"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Well, well, it would appear that t...les/documents/Status_COVID_VAX_02July2021.pdf
So my lengthy post was somehow reduced to only my source, but when I click on my content it shows my post my full post. Can we not say “well, well, well in a sarcastic way about a bogus study ? Well, that’s quite frustrating.
The gist of it is Covid information is being pre-screened prior to being allowed for peer review and that’s a bunch of crap. I discovered that the same thing is happening in India, at least according to that link somebody posted on here. Clicking that article leads to another link- check out the first asterisk and read below the chart about dossiers. The India org comes clean about pre-screening…in small print under the charts to better explain “rolling dates” of dossiers. Let’s apply public blinders to any information going against the political narrative, but let’s let the other information we agree with about SARS-Cov2 move along the process. Nice.

I first read that they were doing this when a medical team tried to submit its valid study-after 18 months + of work. The American medical journal would not allow it through to the normal peer review process, which is a new requirement now for all potential journal entries on SARS Cov2. That is a political maneuver if I’ve ever seen one and now it seems the same thing is going on in India as well with their own notation.

IOW folks, there has been an extra “screening measure” put in place by various American medical journal orgs, including one that I have followed for years. There was a large governmental donation made to that organization recently….for the record and it seems to have made an impact. It also appears to be the same in India with repressing scientific information.
Last edited:
Last I checked over 600k of those unvaccinated died too.
Yes, many unvaccinated people have died of motorcycle accidents, heart disease, and airplane crashes.
Three things we take very seriously. If we brought the force of law to bear on covid that amounted to a tiny fraction of how we regulate motorcycles and airplanes, you would stroke out. So maybe your comparisons are hot garbage.
Many of the 600k died from diabetes as well. I think I also saw something about a guy who crashed while hang gliding too. Covid death, since he had some cold symptoms...
You should study early treatment so you know what to do when you get covid or delta. Early treatment may save your life.
I have studied that. The Gucci Remdesivir cocktail such as Trumpy Bear and his pals got is definitely effective, but available only to those with connections.
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Well, well, it would appear that t...les/documents/Status_COVID_VAX_02July2021.pdf
So my lengthy post was somehow reduced to only my source, but when I click on my content it shows my post my full post. Can we not say “well, well, well in a sarcastic way about a bogus study ? Well, that’s quite frustrating.
The gist of it is Covid information is being pre-screened prior to being allowed for peer review and that’s a bunch of crap. I discovered that the same thing is happening in India, at least according to that link somebody posted on here. Clicking that article leads to another link- check out the first asterisk and read below the chart about dossiers. They come clean about pre-screening in small print under the charts and rolling dates” of dossiers.

I first read that they were doing this when a medical team tried to submit its valid study-after 18 months + of work. The American medical journal would allow it through to the normal peer review process, which is a new requirement now for all potential journal entries on SARS Cov2. That is a political maneuver if I’ve ever seen one and now it seems the same thing is going on in India as well with their own notation.

IOW folks, there has been an extra “screening measure” put in place by various American medical journal orgs, including one that I have followed for years. There was a large governmental donation made to that organization recently….for the record and it seems to have made an impact. It also appears to be the same in India with repressing scientific information.
Have you considered the extra layer of protection is due to the fact that covid is a dangerous, novel virus that is killing millions of people? We all saw what happened when the hydroxychloroquine myth took root and diverted important respurces.
Many of the 600k died from diabetes as well.
i will go with the coroners and medical examiners who attribute the deaths to covid, over a partisan actor with no education or experience in any relevant field that is trying his heart out to politicize a deadly virus.

Surely you understand.
This is a virus that starts out with a 99.3% or better survival rate
100 minus 99.3 is 0.7. If our immune systems are 99.7% effective, then 0.7% is the amount of people who could "potentially" be helped. Unfortunately, the vaccine likely kills far more people than 0.7%
Ehh NO Loon - Between 1.9 and 2% of those testing positive DIE.
Sorry but you don't get to count butt hunches as to the number of those who are entirely asymptomatic and don't get tested.
So go ahead and die ..

You should study early treatment so you know what to do when you get covid or delta. Early treatment may save your life.
Why do you keep saying "or delta"? Just curious.
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Well, well, it would appear that t...les/documents/Status_COVID_VAX_02July2021.pdf
So my lengthy post was somehow reduced to only my source, but when I click on my content it shows my post my full post. Can we not say “well, well, well in a sarcastic way about a bogus study ? Well, that’s quite frustrating.
The gist of it is Covid information is being pre-screened prior to being allowed for peer review and that’s a bunch of crap. I discovered that the same thing is happening in India, at least according to that link somebody posted on here. Clicking that article leads to another link- check out the first asterisk and read below the chart about dossiers. They come clean about pre-screening in small print under the charts and rolling dates” of dossiers.

I first read that they were doing this when a medical team tried to submit its valid study-after 18 months + of work. The American medical journal would allow it through to the normal peer review process, which is a new requirement now for all potential journal entries on SARS Cov2. That is a political maneuver if I’ve ever seen one and now it seems the same thing is going on in India as well with their own notation.

