"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

I don't know one person who has gotten COVID after getting the vaccine. Not one. On the other hand I knew plenty who were infected BEFORE the vaccines were released.

Keep falling for the lie.

Oh. Well... as long as YOU don't know one person, I'm sure it's never happened.
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
Actually there is precedents for it............

Vaccines cut down the number of virus in the body leaving only those not affected by the vaccines or having some other adaption that allows them to live and REPRODUCE.

The vaccine wipes out the inferior older strains leaving only the new and more evolved strain such as the Delta that goes on to reproduce and spread which in this case spreads easier.......

Variants happen the more people who get infected, full stop. Old or new strains create newer ones. The only way to slow down the number of new variants is to reduce the number of hosts.
Natural immunity is more long term,

Not really. We don't know how long natural immunity lasts, how it stacks up against newer variants or what if any difference a mild case of COVID might have. I guess a natural booster would be to get sick all over again. Sounds awful.

probably less deadly,

You're more likely to die of COVID than the vaccine.

and doesn't lead to as many variants as the vaccinated.

Well, not having COVID leads to zero variants so......

And it doesn't require a booster every few months like the vaccinated are going to have to get.

Who cares?

...but big pharma and Fauci won't make as much money off natural immunity as they do the deadly vaccines.

That's what it's all about, stupid conspiracies.
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Plant-based sources, currently finishing trial 3 stage with volunteers are being conducted in the United States and in Canada (another country is well had an organization also using a plant-based source I think it’s Australia but I’ll have to check ) will outweigh US citizens rushing out for India’s concoction. The important difference is that a plant-based source does not have the potential for contamination like animal-based sources (using chicken embryos). I admit to not reading your source which is not really my norm, so I will add more after reading it if necessary:)
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

When did six become a huge number?
When the number of possible is just 92....6 of 92 just at one event of the vaccinated in the open AIR no less is an extremely high infection rate. Our open crowded beaches with both vaccinated and unvaccinated doesn't get that type of infection rate.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

No. False. Stupid thread title. Country of morons.
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
Actually there is precedents for it............

Vaccines cut down the number of virus in the body leaving only those not affected by the vaccines or having some other adaption that allows them to live and REPRODUCE.

The vaccine wipes out the inferior older strains leaving only the new and more evolved strain such as the Delta that goes on to reproduce and spread which in this case spreads easier.......

Variants happen the more people who get infected, full stop. Old or new strains create newer ones. The only way to slow down the number of new variants is to reduce the number of hosts.
Natural immunity is more long term,

Not really. We don't know how long natural immunity lasts, how it stacks up against newer variants or what if any difference a mild case of COVID might have. I guess a natural booster would be to get sick all over again. Sounds awful.

probably less deadly,

You're more likely to die of COVID than the vaccine.

and doesn't lead to as many variants as the vaccinated.

Well, not having COVID leads to zero variants so......

And it doesn't require a booster every few months like the vaccinated are going to have to get.

Who cares?

...but big pharma and Fauci won't make as much money off natural immunity as they do the deadly vaccines.

That's what it's all about, stupid conspiracies.
Actually that isn't true........natural immunity has been around longer than the vaccines......and the natural immunity crowd so far as shown no signs of losing immunity as a group...while the vaccinated group have.

The way the vaccinated are catching the covid? You more likely to catch covid by getting vaccinated both immediately and oh my gawd what happens when the immunity starts to wear off especially come winter time? And sorry, in case you don't understand....the vaccines are worth billions if not trillions $$$$ eventually............Fauci and Big PHarma are the big winners in them.
And we mustn't forget that the median age of covid deaths is actually higher than the median age of ALL deaths..
Which is true of all diseases that are not strictly childhood diseases. I know you think you sounded fancy and made a special big boy point there, but you really didn't.
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
Actually there is precedents for it............

Vaccines cut down the number of virus in the body leaving only those not affected by the vaccines or having some other adaption that allows them to live and REPRODUCE.

The vaccine wipes out the inferior older strains leaving only the new and more evolved strain such as the Delta that goes on to reproduce and spread which in this case spreads easier.......

Variants happen the more people who get infected, full stop. Old or new strains create newer ones. The only way to slow down the number of new variants is to reduce the number of hosts.
Natural immunity is more long term,

Not really. We don't know how long natural immunity lasts, how it stacks up against newer variants or what if any difference a mild case of COVID might have. I guess a natural booster would be to get sick all over again. Sounds awful.

probably less deadly,

You're more likely to die of COVID than the vaccine.

and doesn't lead to as many variants as the vaccinated.

Well, not having COVID leads to zero variants so......

And it doesn't require a booster every few months like the vaccinated are going to have to get.

Who cares?

...but big pharma and Fauci won't make as much money off natural immunity as they do the deadly vaccines.

That's what it's all about, stupid conspiracies.
Actually that isn't true........natural immunity has been around longer than the vaccines......and the natural immunity crowd so far as shown no signs of losing immunity as a group...while the vaccinated group have.
Last I checked over 600k of those unvaccinated died too. I'm kind of getting that you're not that bright but can you at least look at the big picture?
And who makes up the 0.7%? Not me.
It’s 0.3% and you never know if you’re in it until it’s too late.

You guys have some issues with risk analysis.
Oh, please. By all means. Give us the proper risk analysis.
Chance of dying from vaccine <<<< chance of dying from COVID.

Plus, and this may not matter to the sociopaths, you aren't going to get anyone possibly get anyone else sick by getting a vaccine.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

No. False. Stupid thread title. Country of morons.
You don't like the title of my thread? How are people vaccinated catching the VIRUS? And sorry, you don't like my comments about our corrupt lying FAUCI? You need to get a grip---nothing I have said about this worm is wrong.
Buncha snowflakes. Nothing is 100% effective and you can't be protected from everything in this life. COVID is NOT a life threatening condition for 95% to 99% of the population in the first place. A vaccine was never needed, masks were never needed it's all Democrat created theatrics so their 'monster' "Orange Man Bad" doesn't get in power again and threaten their cushy tax-payer bureaucratic 'ride.' Some of you really need to grow up.
Nothing is 100% effective and you can't be protected from everything in this life.
But little Leo will be at the doctor crying in the waiting room when his little peepee burns, begging for modern medical care. So gotdam dumb. Times like this make me embarrassed to be in a country of morons.
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There's no such thing as natural immunity or herd immunity they are misleading terms.

Natural resistance and herd resistance are probably more accurate terms.

What's wrong with taking the resistance that the vaccine gives and effectively grouping it together with the natural and herd immunity (resistance) and tripling right down on it?

I see someone say a few replies back that they knew someone who's son and mother both caught Covid and were floored with it shortly after getting the vaccine - you can't use the odd story like that which are exceptions to the rule as common place and justification for decision making in not getting it.

Of course no-one should be forced to get anything they don't want but look at the vaccine data in relation to illness, deaths, blood clots or whatever else and compare it to these isolated stories that crop up and use your head.

If you then want to say that these figures in the data are all lies put out by the Government as a form of population control then there's no point carrying on any debates as you're beyond help and nothing that can be said will ever make you change your mind or be reasonable.

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