"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

A whole person died
There are PLENTY more on the Vaccine Censorship thread.

I'm not bouncing around threads to help you prove a point. If you have something then post it here. I'm not giving you any wingnut welfare.
There are ZERO lefties looking ANYWHERE for anything other than what they want to hear, you are not special.

Vaccinated people are dropping like flies. They are dying after they get covid and delta. They are dying after getting the vaccine.
A whole person died days after getting vaccinated. Wow, out of tens of millions a person died after taking the vaccine. You might as well say that carrots kill people because millions of people die shortly after eating them.
you think that's the only one, is outstanding. you really are that stupid.
I think between people being vaccinated and creating some semblance of herd immunity the number of cases and deaths have dropped significantly. Thanks to people who got vaccinated.
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
But Debbie Downer might be right when she said if we'd never have gotten any vaccines we'd all be immune by now!!! Just consider the possbilities!!!!!!
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
6 VACCINATED people out of 92 at an OPEN AIR event caught the virus. Many of these people in attendance would have been young thusly unlikely to catch the virus while others would have already had the virus and also unlikely to catch it-----------------the vaccines are about as effective as not having any vaccines or worse up the chances of catching the virus.

And don't get me started on the 2 vaccinated Kung Flu Marys who were supposedly fully vaccinated before coming to america------did their "vaccines" infect them or did their vaccines infect them. I say this as 3 just fully vaccinated employees of my husband this morning have come down with the virus---------
The vast, vast, vast, vast majority in the hospital or dead....not vaccinated, its not even close
AGAIN Happy, the CLUE is in the word meaning....of what FULLY VACCINATED ACTUALLY MEANS. 2 weeks after final shot if their are no documented health issues. So when the vaccine gives the vaccinated the virus-----and the natural course of the virus is just a few days---they don't get listed as death of the vaccinated.
The vaccine doesn't give anyone the virus, that's impossible. Jesus Christ learn how things work.
My daughter will tell you otherwise. And there are two others I know who got ill and ran a fever after receiving the vaccine. I like liars like you, you think you're important, and really you're just a knat.
You're anecdotal bullshit is desperate. Where is there any real evidence that people who have been vaccinated are dropping like flies?

Please note that of the 117 deaths listed 50 of them were fully vaccinated---------which is what roughly 45% of the dead were FULLY VACCINATED not the 5 or 6% implied by the 94 or 95% nonsense....

I wonder how many of the partially vaccinated died in the 67...

Your own link throws enough shade against your argument that I don't need to. You should try reading it.
It's a yahoo article.....they always try to throw shade. They are a lib propaganda site afterall. The facts remain though.....117 in the brit study died of the virus--50 were fully vaccinated. Don't know how many were partially vaccinated out the remaining 67. Obviously, the vaccines aren't stopping the covid deaths---and likely the vaccines are causing some deaths.
A whole person died
There are PLENTY more on the Vaccine Censorship thread.

I'm not bouncing around threads to help you prove a point. If you have something then post it here. I'm not giving you any wingnut welfare.
There are ZERO lefties looking ANYWHERE for anything other than what they want to hear, you are not special.

Vaccinated people are dropping like flies. They are dying after they get covid and delta. They are dying after getting the vaccine.
I feel like such a sheep having gotten the vaccine and I should have held out for getting covid )-:
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
Actually there is precedents for it............

Vaccines cut down the number of virus in the body leaving only those not affected by the vaccines or having some other adaption that allows them to live and REPRODUCE.

The vaccine wipes out the inferior older strains leaving only the new and more evolved strain such as the Delta that goes on to reproduce and spread which in this case spreads easier.......

Variants happen the more people who get infected, full stop. Old or new strains create newer ones. The only way to slow down the number of new variants is to reduce the number of hosts.
Natural immunity is more long term, probably less deadly, and doesn't lead to as many variants as the vaccinated. And it doesn't require a booster every few months like the vaccinated are going to have to get....but big pharma and Fauci won't make as much money off natural immunity as they do the deadly vaccines.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
6 VACCINATED people out of 92 at an OPEN AIR event caught the virus. Many of these people in attendance would have been young thusly unlikely to catch the virus while others would have already had the virus and also unlikely to catch it-----------------the vaccines are about as effective as not having any vaccines or worse up the chances of catching the virus.

And don't get me started on the 2 vaccinated Kung Flu Marys who were supposedly fully vaccinated before coming to america------did their "vaccines" infect them or did their vaccines infect them. I say this as 3 just fully vaccinated employees of my husband this morning have come down with the virus---------
The vast, vast, vast, vast majority in the hospital or dead....not vaccinated, its not even close
AGAIN Happy, the CLUE is in the word meaning....of what FULLY VACCINATED ACTUALLY MEANS. 2 weeks after final shot if their are no documented health issues. So when the vaccine gives the vaccinated the virus-----and the natural course of the virus is just a few days---they don't get listed as death of the vaccinated.
The vaccine doesn't give anyone the virus, that's impossible. Jesus Christ learn how things work.
My daughter will tell you otherwise. And there are two others I know who got ill and ran a fever after receiving the vaccine. I like liars like you, you think you're important, and really you're just a knat.
You're anecdotal bullshit is desperate. Where is there any real evidence that people who have been vaccinated are dropping like flies?

Please note that of the 117 deaths listed 50 of them were fully vaccinated---------which is what roughly 45% of the dead were FULLY VACCINATED not the 5 or 6% implied by the 94 or 95% nonsense....

I wonder how many of the partially vaccinated died in the 67...

Your own link throws enough shade against your argument that I don't need to. You should try reading it.
It's a yahoo article.....they always try to throw shade. They are a lib propaganda site afterall. The facts remain though.....117 in the brit study died of the virus--50 were fully vaccinated. Don't know how many were partially vaccinated out the remaining 67. Obviously, the vaccines aren't stopping the covid deaths---and likely the vaccines are causing some deaths.
Get to know your link better, Yahoo didn't write it. I love how you depend on the link to attempt to prove something and then immediately take a huge dump on it. Good job, winger.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

When did six become a huge number?
The vaccines are not 100% and compared to the unvaccinated they make up only a small, teeny-tiny percentage.
and created the delta version. I know, you don't like facts.

The vaccines created the delta variant? That's rich.
Actually there is precedents for it............

Vaccines cut down the number of virus in the body leaving only those not affected by the vaccines or having some other adaption that allows them to live and REPRODUCE.

The vaccine wipes out the inferior older strains leaving only the new and more evolved strain such as the Delta that goes on to reproduce and spread which in this case spreads easier.......

Variants happen the more people who get infected, full stop. Old or new strains create newer ones. The only way to slow down the number of new variants is to reduce the number of hosts.
Natural immunity is more long term, probably less deadly, and doesn't lead to as many variants as the vaccinated. And it doesn't require a booster every few months like the vaccinated are going to have to get....
That's true. Viruses don't mutate if they're just left alone!!!
Compare that to almost 99.901% of current deaths from the variant coming from people who weren't vaccinated?
False, many vaccinated people are dying from the Delta variant.
UK study showed they were 6 times more likely to die from it than unvaccinated.
youre misusing statistics:

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

When did six become a huge number?
When it was all she had.

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