"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

The vaccines are working but not for Covid.... They initiate a chain reaction that will eventually lead to chronic autoimmune conditions in most of the recipients. I will never take it.
nearly there .
That's not what the experts say. Have you called them to tell them?

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
who calls them 'vaccines'....
Normal people.
that leaves you out....

No, I call them vaccines. But nice try I guess.
that leaves you out....
Jesus, if you just want to troll that's fine but at least be clever. Get a sense of humor and have fun with it. 4th grade taunts and "Na-ah, you are!!1!" is just a bad reflection on you. Seriously,. a good lesson for you is go back and read this thread. Are you really proud of yourself or do you think you're coming off as kind of a knob?

You can have the last word but you should really examine your purpose and ability.
ok..TROLL...you don't like what i type....BOO-fucking-HOO....the only bad reflection is the one you see in the mirror...you have nothing to offer, except a shitty opinion...
i don't need 2 see things your way, nor would i ever ...its a delusional way to go, but hey, have at it
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

The vaccines are working but not for Covid.... They initiate a chain reaction that will eventually lead to chronic autoimmune conditions in most of the recipients. I will never take it. Also somebody needs to investigate the 99% claim....I don't buy it. I'll bet plenty of people are dying with the vaccinations and the numbers are being skewed....99% was a careless choice.

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Compare that to almost 99.901% of current deaths from the variant coming from people who weren't vaccinated?
False, many vaccinated people are dying from the Delta variant.
UK study showed they were 6 times more likely to die from it than unvaccinated.

No. They're not. Just stop. :)
It's not even remotely convincing anymore.
It's comes off as pathetic.
so do you when you spew lies and deny TRUTH....stop praying to msm and listen to NEWS
Who prays to the media? Except you card carrying members of the alt-right.
Man, you know things are tough at when your network has its own well paid hack
bringing in the nightly viewers bitching about how his own bosses won't back
his bogus conspiracy theories up. :)
and here we are again with a brain dead retard...how did TRUMP get into this part....he owns your head---rent free
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
What are the stats proving autoimmune reactions before the cytokine storm? Rogue antibodies do have something to do with Long COVID, but not everyone has rogue antibodies.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Once again you posted a link that you didn’t read. If you had you wouldn’t have crowed about vaccine failure.

All of the people who got sick were over 50 and had pre-existing conditions. The person who died did not receive a US approved vaccine, they received a vaccine developed and produced in India.

Even the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have a 95% efficacy rating. That means that out of every 100 people who get the vaccine, five will still get Covid, but they won’t get the most serious form of Covid and they won’t die.

At this point all of the smart people and all of the Democrats have gotten vaccinated. The people who are getting Covid and dying are Republicans who have been calling this thing a hoax since day one.

It’s hard to have sympathy for those who have a way of saving their own lives and choose not to take it for political reasons.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

No one has covered anything up. That's why from the start the Pfizer and Moderna came with the whole 95% effective statement. It's not a 100% guarantee you won't get the virus.
But you seemed to have brushed past the most important part of the article..which was in bold block black letters. :)

"but the ones with Pfizer and Moderna shots didn't get very sick".​

So the vaccine may not be 100% in protecting from the vaccine, but the ones who got the shot, didn't get very sick.
Compare that to almost 99.901% of current deaths from the variant coming from people who weren't vaccinated?

I gotta ask if you don't want to get the vaccine after reading this...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :)
shit 4 brains...over 6000 people have died directly from the death jab...the problem, is it wasnt anyone close to you, if it was, you might have learned TRUTH

No. There's been no direct link between any deaths and the vaccine (that's been made by reputable scientists dealing in FACT based peer reviewed study).
Now, does that mean there won't be some? Of course not. It's kind of the warning that comes with every vaccine. There will be side effects. Some people
may suffer the ultimate side effect. But that doesn't change the fact that millions upon millions of people have gotten the vaccine with no major side effects.

Again. Not a reason to refuse the vaccine.

The CDC has recorded about 6000 "selected" covid-19 vaccine deaths.
("selected" means a plausible link has been verified.)

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 331 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 6, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,946 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Once again you posted a link that you didn’t read. If you had you wouldn’t have crowed about vaccine failure.

All of the people who got sick were over 50 and had pre-existing conditions. The person who died did not receive a US approved vaccine, they received a vaccine developed and produced in India.

Even the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have a 95% efficacy rating. That means that out of every 100 people who get the vaccine, five will still get Covid, but they won’t get the most serious form of Covid and they won’t die.

At this point all of the smart people and all of the Democrats have gotten vaccinated. The people who are getting Covid and dying are Republicans who have been calling this thing a hoax since day one.

It’s hard to have sympathy for those who have a way of saving their own lives and choose not to take it for political reasons.

Remember there are no US approved vaccines yet either.

