If the US is so bad, what country is better

But still, back to the topic. The only metric I've seen proposed to determine the worth of a country is the degree of respect its leader is held in. Is that enough?
The losers on the left who blame everything on white people will now be saying countries like Belgium, Norway, and Denmark are better.

Funny, cause all of the countries they will name all have a higher density of whites.

Unless they are talking about Turkey or Venezuela. Have they ever claimed those countries are better than here? No? Did not think so.

So, remind the losers on the left who will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS bring up those countries being better than here all have a higher density of whites in those countries. Since they blame white people for all of the things that are wrong in the world, it pretty much contradicts their train....of thought.

The left wing train of thought. LOL!!!
You cannot come up with a country better so you think the USA with all of it's left wingers who are PC is the best.
The losers on the left who blame everything on white people will now be saying countries like Belgium, Norway, and Denmark are better.

Funny, cause all of the countries they will name all have a higher density of whites.

Unless they are talking about Turkey or Venezuela. Have they ever claimed those countries are better than here? No? Did not think so.

So, remind the losers on the left who will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS bring up those countries being better than here all have a higher density of whites in those countries. Since they blame white people for all of the things that are wrong in the world, it pretty much contradicts their train....of thought.

The left wing train of thought. LOL!!!
You cannot come up with a country better so you think the USA with all of it's left wingers who are PC is the best.
It is - in spite of the leftist traitors.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.

Banana Republics are right wing dictatorships. Where the wealthy and elite control everything, and the peasants have nothing. Under Republican economic practices, you're half way there.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

North Korea?

I am sure if you ask their citizen they will all agree their dear leader is the greatest that ever lived... Of course with the threat of being killed might have skewed that opinion but still this is my answer...
Good point. I think if Donald Trump becomes President it would be similar.
Look what has happened to every individual who shows disapproval of The Donald. He try's to destroy them.
Apparently, you've missed out on the Clintons death panels.
The death panel is a end of life planning with your doctor and family. Something we all should do.
I personally do not want to be kept alive by machines that cost tons of money and provide no quality of life.
A death panel is a very necessary, responsible process to go through
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

North Korea?

I am sure if you ask their citizen they will all agree their dear leader is the greatest that ever lived... Of course with the threat of being killed might have skewed that opinion but still this is my answer...
Good point. I think if Donald Trump becomes President it would be similar.
Look what has happened to every individual who shows disapproval of The Donald. He try's to destroy them.
Apparently, you've missed out on the Clintons death panels.
The death panel is a end of life planning with your doctor and family. Something we all should do.
I personally do not want to be kept alive by machines that cost tons of money and provide no quality of life.
A death panel is a very necessary, responsible process to go through
I think you should do this immediately.
The losers on the left who blame everything on white people will now be saying countries like Belgium, Norway, and Denmark are better.

Funny, cause all of the countries they will name all have a higher density of whites.

Unless they are talking about Turkey or Venezuela. Have they ever claimed those countries are better than here? No? Did not think so.

So, remind the losers on the left who will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS bring up those countries being better than here all have a higher density of whites in those countries. Since they blame white people for all of the things that are wrong in the world, it pretty much contradicts their train....of thought.

The left wing train of thought. LOL!!!
You cannot come up with a country better so you think the USA with all of it's left wingers who are PC is the best.
The losers on the left who blame everything on white people will now be saying countries like Belgium, Norway, and Denmark are better.

Funny, cause all of the countries they will name all have a higher density of whites.

Unless they are talking about Turkey or Venezuela. Have they ever claimed those countries are better than here? No? Did not think so.

So, remind the losers on the left who will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS bring up those countries being better than here all have a higher density of whites in those countries. Since they blame white people for all of the things that are wrong in the world, it pretty much contradicts their train....of thought.

The left wing train of thought. LOL!!!
You cannot come up with a country better so you think the USA with all of it's left wingers who are PC is the best.
It is - in spite of the leftist traitors.
It is declining significantly due to them. Hence, the reason we need to make it great AGAIN.

I think it is funny how the leftists have unwittingly showed us what the problem is. Look at my post. What is it that I am seeing?
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.

Banana Republics are right wing dictatorships. Where the wealthy and elite control everything, and the peasants have nothing. Under Republican economic practices, you're half way there.

No dear, they are collectivist governments. That's where all the power is gathered into the hands of a very few, and the PEOPLE have no power. That is by definition leftist. You see dear child a RIGHTWING government is NO government. In other words anarchy. Think about this logically (I know that's hard for you) how can both fascism and communism be at opposite ends of the political spectrum when they both deny the PEOPLE power, and instead have a very, very few hold all the power, and all the money in the country?
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.

Banana Republics are right wing dictatorships. Where the wealthy and elite control everything, and the peasants have nothing. Under Republican economic practices, you're half way there.
In your utopian existence, the government controls everything. You screw up, you go to jail, assets frozen. If I screw up, I might have to find another job.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.

Banana Republics are right wing dictatorships. Where the wealthy and elite control everything, and the peasants have nothing. Under Republican economic practices, you're half way there.
In your utopian existence, the government controls everything. You screw up, you go to jail, assets frozen. If I screw up, I might have to find another job.
The lack of anyone being able to provide countries through out the world that are better than the USA shows
The USA is great. We can make it greater but compared to all the other countries in the world it is one of the best to live in.
As far as what Country is better? Switzerland is better. Norway is better.

As far as what Leader is better? Putin is at least as popular as BHO. Xi is also.
Those countries have a lower population of blacks and mexicans.

I think I see what you are saying.

No correlation?

I am wondering why all of the countries that have higher density of darker skinned people are on the bottom.

Is it because of white people? It must be. At least to every stupid ass moronic left wing dufus like you. So, maybe you can explain to all of us why ALL of the countries the pathetic left brings up as better than here, why those countries have a higher density of white people.

LOL at the left.
Wow Theowl32 your racist colors are screaming.

I don't think that a nation's colored peoples have much to do with their comparison of whether they are among the best places to live. Disadvantaged colored peoples certainly do influence the crime rates.

Switzerland and Finland have both been smart about their closed door policies to unbridled immigration.

Unbridled immigration burdens the safety net features of any society.

It seems to me that Switzerland and Finland are better because they mind their own business and make sure their own people are taken care of with proper housing, nourishment, medical care, education, and work opportunity.

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