"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?​

If they ain't vaccinated...they catch the virus dumbass
Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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View attachment 512036

I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Were you ever?
Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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View attachment 512036

I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Were you ever?
Not If it means being around you fuckin automatons.
600,000 eh? Who says?
Ha, stop there, our little charlatan friend.

First you tell us what would be a credible source, in your expert judgment.
Sources you depend on are rife with skewed statistics. If you knew anything at all about the statistics of outcomes oriented health initiatives you would know that a 99 percentile achievement of any trend has never been a part of any major study. Until we get past that one there's no point in discussing any others. It screams falsness like I've never seen before but then again I've never seen such a massive global campaign of bullshit like this one before either. I am still gathering information on that number because I absolutely do not believe it at all.
In the meantime I continue unvaccinated ,unmasked, unafraid and perfectly healthy whilst I mix freely and in close contact with the public.
Thats not what i asked you, charlatan. I didnt ask for ypur litany of stupid lies you don't even understand. You would fail a college freshman level statistics quiz, so don't try to pretend you have any idea what you're talking about there. What I asked is what you consider a credible source. Just save us all some time and admit that there are no credible sources which support your stupid fantasies. Which is exactly what everybody should expect.

Explain to me what the median of the upper quartile is and why no trend in outcomes stats has ever appeared in any significant numbers beyond it... Don't use Google because I'll know if you do.... Let's have it imposter I'm waiting....
Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
View attachment 512033

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View attachment 512036

I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Were you ever?
Not If it means being around you fuckin automatons.
Fucking automatons, sounds hot.
600,000 eh? Who says?
Ha, stop there, our little charlatan friend.

First you tell us what would be a credible source, in your expert judgment.
Sources you depend on are rife with skewed statistics. If you knew anything at all about the statistics of outcomes oriented health initiatives you would know that a 99 percentile achievement of any trend has never been a part of any major study. Until we get past that one there's no point in discussing any others. It screams falsness like I've never seen before but then again I've never seen such a massive global campaign of bullshit like this one before either. I am still gathering information on that number because I absolutely do not believe it at all.
In the meantime I continue unvaccinated ,unmasked, unafraid and perfectly healthy whilst I mix freely and in close contact with the public.
Thats not what i asked you, charlatan. I didnt ask for ypur litany of stupid lies you don't even understand. You would fail a college freshman level statistics quiz, so don't try to pretend you have any idea what you're talking about there. What I asked is what you consider a credible source. Just save us all some time and admit that there are no credible sources which support your stupid fantasies. Which is exactly what everybody should expect.

Explain to me what the median of the upper quartile is and why no trend in outcomes stats has ever appeared in any significant numbers beyond it... Don't use Google because I'll know if you do.... Let's have it imposter I'm waiting.... If you understand that (we'll see) then you already have your answer... The fact that you think I didn't answer tells me everything....

"The experts don't agree with my fantasies and political fetishes and the data doesn't support my fantasies. Therefore, the experts are all conspiring to lie to me and the data is all fake."


Country full of fucking morons
Sooooooo you took the vaccine eh?
Lol....and you think you can use intellectual condescension to bury that sick feeling in your gut. I get it dude.

See....that's why all of the major vaccine programs took four to five years to produce....so people wouldn't accept poison as medicine.

Still can't find your answer huh?
Well now....that figures

Explain to me what the median of the upper quartile is
The upper quartile itself is merely one number, and so it does not have a median. So, to answer directly, "It's something you apparently just made up".

The "median of the upper quartileS" (plural) would be the unit in a sample of upper quartiles (each derived from a different set of data or method, else they would not exist) below which half fall and above which half fall. Which upper quartiles are we talking about? And why would we have more than one anyway? We would just combine data and make one upper quartile, or at least fewer of them.
and why no trend in outcomes stats has ever appeared in any significant numbers beyond it
If you asked this on a quiz, the correct answer would be E) not enough information to answer

Outcomes on what scale? Measured how? Counted how? How do you have a bunch of data, yet have quartiles set so none of it is in the fourth quartile? What are your quartiles (which apparently existed before you collected data) based on?

Maaaan, I don't think you know what you are talking about.
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If they make more than the limits for Medicaid, then they can afford health insurance.
yet medical costs are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States.

yet we spend more per capita on healthcare than anyone, with the worst health outcomes of the first world countries,.

yet many people die from lack of care.

yet many people receive indigent care at inflated costs, due to delaying seeking care, which itself is due to the cost of care.

You aren't going to put flowery words in just the right order to make these facts go away.
For what?
Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
View attachment 512033

View attachment 512035

View attachment 512037

View attachment 512036

I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Were you ever?
Not If it means being around you fuckin automatons.
Fucking automatons, sounds hot.
You have a point there.
Explain to me what the median of the upper quartile is
The upper quartile itself is merely one number, and so it does not have a median. So, to answer directly, "It's something you apparently just made up".

