"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

Hmmm, so 92 ppl at a wedding were fully vaccinated and 4 ppl ended up getting covid because 2 ppl were spreading the delta variant. That works out to a nearly 96% level of protection for the rest of the wedding party. Even if you throw in the 2 ppl who were spreading the variant just for the hell of it that means you're still nealry 94% protected, which is what the clinical trials from both moderna and pfizer has told us. Thank you to linking that article proving the vaccines work!

The statistics do not at all say the vaccines provide ANY protection from infection.
The figure of 96% protection means they reduce the death rate by 96%,
They do not change the infection probability at all.
Vaccines only reduce symptoms, not prevent anything.
Hmmm, so 92 ppl at a wedding were fully vaccinated and 4 ppl ended up getting covid because 2 ppl were spreading the delta variant. That works out to a nearly 96% level of protection for the rest of the wedding party. Even if you throw in the 2 ppl who were spreading the variant just for the hell of it that means you're still nealry 94% protected, which is what the clinical trials from both moderna and pfizer has told us. Thank you to linking that article proving the vaccines work!

The statistics do not at all say the vaccines provide ANY protection from infection.
The figure of 96% protection means they reduce the death rate by 96%,
They do not change the infection probability at all.
Vaccines only reduce symptoms, not prevent anything.

That's not true at all.

Both the Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna vaccines are showing about 95 percent efficacy in their preliminary reviews. This means people who received these vaccines in clinical trials had a 95 percent lower risk of getting COVID than people in the trial’s control group who did not receive a vaccine. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine showed 72 percent efficacy in U.S. clinical trials.

Totally wrong.
The US is rated one of the worse health care systems in the modern world.
We do not have a huge population.
We have a very small population compared to India or China, and are not much larger than Indonesia, Pakistan, or Brazil.

And stop lying.
NO ONE dies waiting for a medical procedure in any country, unless it is due to a lack of donor organs.
The US rates only #37 in the world.
That is terrible.
Best Healthcare In The World 2021

Obviously, you're a novice at this quality of health care in the world myth.

The rating to which you refer was put out by the World Healthcare Organization. The WHO, the same organization that cooperated with Communist China in telling the world that the COVID-19 virus was not transmittable between humans.

You don't have a clue but the article you are using to hang your hat uses the WHO study from 2000. That was the last year it was done due to the unreliability of the information provided by the countries themselves.

My guess too is that you don't have a clue as to the criteria used for the study. I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY.

The statistics do not at all say the vaccines provide ANY protection from infection.
The figure of 96% protection means they reduce the death rate by 96%,
They do not change the infection probability at all.
Vaccines only reduce symptoms, not prevent anything.
Dr. Rigby making bullshit pronouncements again huh?

I'm vaccinated. It's possible but unlikely that I could be infected. If I am infected the symptoms will be generally mild.
Without question, we have the highest quality health care in the world and we do not have months-long waiting lists as folks die daily waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
Neat fantasy.

But in reality, we have just about the worst health outcomes of any first world country, despite spending much more per capita. And its the #1 cause of bankruptcy, with one of the top complaints being the amount of time we have to wait for care.

That has been debunked so long ago that I'd have thought even you had quit throwing it out as a reason for Socialist healthcare. Don't you wonder why even the far left has quietly quit using that dead horse?

That myth was started by a flawed research paper done by none other than Socialist Elizabeth Warren. What you and many other far-left liberals neglected to find out was the criteria used in her bogus research.

Just because I like you, I'll tell you what was wrong with Warren's paper. They went through old bankruptcy records. They counted as a MEDICALLY CAUSED bankruptcy any expense of more than $1,000.00. To simplify it for you, someone could have $100,000.00 or $200,000.00 in other debt but if there was $1,000.00 being owed to a hospital, BINGO MEDICAL BANKRUPTCY.

No, I checked half a dozen sources and they all listed medical expenses in the US as the main cause of bankruptcy.
Here is a typical one:

In the southern district of Florida, 31,989 people filed for personal bankruptcy in 2012 and 36,847 in 2011. However, the factors that cause people to file for bankruptcy can be very different. See below for the top ten leading causes of filing for personal bankruptcy.

  1. Medical Bills: Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Studies show that 42% of all personal bankruptcies are the result of medical bills.
  2. Job Loss: Approximately 22% of those who file for personal bankruptcy attribute their financial troubles to their unemployment.
  3. Uncontrolled Spending: Credit card bills, mortgages and car payments contribute to approximately 15% of bankruptcies in the United States. Many Americans are forced to file for bankruptcy protection every year due to uncontrolled spending habits.
  4. Divorce: Divorce can be very expensive when there are legal fees, child support payments, alimony payments and the burden of providing for a household on only one income. Divorce attributes to 8% of bankruptcy filings in the United States.
  5. Unexpected Disasters: Around 7% of personal bankruptcies are the result of an unexpected disaster such as an earthquake, flood or hurricane. Many Americans cannot recover from debt surrounding a natural disaster due to a lack of homeowners or renters insurance.
  6. Avoiding Foreclosure: Many people have filed for bankruptcy protection in order to avoid their home from being foreclosed on. Approximately 1.5% of Americans reportedly file for bankruptcy to stay in their homes.
  7. Poor Financial Planning: Nearly 1.5% of Americans who file for bankruptcy protection are forced to do so because of poor financial planning.
  8. Preventing Loss of Utilities: One percent of families file for bankruptcy protection in order to keep their utilities on, such as electricity.
  9. Student Loans: Student loans are not typically dischargeable debt when filing for bankruptcy; however, the minimum payments can be so high that the individual is forced to file for bankruptcy to eliminate other debt. One percent of Americans attribute their bankruptcy to student loans.
10.Preventing Repossession: One percent of Americans file for bankruptcy in order to have repossessed items returned to them or to avoid repossession altogether.


