If the US is so bad, what country is better

If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

We like the US with the freedom to tell an ethnic joke or to have a discussion without the pc police.

We also liked a country with jobs and not welfare

But the US is still better than the rest, but it could be so much better
We must deal with the real world not a fantasy world.
We can and will get better but we should also appreciate what we have
As far as what Country is better? Switzerland is better. Norway is better.

As far as what Leader is better? Putin is at least as popular as BHO. Xi is also.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

North Korea?

I am sure if you ask their citizen they will all agree their dear leader is the greatest that ever lived... Of course with the threat of being killed might have skewed that opinion but still this is my answer...
Where is the STFU icon ??
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

We like the US with the freedom to tell an ethnic joke or to have a discussion without the pc police.

We also liked a country with jobs and not welfare

But the US is still better than the rest, but it could be so much better
We must deal with the real world not a fantasy world.
We can and will get better but we should also appreciate what we have

Not during an election, we have had no leadership...1.2 percent growth is a joke. 8 years and this? Nah....and that's just the economy
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.
The progressives are part of the fiber that has made America what is along with conservatives and everyone else.
If you screw with the fiber that makes us great, that is what will really screw us up.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

We like the US with the freedom to tell an ethnic joke or to have a discussion without the pc police.

We also liked a country with jobs and not welfare

But the US is still better than the rest, but it could be so much better
We must deal with the real world not a fantasy world.
We can and will get better but we should also appreciate what we have

Not during an election, we have had no leadership...1.2 percent growth is a joke. 8 years and this? Nah....and that's just the economy
You are the type of person that will always complain. You focus on the half empty not the half full.
I am sure you are like that with everything. It is a sad way to live but you are free to live anyway you want.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

The US is the best which is why we are trying to keep you progressives from fucking it up and turning into yet another banana republic.
The progressives are part of the fiber that has made America what is along with conservatives and everyone else.
If you screw with the fiber that makes us great, that is what will really screw us up.

Wrong. Liberals are the very fiber of this country. Progressives are collectivists who wish to turn this country into another Soviet Union. A Soviet Union that utterly failed and managed to murder tens of millions of its own citizens and all the while the progressives in this country applauded Stalin and praised him for being strong enough to do the job that they felt needed doing. No thank you
The losers on the left who blame everything on white people will now be saying countries like Belgium, Norway, and Denmark are better.

Funny, cause all of the countries they will name all have a higher density of whites.

Unless they are talking about Turkey or Venezuela. Have they ever claimed those countries are better than here? No? Did not think so.

So, remind the losers on the left who will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS bring up those countries being better than here all have a higher density of whites in those countries. Since they blame white people for all of the things that are wrong in the world, it pretty much contradicts their train....of thought.

The left wing train of thought. LOL!!!
As far as what Country is better? Switzerland is better. Norway is better.

As far as what Leader is better? Putin is at least as popular as BHO. Xi is also.
Those countries have a lower population of blacks and mexicans.

I think I see what you are saying.

No correlation?

I am wondering why all of the countries that have higher density of darker skinned people are on the bottom.

Is it because of white people? It must be. At least to every stupid ass moronic left wing dufus like you. So, maybe you can explain to all of us why ALL of the countries the pathetic left brings up as better than here, why those countries have a higher density of white people.

LOL at the left.
The losers on the left who blame everything on white people will now be saying countries like Belgium, Norway, and Denmark are better.

Funny, cause all of the countries they will name all have a higher density of whites.
Ah, straw men. Nothing falls down more satisfyingly. Nor is anything better than blaming black people for white conservative innocence.
If the US is so bad, what country is better

Well Obama seems to really like Iran.....
This one has 19 countries that contribute more to the world than the US ...

The Good Country - Overall Rankings

According to your information that you provided, the top 10 countries are.....


The bottom 15 countries are....

Lao People's Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea


Who else is noticing what I am noticing? I think we have discovered the problem!!!

Liberals are the very fiber of this country.
The ones who feel AGW is a hoax?

No, the ones who KNOW AGW is a hoax. Take a look dude, what is the one common denominator in all of the AGW "solutions" dare we call them "final solutions"? They all enrich the wealthiest of the one percenters. They all lead to the destruction of the middle class. They all lead to MORE and more powerful government. Liberals are for freedom from government. No amount of government control is too much for a progressive.
If the US is so bad what country is better?

What country has a leader with a higher approval rating than Obama?

North Korea?

I am sure if you ask their citizen they will all agree their dear leader is the greatest that ever lived... Of course with the threat of being killed might have skewed that opinion but still this is my answer...
Good point. I think if Donald Trump becomes President it would be similar.
Look what has happened to every individual who shows disapproval of The Donald. He try's to destroy them.
Apparently, you've missed out on the Clintons death panels.

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