If "The TRUMP ARMY" Comes Out Full Force Tomorrow. Bye Bye Hillary!!!


Suddenly, I am inspired to watch an old Steve Reeves movie, Maybe, "Hercules vs. The Moon Men".

Actually, this is one of my favorite pictures of Trump.

Here Trump is again golfing, he is so exhausted he's crawling on the ground. Geez, we hear about Clinton and how bad of shape she is, yet no one has seen her crawling because she can't walk because she's so outa shape.
Wow, all I can say is wow.
I swear that this whole thing is going to be more fun than when my mother-in-law drove off a cliff while nagging me on her cell phone!!!
Foreigners taking jobs from foreigners! Only the libs could pull that one off.

The biggest threat to the Democrat party is an educated voter. If blacks ever decide to take an interest in politics, you better hope for a lot of foreigners.

Blacks are starting to cross over to Trump. After TPP and Nafta and mass illegal and refugee immigration, the more intelligent ones are starting to say "hey, what the hell are democrats doing for us?" Nothing. bill clinton sent a lot of your factory jobs to mexico by way of Nafta. obama wants to get rid of more manufacturing by way of TPP. Every four years they tell you to vote for them. Then you don't see them anymore. The only time obama addresses them, it's to scold them to be responsible etc. Much like that other low life bill cosby used to do.

Only the GOP would consistently run one disastrous candidate after another, and then claim that they lost because the majority of people in the country are not smart enough to vote for them!
hmmmmm . . . . I thought you douche bags like McCain and Romney. You keep telling us that's the kind of guy we should have nominated.
Actually, this is one of my favorite pictures of Trump.
View attachment 97381
Here Trump is again golfing, he is so exhausted he's crawling on the ground. Geez, we hear about Clinton and how bad of shape she is, yet no one has seen her crawling because she can't walk because she's so outa shape.
Wow, all I can say is wow.
You aren't really this stupid, are you?
[hmmmmm . . . . I thought you douche bags like McCain and Romney. You keep telling us that's the kind of guy we should have nominated.

You nominated a loser.

He was losing against Clinton during the primaries, and he's losing now.

But you Orange Jesus worshipers closed your eyes, stuck your fingers into your ears, wouldn't listen, and nominated the guy who consistently was the worst candidate against Clinton. All the other candidates did better than Trump against Clinton.

Now, he's going to lose to the most unpopular candidate ever to run for the Presidency - other than him, of course - a woman who has serious ethical and possibly legal issues.

That's how bad Trump is.

So you guys don't really give a shit about Clinton winning. You were more interested in settling scores in the Republican Party.
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Actually, this is one of my favorite pictures of Trump.
View attachment 97381
Here Trump is again golfing, he is so exhausted he's crawling on the ground. Geez, we hear about Clinton and how bad of shape she is, yet no one has seen her crawling because she can't walk because she's so outa shape.
Wow, all I can say is wow.

That's not Wow. This is Wow:

Funny, a friend of mine play golf with trump and said that he cheated Biggly. Notes a tendency for kicking balls out for better shots (the ol foot wedge). True golfers know what this says about a person

We can certainly not vote for him for that reason. Believe it or not, some are so petty they won't vote for Hillary because she erased evidence subpoenaed by the United States Congress........imagine that!!!!
[Funny, a friend of mine play golf with trump and said that he cheated Biggly. Notes a tendency for kicking balls out for better shots (the ol foot wedge). True golfers know what this says about a person

Several people have told me he's the biggest cheat in golf.

Are you surprised? Nobody does The Biggest Loser as well as Trump. He is indicative of our times. Popcorn news cycles. Lack of depth investigative reporting. Dumb arse white trash believing everything they hear to back up their bigotry.
In reading this, I find myself visualizing Linus sitting in the pumpkin patch at midnight, waiting for the Great Pumpkin to rise up, and ........

Bad visualization. I'm sure even Linus had the intelligence to vote on issues instead of personalities. The biggest problem we have with our electorate is people voting on representatives like they did their favorite American Idol contestant.
No they aren't. He lies more than Hillary. He would be much more corrupt than Hillary. A egomaniac that can't take responsibility for his mistakes. His entire run would be cover ups, distortion of the facts, bullied attacks against his critics, lies, lies and more lies. There is no doubt

All politicians lie. It's not how much they lied, it's what they lied about.

I love your wording: Trump "would be" more corrupt than Hillary. How can you take that argument to the polls? You would elect somebody that is corrupt over somebody that isn't corrupt, but might be later on?
How many rallies has Trump done? Couple hundred... how many in average at each rally? 20k high ave estimate... so 20k x 300 = 6 million people... any clue how many votes you need to win??

Did you know that Hillary has over a million volunteers nation wide. On the phones and knocking doors helping people find the polls and getting out the vote?

Fact is her ground game is stronger and more effective than his rally strategy. On top of the fact that she has her rallies in conjunction with both Obamas, Biden, kaine, bill and Chelsea...

Add to all of that the fact that Hillary is a serious candidate and trump is a joke??? There should be no surprise if Trump loses. The shocker would be if he wins... heaven forbid

Trump draws his audience all by himself in many cases. In order for Hil-Liar to draw anything but stray dogs, she needs a laundry list of people to come with her. Hint: all those people are not coming to see Hillary.

You nominated a loser.

He was losing against Clinton during the primaries, and he's losing now.

But you Orange Jesus worshipers closed your eyes, stuck your fingers into your ears, wouldn't listen, and nominated the guy who consistently was the worst candidate against Clinton. All the other candidates did better than Trump against Clinton.

Now, he's going to lose to the most unpopular candidate ever to run for the Presidency - other than him, of course - a woman who has serious ethical and possibly legal issues.

That's how bad Trump is.

So you guys don't really give a shit about Clinton winning. You were more interested in settling scores in the Republican Party.

Sorry Toro. I'm up to here with this BS. I fell for the "These are the two worst candidates ever" until I realised I'd been duped. What has Hillary done that is so bad? Seriously? I became so used to the "hillary is corrupt but Donald is worse" BS that I believed it. Then I started looking into it. I know it is not ideal that out of 330 million people another Clinton will be in the WH, but what has she actually done that is wrong? other than supposition and allegations, nothing is proved. The neocon shills have whined so loud that most people believe she must have done something wrong. She might have. But other than conjecture, what has she done wrong. I'm still waiting. I've had several of our neocon morons tell me. I thne look up the accusations on reliable websites. nada. just allegations. It's like if I yell long and loud enough that Toro hates the colour purple and ferraris then it must be true because I said it. No proof. nothing. Just must be true.

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