Sorry, but not one of those point out the methodology used in determining if bankruptcy was caused by medical expenses.
Hmmm, so 92 ppl at a wedding were fully vaccinated and 4 ppl ended up getting covid because 2 ppl were spreading the delta variant. That works out to a nearly 96% level of protection for the rest of the wedding party. Even if you throw in the 2 ppl who were spreading the variant just for the hell of it that means you're still nealry 94% protected, which is what the clinical trials from both moderna and pfizer has told us. Thank you to linking that article proving the vaccines work!

The statistics do not at all say the vaccines provide ANY protection from infection.
The figure of 96% protection means they reduce the death rate by 96%,
They do not change the infection probability at all.
Vaccines only reduce symptoms, not prevent anything.

No, that is factually incorrect. The vaccines prevent infection, not reduce symptoms. This is a basic fact of the vaccines. Anyone here can look at up the facts at the CDC.
These are not normal vaccines, but rushed totally artificial, mass produced at a factory.
"rushed totally artificial"

You have literally no idea what that phrase means. None whatsoever. You know your arguments are exceedigly weak and dumb, so you are desperately trying to gin them up with colorful, ignorant appeals to emotion.
He's correct actually....almost all vaccine regimens have been four to five years in the making.....NOT MONTHS.

The mRNA vaccine has been in the making for longer than 4 or 5 years.

The mRNA vaccine is a technique, not a particular vaccine.
It is a means of how you can produce any vaccine, not that we started on the covid-19 vaccine "longer than 4 or 5 years".
We did start on the covid-19 back in 2009, but that is because the SARS virus was also a coronavirus and they were able to use that.
But normally it takes more like 6 years to make and test a vaccine.
No, we started COVID vaccines back then, not COVID-19. Dialing in the mRNA vaccine to COVID-19 took about a weekend.

But the point is vaccines are not supposed to be release without about 3 years of testing.
Kindly show us your reliable source and working link for that allegation.

Thank you, thank you so much!
The paperwork that I got with my vaccine said that it would not prevent me from either catching or passing on the virus, but only that if I did catch it I would not get seriously ill. That's good enough for me.

To me, the interrogatory at the top of this thread yields an answer of, "No." Nobody promised me I would or could not be infected by this virus.
Vaccines only work if a majority of people get them since about 45% of the country are taking Donald Trump's advice and refusing the vaccine that means we don't enough people who are immune for herd immunity.

the funny thing is that both Trump and his wife and all of their kids and grandchildren are all vaccinated. Trump got the vaccine within a week of it being released, at the same time he was telling his followers to not get it.
So, why risk DEATH or serious nerve damage from the "vaccine" when there's a 99.7% survival rate?
Because there's also a very big "Bad complications for the rest of your life" rate. I hope you like lugging an oxygen bottle around.

In Peru, where the lambda variant dominates, the death rate is 9.3%. That variant is spreading all over.

The number of deaths from the vaccine in the USA is ... 3. Apparently, blood clots from the J+J vaccine contributed to 3 deaths. That's it. And that issue has been addressed. No, it's not 6000. Just because someone dropped dead after getting the vaccine doesn't mean the vaccine caused it. With 300+ million doses admistered, the statistics say that some people are going to drop dead of other causes after getting the vaccine.

Needless to say, 3 < 600,000 and rising.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?

"100% effective against hospitalization and death"

Who doesn't remember that?

Now they're talking about boosters already.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Vaccines are what they are. They're not 100% effective. No one said they were.
Stop trying to do the "either it's 100% or it's 0%" nonsense.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Vaccines are what they are. They're not 100% effective. No one said they were.
Stop trying to do the "either it's 100% or it's 0%" nonsense.
You folks always push something like it is nirvana. And then it ends up not being that. So you push the agendas as what you said. People resisting the shot do not trust you. Do you get it? Do you understand it? This was/is of your own making. The Faustian bargain to acquire power from any means that the founding Fathers tried to avoid but even warned us about. You use social justice as a cover for a much nastier government.
This is simple. No need to complicate this.

The vaccine companies themselves state that they have an effectiveness rate. Physer is the highest, J&J is the lowest. The delta variant is a new variant, it came about after the vaccines were made. Current vaccines are not nearly as effective with the variant.

That's all that needed to be said.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?

"100% effective against hospitalization and death"

Who said it?

Who doesn't remember that?

Now they're talking about boosters already.
They've been talking about boosters since the original shot came out. Get out of your bubble.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Vaccines only work if a majority of people get them since about 45% of the country are taking Donald Trump's advice and refusing the vaccine that means we don't enough people who are immune for herd immunity.

the funny thing is that both Trump and his wife and all of their kids and grandchildren are all vaccinated. Trump got the vaccine within a week of it being released, at the same time he was telling his followers to not get it.
And of course the lead media/Fox vaxxer Tucker Carlson got HIS shot as early on as possible

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