While I finally did decide to get vaccinated, it is not at all clear cut.
These are not normal vaccines, but rushed totally artificial, mass produced at a factory.
They contain a corona spike protein, but nothing directly from a real virus, so it is not at all clear what the long term biological effects may be? Since all the covid deaths are actually from an over active immune system, it is easy to imagine how hyping up the immune system with another corona spike could be very dangerous. The potential for future allergic reactions is high.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

No one has covered anything up. That's why from the start the Pfizer and Moderna came with the whole 95% effective statement. It's not a 100% guarantee you won't get the virus.
But you seemed to have brushed past the most important part of the article..which was in bold block black letters. :)

"but the ones with Pfizer and Moderna shots didn't get very sick".​

So the vaccine may not be 100% in protecting from the vaccine, but the ones who got the shot, didn't get very sick.
Compare that to almost 99.901% of current deaths from the variant coming from people who weren't vaccinated?

I gotta ask if you don't want to get the vaccine after reading this...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :)
shit 4 brains...over 6000 people have died directly from the death jab...the problem, is it wasnt anyone close to you, if it was, you might have learned TRUTH

No. There's been no direct link between any deaths and the vaccine (that's been made by reputable scientists dealing in FACT based peer reviewed study).
Now, does that mean there won't be some? Of course not. It's kind of the warning that comes with every vaccine. There will be side effects. Some people
may suffer the ultimate side effect. But that doesn't change the fact that millions upon millions of people have gotten the vaccine with no major side effects.

Again. Not a reason to refuse the vaccine.

The CDC has recorded about 6000 "selected" covid-19 vaccine deaths.
("selected" means a plausible link has been verified.)

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 331 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 6, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,946 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
You mean AS REPORTED don't you?
With AS REPORTED being the key words.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Once again you posted a link that you didn’t read. If you had you wouldn’t have crowed about vaccine failure.

All of the people who got sick were over 50 and had pre-existing conditions. The person who died did not receive a US approved vaccine, they received a vaccine developed and produced in India.

Even the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have a 95% efficacy rating. That means that out of every 100 people who get the vaccine, five will still get Covid, but they won’t get the most serious form of Covid and they won’t die.

At this point all of the smart people and all of the Democrats have gotten vaccinated. The people who are getting Covid and dying are Republicans who have been calling this thing a hoax since day one.

It’s hard to have sympathy for those who have a way of saving their own lives and choose not to take it for political reasons.

Remember there are no US approved vaccines yet either.

While I finally did decide to get vaccinated, it is not at all clear cut.
These are not normal vaccines, but rushed totally artificial, mass produced at a factory.
They contain a corona spike protein, but nothing directly from a real virus, so it is not at all clear what the long term biological effects may be? Since all the covid deaths are actually from an over active immune system, it is easy to imagine how hyping up the immune system with another corona spike could be very dangerous. The potential for future allergic reactions is high.
These are not normal vaccines, but rushed totally artificial, mass produced at a factory.
"rushed totally artificial"

You have literally no idea what that phrase means. None whatsoever. You know your arguments are exceedigly weak and dumb, so you are desperately trying to gin them up with colorful, ignorant appeals to emotion.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Once again you posted a link that you didn’t read. If you had you wouldn’t have crowed about vaccine failure.

All of the people who got sick were over 50 and had pre-existing conditions. The person who died did not receive a US approved vaccine, they received a vaccine developed and produced in India.

Even the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have a 95% efficacy rating. That means that out of every 100 people who get the vaccine, five will still get Covid, but they won’t get the most serious form of Covid and they won’t die.

At this point all of the smart people and all of the Democrats have gotten vaccinated. The people who are getting Covid and dying are Republicans who have been calling this thing a hoax since day one.

It’s hard to have sympathy for those who have a way of saving their own lives and choose not to take it for political reasons.

Remember there are no US approved vaccines yet either.

While I finally did decide to get vaccinated, it is not at all clear cut.
These are not normal vaccines, but rushed totally artificial, mass produced at a factory.
They contain a corona spike protein, but nothing directly from a real virus, so it is not at all clear what the long term biological effects may be? Since all the covid deaths are actually from an over active immune system, it is easy to imagine how hyping up the immune system with another corona spike could be very dangerous. The potential for future allergic reactions is high.
Remember there are no US approved vaccines yet either.
haha, I always get a chuckle when the nutballs use this as an excuse after telling us all how the FDA and gubmint can't be trusted.
But you Do trust the FDA yes?
These are not normal vaccines, but rushed totally artificial, mass produced at a factory.
"rushed totally artificial"

You have literally no idea what that phrase means. None whatsoever. You know your arguments are exceedigly weak and dumb, so you are desperately trying to gin them up with colorful, ignorant appeals to emotion.
He's correct actually....almost all vaccine regimens have been four to five years in the making.....NOT MONTHS.


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