"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

The important difference is that a plant-based source does not have the potential for contamination like animal-based sources (using chicken embryos).
Yes, in that it.does not have to be kept at extremely low temps, like the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
There's no such thing as natural immunity or herd immunity they are misleading terms.

Natural resistance and herd resistance are probably more accurate terms.

What's wrong with taking the resistance that the vaccine gives and effectively grouping it together with the natural and herd immunity (resistance) and tripling right down on it?

I see someone say a few replies back that they knew someone who's son and mother both caught Covid and were floored with it shortly after getting the vaccine - you can't use the odd story like that which are exceptions to the rule as common place and justification for decision making in not getting it.

Of course no-one should be forced to get anything they don't want but look at the vaccine data in relation to illness, deaths, blood clots or whatever else and compare it to these isolated stories that crop up and use your head.

If you then want to say that these figures in the data are all lies put out by the Government as a form of population control then there's no point carrying on any debates as you're beyond help and nothing that can be said will ever make you change your mind or be reasonable.
You seem like a reasonable person. I have no idea why you're responding reasonably to this thread. (-:
Compare that to almost 99.901% of current deaths from the variant coming from people who weren't vaccinated?
False, many vaccinated people are dying from the Delta variant.
UK study showed they were 6 times more likely to die from it than unvaccinated.
youre misusing statistics:

LOL, nice fluff piece trying to cover for the Vax.

That is compared to 34 deaths in unvaccinated people, out of roughly 35,000 delta cases in unvaccinated people, which is a death rate of about 0.1%.
While that math seemingly points to a lower death rate in unvaccinated people, Kelly reminds that the math leaves out the important factor of why the vaccinated people got sick in the first place.
"They were largely older people, people who had other medical problems, people who had conditions that might render their immune systems less responsive," Kelly said. "This is a classic case of the misuse of statistics."

Umm no, it’s not “out of context”, it is a lower death rate compared to the vaccinated. They then try to make an excuse that people got vaccinated because of other health problems? Huh? They try to claim these people that got vaccinated had immune systems “less responsive”. There is no evidence of that, nor would it make any difference, since they should be protected by any variant by the vaccine, I mean that’s the whole fucking point of getting the vaccine.
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Well, well, it would appear that t...les/documents/Status_COVID_VAX_02July2021.pdf
So my lengthy post was somehow reduced to only my source, but when I click on my content it shows my post my full post. Can we not say “well, well, well in a sarcastic way about a bogus study ? Well, that’s quite frustrating.
This is a virus that starts out with a 99.3% or better survival rate
100 minus 99.3 is 0.7. If our immune systems are 99.7% effective, then 0.7% is the amount of people who could "potentially" be helped. Unfortunately, the vaccine likely kills far more people than 0.7%
Ehh NO Loon - Between 1.9 and 2% of those testing positive DIE.
Sorry but you don't get to count butt hunches as to the number of those who are entirely asymptomatic and don't get tested.
So go ahead and die ..

Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Well, well, it would appear that t...les/documents/Status_COVID_VAX_02July2021.pdf
I’ll get back with you when I have more time as my information was important enough to repeat myself.
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Plant-based sources, currently finishing trial 3 stage with volunteers are being conducted in the United States and in Canada (another country is well had an organization also using a plant-based source I think it’s Australia but I’ll have to check ) will outweigh US citizens rushing out for India’s concoction. The important difference is that a plant-based source does not have the potential for contamination like animal-based sources (using chicken embryos). I admit to not reading your source which is not really my norm, so I will add more after reading it if necessary:)

It's not a problem. I just like to source whatever I quote. Seems the one in the OP is a traditional vaccine. Thanks for the info.
And who makes up the 0.7%? Not me.
It’s 0.3% and you never know if you’re in it until it’s too late.

You guys have some issues with risk analysis.
Oh, please. By all means. Give us the proper risk analysis.
Chance of dying from vaccine <<<< chance of dying from COVID.

Plus, and this may not matter to the sociopaths, you aren't going to get anyone possibly get anyone else sick by getting a vaccine.

You don't like the title of my thread?
It makes you seem pretty stupid. You're the one that should probably take issue with it.
Insulting........but doesn't change the fact that the vaccines aren't really showing that they prevent the various kung flus and that people are dying after taking them.
This is a virus that starts out with a 99.3% or better survival rate
100 minus 99.3 is 0.7. If our immune systems are 99.7% effective, then 0.7% is the amount of people who could "potentially" be helped. Unfortunately, the vaccine likely kills far more people than 0.7%
Ehh NO Loon - Between 1.9 and 2% of those testing positive DIE.
Sorry but you don't get to count butt hunches as to the number of those who are entirely asymptomatic and don't get tested.
So go ahead and die ..

What these charlatans are doing is looking at the percentage of our population that has died from covid, then, with all the math skills of a lobotomized goldfish, inserting that number as the death rate. Likely 20% of our population maximum has been infected. Likely less.
Insulting........but doesn't change the fact that the vaccines aren't really showing that they prevent the various kung flus
Wrong. They do help prevent infection and transmission both. Instead of just making something up that relies on the first gut feelings you have, consider maybe checking on this stuff. Because that's just a form of lying.

You are a grown man with all these same resources at your fingertips. When you spread dangerous lies that are harming people, you deserve mockery and insults.
Insulting........but doesn't change the fact that the vaccines aren't really showing that they prevent the various kung flus and that people are dying after taking them.
Dunno man. COVID cases seem to be pretty damn low in my highly vaccinated state whereas there are hotspots in some very poorly vaccinated areas. Seems to be doing a bang up job.

So your facts aren't so.
Last I checked over 600k of those unvaccinated died too.
Yes, many unvaccinated people have died of motorcycle accidents, heart disease, and airplane crashes.
Three things we take very seriously. If we brought the force of law to bear on covid that amounted to a tiny fraction of how we regulate motorcycles and airplanes, you would stroke out. So maybe your comparisons are hot garbage.
This is a virus that starts out with a 99.3% or better survival rate
100 minus 99.3 is 0.7. If our immune systems are 99.7% effective, then 0.7% is the amount of people who could "potentially" be helped. Unfortunately, the vaccine likely kills far more people than 0.7%
Ehh NO Loon - Between 1.9 and 2% of those testing positive DIE.
Sorry but you don't get to count butt hunches as to the number of those who are entirely asymptomatic and don't get tested.
So go ahead and die ..

You should study early treatment so you know what to do when you get covid or delta. Early treatment may save your life.
What these charlatans are doing is looking at the percentage of our population that has died from covid, then, with all the math skills of a lobotomized goldfish, inserting that number as the death rate. Likely 20% of our population maximum has been infected. Likely less.
RIGHT? Around 300 million doses have been administered and the death rate is going DOWN. These IDIOTS are figuring that if you got a dose and die, then the vaccine caused that death which is BEYOND stupid. The least vaccinated states are now reporting the most cases AND the most death.


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