The "median of the upper quartileS" (plural) would be the unit in a sample of upper quartiles (each derived from a different set of data or method, else they would not exist) below which half fall and above which half fall. Which upper quartiles are we talking about? And why would we have more than one anyway? We would just combine data and make one upper quartile, or at least fewer of them.
and why no trend in outcomes stats has ever appeared in any significant numbers beyond it
If you asked this on a quiz, the correct answer would be E) not enough information to answer

Outcomes on what scale? Measured how? Counted how? How do you have a bunch of data, yet have quartiles set so none of it is in the fourth quadrant? What are your quartiles (which apparently existed before you collected data) based on?

Maaaan, I don't think you know what you are talking about.
Sooooooo you teach it but don't actually work with eh? I had you figured for an AKKADEEMIAK A while back. Lol... Working with the Lazar health outcomes research for some years put me in a rather unique position to know that no trend even remotely resembling 99 percent positive or negative results had ever appeared In the analysis of any serious event be it pandemic or clinical disease study.

In such studies the quartile limits are routinely redefined to focus on high population incidents leading to the identity of a finer median....this is done (ahem... routinely I say again ) in a effort to uncover subtle relationships in the events. That you don't realize this is rather alarming but certainly explains much about your childish tantrum. Go back to your students loser..... And let me know when the dementia starts kicking in from the autoimmune response to the poisonous injection you just took. Oh never mind I'll figure it out just by reading your posts.

Working with the Lazar health outcomes research for some years put me in a rather unique position to know that no trend even remotely resembling 99 percent positive or negative results had ever appeared In the analysis of any serious event be it pandemic or clinical disease study.
Nobody is claiming 99% or higher effectiveness of the vaccines, in general. In some small sample studies, those numbers got acheived in a few narrowly defined outcomes (hospitalizations, for example). So this information you present isn't really relevant.

In such studies the quartile limits are routinely redefined to focus on high population incidents leading to the identity of a finer median....
That's also gibberish, without more context. What outcomes? On what scale? Is all of this tap dancing REALLY just to get to the point that fewer people both in total or by proportion are dying or falling seriously ill from covid-19 than they did from past pandemics? Because that's a big pile of dumb arguments I don't think you want to step in.

Also, you can make your vague, undefined arguments all day.... where are the professionals and experts now making the points you claim? They are being pushed out by criminal conspiracy? I have so many questions for you, once you explain that covid isn't dangerous, using math and statistical analysis. Knock yourself out, because I think you are going to have a pretty hard time.,
Working with the Lazar health outcomes research for some years put me in a rather unique position to know that no trend even remotely resembling 99 percent positive or negative results had ever appeared In the analysis of any serious event be it pandemic or clinical disease study.
Nobody is claiming 99% or higher effectiveness of the vaccines, in general. In some small sample studies, those numbers got acheived in a few narrowly defined outcomes (hospitalizations, for example). So this information you present isn't really relevant.

In such studies the quartile limits are routinely redefined to focus on high population incidents leading to the identity of a finer median....
That's also gibberish, without more context. What outcomes? On what scale? Is all of this tap dancing REALLY just to get to the point that fewer people both in total or by proportion are dying or falling seriously ill from covid-19 than they did from past pandemics? Because that's a big pile of dumb arguments I don't think you want to step in.

Also, you can make your vague, undefined arguments all day.... where are the professionals and experts now making the points you claim? They are being pushed out by criminal conspiracy? I have so many questions for you, once you explain that covid isn't dangerous, using math and statistical analysis. Knock yourself out, because I think you are going to have a pretty hard time.,
Nobody is claiming 99% or higher effectiveness of the vaccines
Working with the Lazar health outcomes research for some years put me in a rather unique position to know that no trend even remotely resembling 99 percent positive or negative results had ever appeared In the analysis of any serious event be it pandemic or clinical disease study.
Nobody is claiming 99% or higher effectiveness of the vaccines, in general. In some small sample studies, those numbers got acheived in a few narrowly defined outcomes (hospitalizations, for example). So this information you present isn't really relevant.

In such studies the quartile limits are routinely redefined to focus on high population incidents leading to the identity of a finer median....
That's also gibberish, without more context. What outcomes? On what scale? Is all of this tap dancing REALLY just to get to the point that fewer people both in total or by proportion are dying or falling seriously ill from covid-19 than they did from past pandemics? Because that's a big pile of dumb arguments I don't think you want to step in.

