"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

I am absolutely shocked that you ignored my question and deflected!
Well don't be. I don't allow charlatans like you to utilize the Gish Gallop. First we will sort out your idiotic idea that the global scientific community is conspiring to harm people. Then you can do your little dance onto the next nugget of genius you have planned.

So this is where we are. You literally just claimed as true the idea that the global scientific community, who dedicates their lives to helping people, curing diseases, and making them healthier, is now conspiring, as a whole, to harm people for the profits of a few scary unknown people behind a curtain somewhere.

JFC that is dumb. Come on.
Good try but I’m sorry that makes no sense whatsoever
Of course it makes sense and you are completely silly not only to say it doesn't make sense but also to accept your convoluted idiotic conspiracy theory. You would sooner believe that millions of people who have dedicated their lives to curing diseases and helping people be healthier are now engaged in a large conspiracy to harm people and keep them from being healthier.That is idiotic and I am embarrassed for you
you are completely stupid not to accept your convoluted idiotic conspiracy theory.
with over half the population in the US vaccinated and nearly all off the elderly and vulnerable vaccinated add to that the millions that have had and recovered from covid that have natural immunity we are reaching herd immunity ! everybody relax ! the pandemic should be nearly over ..
Good try but I’m sorry that makes no sense whatsoever
Of course it makes sense and you are completely silly not only to say it doesn't make sense but also to accept your convoluted idiotic conspiracy theory. You would sooner believe that millions of people who have dedicated their lives to curing diseases and helping people be healthier are now engaged in a large conspiracy to harm people and keep them from being healthier.That is idiotic and I am embarrassed for you
you are completely stupid not to accept your convoluted idiotic conspiracy theory.
Hey look, a little attack poodle.
with over half the population in the US vaccinated and nearly all off the elderly and vulnerable vaccinated add to that the millions that have had and recovered from covid that have natural immunity we are reaching herd immunity !
But not yet.
with over half the population in the US vaccinated and nearly all off the elderly and vulnerable vaccinated add to that the millions that have had and recovered from covid that have natural immunity we are reaching herd immunity !
But not yet.
nearly there ... everybody needs to quit griping about who and who isnt vaccinated ... though covid is serious it isnt small pox .
Good try but I’m sorry that makes no sense whatsoever
Of course it makes sense and you are completely silly not only to say it doesn't make sense but also to accept your convoluted idiotic conspiracy theory. You would sooner believe that millions of people who have dedicated their lives to curing diseases and helping people be healthier are now engaged in a large conspiracy to harm people and keep them from being healthier.That is idiotic and I am embarrassed for you
you are completely stupid not to accept your convoluted idiotic conspiracy theory.
Hey look, a little attack poodle.
awwww, shit 4 brains whines when someone doesn't agree with IT----BOO-HOO
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

From day one they have said the vaccines would be anywhere from 90% to 95% effective yet here you are crowing that it isn't 100% effective, as though you have revealed some classified secret.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.


Where's the "huge numbers"?
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.


Where's the "huge numbers"?
Latest I heard it was about 100 to 150 out of 12.5 million. To the anti-vaxers that's HUGE
I am absolutely shocked that you ignored my question and deflected!
Well don't be. I don't allow charlatans like you to utilize the Gish Gallop. First we will sort out your idiotic idea that the global scientific community is conspiring to harm people. Then you can do your little dance onto the next nugget of genius you have planned.

So this is where we are. You literally just claimed as true the idea that the global scientific community, who dedicates their lives to helping people, curing diseases, and making them healthier, is now conspiring, as a whole, to harm people for the profits of a few scary unknown people behind a curtain somewhere.

JFC that is dumb. Come on.
I never insinuated that there are millions of scientists behind some type of conspiracy. Very few subscribe to that theory that you’ve decided to make up about me. I am only responsible for my words and actions; drop your stage act by diluting (changing) things I post.

