If the U.S. has no separation of church and state, what is the state religion?

No It doesn't give me the right to sacrifice virgins or smoke dope either, for reasons that seem to escape you.

It did not escape me at all. I was the one who posted the correct information. You were the one who claimed you corrected me by adding "...where ever they want.". When, in fact, that is not true.

I said "where ever they want", in regards to public property. I'm a Conservative. I respect private property rights. The very idea that I would assume I have the right to pray on your front lawn is foreign to me.

Nice try, but no dice.
We have trespassing laws to protect private property.
The right to worship wherever we wish, would logically be added to think about the laws we have.
I guess we have to get very specific and we must be absolutely correct when we conservatives use our words.
But of course the left would be exempt, like they are in most things. :lol:

I asked for verification, and they did so. 60% of the country is privately owned. That is not a tiny detail.

people own their houses or businesses.....but that sidewalk out front is a public space and people can pass out Christian flyers on the sidewalk.....(except around muslim areas)

Even better than that, every student in every public school can pray. They can't have an assembly or group event to do it. But God hears all prayers, whether it is a silent one in a moment of quiet, or a loud boisterous attempt to display false piety. The problem is, some are not satisfied with silent prayers said by someone of faith. They want to make a big show of it.
I asked for verification, and they did so. 60% of the country is privately owned. That is not a tiny detail.

people own their houses or businesses.....but that sidewalk out front is a public space and people can pass out Christian flyers on the sidewalk.....(except around muslim areas)

Even better than that, every student in every public school can pray. They can't have an assembly or group event to do it. But God hears all prayers, whether it is a silent one in a moment of quiet, or a loud boisterous attempt to display false piety. The problem is, some are not satisfied with silent prayers said by someone of faith. They want to make a big show of it.

you mean like the muslims who need special rooms to lay out their prayer rugs to bow to mecca....? or special foot baths to wash their feet....? or a special call to prayer 6X a day....?
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He's another that reads into the Constitution things that aren't there. Perhaps English is his second language?

And the fact that he believes 9 tyrants in black robes trump the Constitution leaving the people with no recourse is scary, Ernie...

The fact is that the nine do have the final say until another nine say different

The fact is that 5 of the 9 have final say, until, 5 say different, regardless of what the written word, or reason, dictate.
However, the people, Congress can override the SCOTUS...by Amendment to the Constitution...Fact is the people if so motivated do have the last say...but the politicians have to get off their asses.
How would the atheists handle it if an unorganized mob of 200 people all descended on a park to individually kneel in prayer? No permit necessary, arranged instantly by text.
A lot of religious nuts insist there is no separation of church and state in the United States because the constitution doesn't use the exact words "separation of church and state."

If there is no separation of church and state, than that means there must be an official state religion.

I'd like to know what they think it is.

Obviously, barring the establishment of a state religion means the exact same thing as separation of church and state. It's a synonym.

Nice try, sweetie..
The two are mutually exclusive.
Read the establishment clause in the First Amendment.
I suppose you also believe there is a Constitutional right to privacy. LOL
Have you read the First Amendment? Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion.
He's another that reads into the Constitution things that aren't there. Perhaps English is his second language?

And the fact that he believes 9 tyrants in black robes trump the Constitution leaving the people with no recourse is scary, Ernie...

The fact is that the nine do have the final say until another nine say different
Actually? They don't. The people do through Congress. Problem is? Getting the politicians off their asses to protect our liberty instead of going along and usurping it.
How would the atheists handle it if an unorganized mob of 200 people all descended on a park to individually kneel in prayer? No permit necessary, arranged instantly by text.

Probably the same way Christians would handle it if a mob of 200 atheists descended on a park to kneel and not pray.
The unofficial state religion has been a form of civil Christianity, which for a hundred and fifty years or more has been a compound of white mainstream protestant and evangelical values.

That has been failing the last two decades as a result of the increasingly secularism of society.

We won't, as a nation, go back to what was the unofficial state religion. The millennial and X and Y generations will not permit such a regressive cultural move.

Wanna bet? Young people are actually reconnecting with their Christianity.
That's a fact.
I asked for verification, and they did so. 60% of the country is privately owned. That is not a tiny detail.

people own their houses or businesses.....but that sidewalk out front is a public space and people can pass out Christian flyers on the sidewalk.....(except around muslim areas)

Even better than that, every student in every public school can pray. They can't have an assembly or group event to do it. But God hears all prayers, whether it is a silent one in a moment of quiet, or a loud boisterous attempt to display false piety. The problem is, some are not satisfied with silent prayers said by someone of faith. They want to make a big show of it.

If it so wrong then why does God answer their prayers?
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A lot of religious nuts insist there is no separation of church and state in the United States because the constitution doesn't use the exact words "separation of church and state."

If there is no separation of church and state, than that means there must be an official state religion.

I'd like to know what they think it is.

Obviously, barring the establishment of a state religion means the exact same thing as separation of church and state. It's a synonym.
Of coarse we have a separation of church and state, anyone who say's otherwise is a fucking lunatic.