Also, you can make your vague, undefined arguments all day.... where are the professionals and experts now making the points you claim? They are being pushed out by criminal conspiracy? I have so many questions for you, once you explain that covid isn't dangerous, using math and statistical analysis. Knock yourself out, because I think you are going to have a pretty hard time.,

The arguments are vague by design dude.... details are sparse for a reason but I suppose you've done enough work to deserve some. Scale?.... hundreds of thousand of case studies involving various types of treatable and ostensibly non treatable medical conditions ranging from chronic disease to the common cold but with the ultimate goal of using the compiled Results ( outcomes ) to locate the more effective venue of treatment. The research was based on the idea that we can learn faster by using the correct answer and working back from it rather than the other way around. Sometimes that information is extracted long after the event has been recorded as part of the data sequence. It's not gibberish it's an industry standard ( not familiar with it? you don't actually work in the field ) ....but then again those things seldom make it out of the gate with the cap and gown as far as I can see and probably less so with the advent of drooping academic standards.

I'm not interested in proving COVID either dangerous or otherwise. I couldn't care less. I've been sneezed at, coughed on and breathed on and I'm just fine. I'm interested in identifying the bullshit...

99% of all deaths are in the unvaccinated? BULLSHIT....if you're honest about it....you also know it's bullshit. Numbers like that just don't exist no matter what the combination of events or who collected the data. Never once saw anything like it in all the studies we conducted.....NOTHING HAS EVER BEEN THAT SKEWED NOT EVEN ONE. It screams false like nothing I've ever seen and that's just the one stat in a whole bushel of overblown stats they're throwing around and we processed some of the Swine flu epidemic data which I daresay is a fairly good stepping stone into this event. What is much more likely is that the standards were moved to capture the data because it sure as hell looks like that's what they did and not the other way around...it's going to take some time to prove it but I'm on it. There is no way anyone is going to tell me that it is a valid number. So where there's one lie....well you know the rest.

Haven't seen the word Charlatan since Slate Message boards and SPIDERMBA ( Infamous chemistry professor who used to post there)

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Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
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View attachment 512036

I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Stop and think about this for a minute.... Prior to any vaccine the survival rate in that group was 99 percent and better. You know what's really funny? After the vaccine the numbers haven't changed at all. They have however evolved into something that is quite impossible. Apparently the virus hates republicans so it has to be a lot smarter than a singled celled entity is supposed to be.... this is the type of Garbage statistic we are supposed to swallow without questioning it.

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

There is a vaccine for the flu which kills approximately 62,000 people in the U.S., every year, yet vaccinated people still die from that. What we are dealing with is a lifeform that mutates to survive so that it can infect hosts. The Coronavirus is no exception. It mutates into other variants and thus successfully infects even those that have been vaccinated. You can expect the Coronavirus to keep coming around and people to keep dying. When all humans are gone, viruses will still be infecting other lifeforms and killing them. If the Coronavirus mutates fast enough into more variants, we could see the eventual end of humanity.
A shout out and big thanks to China.
BULLSHIT....if you're honest about it....you also know it's bullshit.
No, I am very confident that we are in the midst of a pandemic caused by a dangerous, novel virus that is worse than the flu or the common cold, and that every bit of data ever collected confirms this. Every bit of data ever collected also confirms the effectiveness of vaccines in general and the covid vaccines. I am supremely confident that covid can (and would have) overwhelm our healthcare infrastructure, without safety measures and vaccines.

I also understand the idea that the argument (I'm looking at Bill Maher the health quack right now) that 'fewer people are dying compared to other pandemics' is just so dumb as a talking point. Do you think that is maybe because our modern health network has been working around the clock for a year and a half, when people living during past pandemics did not have this advantage? Like, it matters that we have ventilators and antibiotics, and they didn't? Is this a desirable outcome... hospitalization? Surely we can all agree that it is not.
Those with no co-morbidities under 50 have a 99.9% survival rates. Vaccine has an effectiveness rate of 95%
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
View attachment 512033

View attachment 512035

View attachment 512037

View attachment 512036

I'm obviously referring to the COVID vaccine. Thanks.
Oh! My bad...just this experimental one...that they are pushing harder than any ever in history...the one that has seriously harmed thousands more in the first 6 months than all vaxes over the past 20 years...that one doesn't have to be 100%...that one gets a pass.
Check. Thanks.

The cognitive dissonance is HILARIOUS! LOL!
It's far worse than just cognitive dissonance. It is a lemming mentality taken to vampiric levels of aggression and intolerance. The next election cycle will become a proxy vote on the right to refuse the death injection.
Totally agree. However, I have my doubts about the electoral process as well. Resistance to this must be generated at the cellular levels of American politics, the cities, and counties.

yeah, most Americans took the shot and you guys now look nuts like Jenny McCarthy level.
Oh....man....i don't get to be in the cool group? Fuuuuuuck...I want blood clots too! Damn! Maybe next time.
Stop and think about this for a minute.... Prior to any vaccine the survival rate in that group was 99 percent and better. You know what's really funny? After the vaccine the numbers haven't changed at all. They have however evolved into something that is quite impossible. Apparently the virus hates republicans so it has to be a lot smarter than a singled celled entity is supposed to be.... this is the type of Garbage statistic we are supposed to swallow without questioning it.

Wow, you're like wrong all across the board.

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