Regardless of the importance of our “tit for tat” exchange, I want to say I didn’t give you a fair chance to explain your answer when I replied that your answer made no sense. The course I should’ve taken would have been to explain why your answer makes no sense to me, not just cut off the conversation and not give you my reasons. It bordered on unnecessary rudeness (not to be confused with necessary rudeness) and that’s one of my personal pet peeves, so I apologize. I don’t care what a person’s politics are, or their stance about the Covid situation, but what I can’t stand are rude people (and they’re from all walks of life) and when I am rude I fess up. So, back to our captivating tit for tat diatribes lol naw… I’ll do better.

This: Had the “deciders” of which SARS-Cov2 studies get through to peer review process and which ones have been discarded prior to being allowed for peer review- had they created this extra measure for all medical entries for that journal, stating that as you said it would improve the quality of the papers—-But guess what? That specific measure of extra “filtering” likely contributed to the recent low quality rating given for these 3 journals that came out. They were determined to be below the quality of other medical journals that were unaffiliated. Go figure.
I never insinuated that there are millions of scientists behind some type of conspiracy.
Of course you did. It is precisely what your idiotic conspiracy theory would mean. The fact that you glommed on to such a moronic idea that someone else spoonfed to you without spending one iota of energy on thinking it through is your fault. Not mine. You don't get to vomit such obviously stupid ideas and then claim ignorance. Own it.
There is a bright spot in this disgusting behavior of the GOP / conservatives that are cheering on the virus. Because of their foolish myths there will be fewer Republicans living much less voting no matter what the voting laws are in 2022 and 2024.
I never insinuated that there are millions of scientists behind some type of conspiracy.
Of course you did. It is precisely what your idiotic conspiracy theory would mean. The fact that you glommed on to such a moronic idea that someone else spoonfed to you without spending one iota of energy on thinking it through is your fault. Not mine. You don't get to vomit such obviously stupid ideas and then claim ignorance. Own it. the top or not numerous in the tens of hundreds of

I think you’re just upset because I’m making a good case, so you not only exaggerate but add your own exaggerated falsehoods. Proof: you are taking my statement that “medical journal submissions are being tossed prior to peer review if they are about Covid” and deceptively post that I claim that millions of medical experts are behind a major conspiracy, when in fact I referenced a group of people preventing the information from normal peer review to keep it from the public. That’s not millions, not even close.

Now, calling me a charlatan was slightly creative (strong emphasis on that word slightly) lol
I think you’re just upset because I’m making a good case, so you not only exaggerate but add your own exaggerated falsehoods.
Ah yes, running right down the spiracy nutball checklist.

Nah, i wouldnt be denying you your childish Gish Gallop and holding to and making you understand your own, idiotic theory because i think it is false and idiotic. No sir, its because you are so smart and the conspiracy theory is so great, and i am upset. Give me a break.

What you suggest in your idiotic conspiracy theory is absurd on every level.
I never insinuated that there are millions of scientists behind some type of conspiracy.
Of course you did. It is precisely what your idiotic conspiracy theory would mean. The fact that you glommed on to such a moronic idea that someone else spoonfed to you without spending one iota of energy on thinking it through is your fault. Not mine. You don't get to vomit such obviously stupid ideas and then claim ignorance. Own it.

Apparently, Claire is a lady.

I'd tell you to take your moronic, idiotic and petty insults and go fuck yourself.

You can't even get along with the nicest people here. That makes you the problem.

Unfortunately for you, my jealous little hater, she gets to say what ever the fuck she feels like whenever the hell she wants. So long as she ain't breakin rules.



I am absolutely shocked that you ignored my question and deflected!
Well don't be. I don't allow charlatans like you to utilize the Gish Gallop. First we will sort out your idiotic idea that the global scientific community is conspiring to harm people. Then you can do your little dance onto the next nugget of genius you have planned.

So this is where we are. You literally just claimed as true the idea that the global scientific community, who dedicates their lives to helping people, curing diseases, and making them healthier, is now conspiring, as a whole, to harm people for the profits of a few scary unknown people behind a curtain somewhere.

JFC that is dumb. Come on.

But obviously we would have had public health care by now if the whole entire medical provider community was not guilty of attempting to maximize profits even though it greatly harms the public.

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