ya know..

I guess IM2 sat in it before they buzzed him to bring it out.

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