IOW folks, there has been an extra “screening measure” put in place by various American medical journal orgs, including one that I have followed for years. There was a large governmental donation made to that organization recently….for the record and it seems to have made an impact. It also appears to be the same in India with repressing scientific information.
We can't trust the cdc, the who, medical journals, the fda, or vaers. They are are all compromised, and no longer have any credibility.
Many of the 600k died from diabetes as well.
i will go with the coroners and medical examiners who attribute the deaths to covid, over a partisan actor with no education or experience in any relevant field that is trying his heart out to politicize a deadly virus.

Surely you understand.
You don't go anywhere but where you can hear what you want to hear.
Last I checked over 600k of those unvaccinated died too.
Yes, many unvaccinated people have died of motorcycle accidents, heart disease, and airplane crashes.
Three things we take very seriously. If we brought the force of law to bear on covid that amounted to a tiny fraction of how we regulate motorcycles and airplanes, you would stroke out. So maybe your comparisons are hot garbage.
Many of the 600k died from diabetes as well. I think I also saw something about a guy who crashed while hang gliding too. Covid death, since he had some cold symptoms...

No you didn't.
Did you read your link a couple times? Did they get real sick or die? Nope

If we would have had herd immunity 3 months ago perhaps delta would not be suck a big deal in the U.S. today. But it's people like OP.......
Vaccinated people are dropping like flies. They are getting covid and delta, and then dying.
A link would be nice right about now.
Conservatives don’t need links – just lies.
This is a virus that starts out with a 99.3% or better survival rate
100 minus 99.3 is 0.7. If our immune systems are 99.7% effective, then 0.7% is the amount of people who could "potentially" be helped. Unfortunately, the vaccine likely kills far more people than 0.7%
Ehh NO Loon - Between 1.9 and 2% of those testing positive DIE.
Sorry but you don't get to count butt hunches as to the number of those who are entirely asymptomatic and don't get tested.
So go ahead and die ..

You should study early treatment so you know what to do when you get covid or delta. Early treatment may save your life.
Why do you keep saying "or delta"? Just curious.
Vaccinated people are dying after they get delta or covid.
This is a virus that starts out with a 99.3% or better survival rate
100 minus 99.3 is 0.7. If our immune systems are 99.7% effective, then 0.7% is the amount of people who could "potentially" be helped. Unfortunately, the vaccine likely kills far more people than 0.7%
Ehh NO Loon - Between 1.9 and 2% of those testing positive DIE.
Sorry but you don't get to count butt hunches as to the number of those who are entirely asymptomatic and don't get tested.
So go ahead and die ..

You should study early treatment so you know what to do when you get covid or delta. Early treatment may save your life.
Why do you keep saying "or delta"? Just curious.
Vaccinated people are dying after they get delta or covid.

Did you notice how that didn't answer my question?

At least now I know why you don't like baseball, you got peened by a foul ball and never recovered.
"I am going with the right wing bloggers with no relevant education or experience on this one, as the scientists cannot be trusted"

Anatomy of an American Idiot
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Well, well, it would appear that t...les/documents/Status_COVID_VAX_02July2021.pdf
So my lengthy post was somehow reduced to only my source, but when I click on my content it shows my post my full post. Can we not say “well, well, well in a sarcastic way about a bogus study ? Well, that’s quite frustrating.
The gist of it is Covid information is being pre-screened prior to being allowed for peer review and that’s a bunch of crap. I discovered that the same thing is happening in India, at least according to that link somebody posted on here. Clicking that article leads to another link- check out the first asterisk and read below the chart about dossiers. They come clean about pre-screening in small print under the charts and rolling dates” of dossiers.

I first read that they were doing this when a medical team tried to submit its valid study-after 18 months + of work. The American medical journal would allow it through to the normal peer review process, which is a new requirement now for all potential journal entries on SARS Cov2. That is a political maneuver if I’ve ever seen one and now it seems the same thing is going on in India as well with their own notation.

IOW folks, there has been an extra “screening measure” put in place by various American medical journal orgs, including one that I have followed for years. There was a large governmental donation made to that organization recently….for the record and it seems to have made an impact. It also appears to be the same in India with repressing scientific information.
We can't trust the cdc, the who, medical journals, the fda, or vaers. They are are all compromised, and no longer have any credibility.

Si. It's a brave new world out there Pedro, a brave new world. Don't trust anything you hear and only half of what you see.
Because the vaccine doesn’t work for everyone and the more the virus spreads among unvaccinated people, the more variants arise.
so why get it? explain that
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
Actually there is precedents for it............

Vaccines cut down the number of virus in the body leaving only those not affected by the vaccines or having some other adaption that allows them to live and REPRODUCE.

The vaccine wipes out the inferior older strains leaving only the new and more evolved strain such as the Delta that goes on to reproduce and spread which in this case spreads easier.......

Variants happen the more people who get infected, full stop. Old or new strains create newer ones. The only way to slow down the number of new variants is to reduce the number of hosts.
Natural immunity is more long term,

Not really. We don't know how long natural immunity lasts, how it stacks up against newer variants or what if any difference a mild case of COVID might have. I guess a natural booster would be to get sick all over again. Sounds awful.

probably less deadly,

You're more likely to die of COVID than the vaccine.

and doesn't lead to as many variants as the vaccinated.

Well, not having COVID leads to zero variants so......

And it doesn't require a booster every few months like the vaccinated are going to have to get.

Who cares?

...but big pharma and Fauci won't make as much money off natural immunity as they do the deadly vaccines.

That's what it's all about, stupid conspiracies.
Holy crap, you’re crazy dude

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