Or someone who lives in the ME.

So your answer is to hurl insults at those who dare have a viewpoint with which you disagree.
You turned out to be a fine mess.
people own their houses or businesses.....but that sidewalk out front is a public space and people can pass out Christian flyers on the sidewalk.....(except around muslim areas)

Even better than that, every student in every public school can pray. They can't have an assembly or group event to do it. But God hears all prayers, whether it is a silent one in a moment of quiet, or a loud boisterous attempt to display false piety. The problem is, some are not satisfied with silent prayers said by someone of faith. They want to make a big show of it.

you mean like the muslims who need special rooms to lay out their prayer rugs to bow to mecca....? or special foot baths to wash their feet....? or a special call to prayer 6X a day....?

I disagree with that too.

But, those requirements are detailed requirements of their individual faith. They can show in their religious texts that it is required.

Prayer before a football game is not a requirement of Christianity.
Separation of Church and State was ordained by a human tyrant in a black robe that bastardized the meaning of the First Amendment and using a letter sent by Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists...your premise stinks, and living in grey areas (secular) has no bearing on the First Amendment.

Words mean things...but your type inserts crap into pretty much everything to get around the truth.

YOU are dismissed.

You may dismiss as many posters here as you wish. It doesn't change the ruling made by the SCOTUS.
And it doesn't mean that SCOTUS got it correct either, does it? They have been wrong on many things starting with Maubury V Madison...
Take it from there. YOUR belief that 9 Tyrants in black robes have the final sayso is scary, and by the way? THEY are NOT the last say in ANY matter.

Got it?

The “but the Supreme Court sometimes gets it ‘wrong’” argument fails as it demonstrates the ignorance of many on the right concerning the process of judicial review.

In fact, that the Court has erred in the past is confirmation that the process works, where the Court is able to address its errors and make corrections accordingly.

In overturning Bowers, for example, the Lawrence Court explained the role played by stare decisis and established precedent:

The doctrine of stare decisis is essential to the respect accorded to the judgments of the Court and to the stability of the law. It is not, however, an inexorable command. Payne v. Tennessee, 501 U.S. 808, 828 (1991) (“Stare decisis is not an inexorable command; rather, it ‘is a principle of policy and not a mechanical formula of adherence to the latest decision’ ”) (quoting Helvering v. Hallock, 309 U.S. 106, 119 (1940))).


The genius of the Anglo-American judicial tradition, therefore, is to take into account and accommodate the fallibility inherent in all humans, and in all institutions that humans create.

For example, Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) was the law of the land until it was overturned by the Brown Court. As with Bowers, the holding in Plessy “has not induced detrimental reliance comparable to some instances where recognized individual rights are involved. Indeed, there has been no individual or societal reliance on [Plessy] of the sort that could counsel against overturning its holding once there are compelling reasons to do so. [Plessy] itself causes uncertainty, for the precedents before and after its issuance contradict its central holding.”

For the last 65 years McCollum v. Board of Education has been the law of the land, it has been subjected to exhaustive judicial review by the courts and by the people via the political process. And unlike Plessey and Bowers, McCollum recognizes “a constitutional liberty interest, [where an] individual or societal reliance on the existence of that liberty cautions with particular strength against reversing course. [Casey] 505 U.S., at 855—856; see also id., at 844 (“Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt”).”

McCollum and its progeny remain the valid law of the land concerning the First Amendment and the meaning of the Establishment Clause, where the Framers mandated a separation of church and state, not because the Supreme Court ‘says so,’ but because the holding has withstood decades of judicial review and analysis determining its conclusion an accurate review of the relevant documents and evidence, and where the holding is consistent with protecting a constitutional liberty interest.
people own their houses or businesses.....but that sidewalk out front is a public space and people can pass out Christian flyers on the sidewalk.....(except around muslim areas)

Even better than that, every student in every public school can pray. They can't have an assembly or group event to do it. But God hears all prayers, whether it is a silent one in a moment of quiet, or a loud boisterous attempt to display false piety. The problem is, some are not satisfied with silent prayers said by someone of faith. They want to make a big show of it.

It it's so wrong then why does God answer their prayers?

Does he?

Perhaps a reminder of scripture is in order?

"“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward."
The unofficial state religion has been a form of civil Christianity, which for a hundred and fifty years or more has been a compound of white mainstream protestant and evangelical values.

That has been failing the last two decades as a result of the increasingly secularism of society.

We won't, as a nation, go back to what was the unofficial state religion. The millennial and X and Y generations will not permit such a regressive cultural move.

Wanna bet? Young people are actually reconnecting with their Christianity.
That's a fact.

You lose. One in five Americans today has no religious affiliation, and for the first time there are as many who claim no religion as there are white evangelicals, according to a new Pew report. With evangelicals forming the GOP’s backbone, the party may face a struggle to survive, says Michelle Goldberg..

A Pew poll reported in The Daily Beast Pew Report Finding More Americans Unaffiliated With Religion Is Bad News for GOP - The Daily Beast
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