"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?

Got the shots because the thought of giving it to family or friends made it worth any risk. Now I am more comfortable & get around more, most people around my age group are covered and All THE RICH politicians (both party's) got vaccinated and they have much more inside info than we do.
You don’t drive hopefully
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Something's amiss: The vaccine keeps you from getting it AND much harder for you to transmit it to others, vaxxed or not. And a lot of people still wear masks, shelter in and avoid groups. Viruses only stay alive at best a few days without a host to replicate in, so where are all the new cases coming from?

What has Joe and Tony lied about and fucked up now?

Joe and Tony lied about nothing. Trump convinced Republicans that the virus was a hoax, nobody was really dying and the vaccine is completely unnecessary.

Republicans are not getting vaccinated in Red States in the South. Less than half the populations in Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi, and Virginia have received any vaccine at all. Those who have been vaccinated, have been clearly split along party lines with close to 70% of Democrats in these states being vaccinated while fewer than 40% of Republicans of had the jab.

The Republican party’s anti-vaxx, anti-mask, anti covid propaganda has backfired bigly in deep southern states, where Trump win by wide margins.

Cases nationwide are spiking by over 60% because Republicans have refused the vaccines which will save their lives. 99.5% of those people who are being hospitalized and dying have not been vaccinated. The vast majority of Americans who remain unvaccinated, or Trump Republicans.

If you clowns choose to self infect and die who are we to stop you?
Yep your body your choice.....my body my choice.... I choose no vaccine and that is also none of your business....
Grow up and lose the whiny martyr act. I understand how it gives you a sick thrill to pretend to be persecuted, but it makes you look pathetic.

Nobody has suggested forced vaccinations. We all support your right to be a cult imbecile. However, we are going to keep pointing out that you're a cult imbecile, no matter how many cult tears you shed about that.
Then why are you here?
Without question, we have the highest quality health care in the world and we do not have months-long waiting lists as folks die daily waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
Neat fantasy.

But in reality, we have just about the worst health outcomes of any first world country, despite spending much more per capita. And its the #1 cause of bankruptcy, with one of the top complaints being the amount of time we have to wait for care.

Isn't it peculiar that so many people come from around the world to have medical procedures here in America?


It’s not in any way peculiar that so many wealthy people from around the world go to the USA for treatment. The USA is the only first world country where are non-citizens can buy first world treatment.

The same holds true in Great Britain, France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries.

You cannot come to Canada for surgery. Our taxpayer funded healthcare system is not for sale to the wealthy. So long as one Canadian is waiting for treatment anywhere in the country, our hospitals cannot sell treatments or surgeries to people who aren’t residents and who don’t pay taxes in Canada.

Healthcare is extended to those living in Canada on student visas, immigrant visas, or work visas. If you are here legally OHIP will treat you.
Can’t make it up the amount of stupid that the dems ignore
And another future Darwin award winner weighs in.

Given you had the chance to get vaccinated, no one is going mourn when you paste-eating morons off yourselves through your stupidity. It's sort of a cleaning of the gene pool.
I’m not asking you to twat, besides, I’ll live longer than you
Is Medicaid not available to them? Of course, it is.
Wrong. Medicaid has income limits. And good healthcare is so expensive, even with private insurance, that it is the number one cause of bankruptcy.

I notice you are very averse to accepting the baseline facts, here. You are not willing to have an honest discussion.

If they make more than the limits for Medicaid, then they can afford health insurance.

Either you are lying about the number one cause of bankruptcy or you are ignorant. Which are you?

Obviously, I am not the one adverse to accepting baseline facts. You, on the other hand, reject facts time and time again. Why? I understand that you are a Socialist so there is that.

Medical Bankruptcy Is Much Less Common Than Elizabeth Warren Tells You

Peter Ubel Contributor Health
I am a physician and behavioral scientist at Duke University.

Elizabeth Warren describes medical bills as "the leading cause of personal bankruptcy" in the United States. She bases that opinion in part on her own research, in which she and her collaborators surveyed people who had experienced personal bankruptcy, asked them whether they'd experienced health-related financial distress, and concluded that 60% of all bankruptcies in the U.S. result from illness or injury.

Here is a quick review of the issue.

  1. Warren's team surveyed people who had declared bankruptcy, asked them if they'd experienced health-related financial distress, and then blamed bankruptcy on health problems for anyone who reported such distress.
  2. That's a problem because it assumes that, lacking such health-related financial distress, none of these people would have become bankrupt. But you could have asked all of these people about housing-related financial distress, and you'd probably find at least 60% reporting such distress, too. Would that mean housing costs were responsible for their bankruptcies? You could ask about other sources of financial distress too – car payments, food costs, etc. – and you'd be left wondering which of these expenses caused them to experience personal bankruptcy. But of course, for most people, it is the combination of expenses that puts them into bankruptcy.
  3. A better methodology is to follow people hospitalized with a new illness or injury, and see how many end up in bankruptcy. In the New England Journal of Medicine study, researchers looked at people after they had been hospitalized for the first time in at least three years. They found that the rate of personal bankruptcy rose after hospitalization, causing them to conclude that 4% – not 60% – of bankruptcies are related to serious illness or injury.

Fort Fun Indiana, you may want to drop down in weight class.
If they make more than the limits for Medicaid, then they can afford health insurance.
yet medical costs are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States.

yet we spend more per capita on healthcare than anyone, with the worst health outcomes of the first world countries,.

yet many people die from lack of care.

yet many people receive indigent care at inflated costs, due to delaying seeking care, which itself is due to the cost of care.

You aren't going to put flowery words in just the right order to make these facts go away.
If they make more than the limits for Medicaid, then they can afford health insurance.
yet medical costs are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States.

yet we spend more per capita on healthcare than anyone, with the worst health outcomes of the first world countries,.

yet many people die from lack of care.

yet many people receive indigent care at inflated costs, due to delaying seeking care, which itself is due to the cost of care.

You aren't going to put flowery words in just the right order to make these facts go away.
Just to remind you idiots

600,000 people have died of this thing just in this country and the Delta variant spreads easier

And you don’t want the vaccine

What the hell is wrong with you people?
Yep your body your choice.....my body my choice.... I choose no vaccine and that is also none of your business....
Grow up and lose the whiny martyr act. I understand how it gives you a sick thrill to pretend to be persecuted, but it makes you look pathetic.

Nobody has suggested forced vaccinations. We all support your right to be a cult imbecile. However, we are going to keep pointing out that you're a cult imbecile, no matter how many cult tears you shed about that.
Still none of your business and you are free to be as retarded as you wish. However you are a liar and you will only pretend to mind your business because you are a lefty and you cannot help that impulse as is very obvious from your virulent, butt hurt response.

Just to remind you idiots

600,000 people have died of this thing just in this country and the Delta variant spreads easier

And you don’t want the vaccine

What the hell is wrong with you people?
600,000 eh? Who says?

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Vaccines are what they are. They're not 100% effective. No one said they were.
Stop trying to do the "either it's 100% or it's 0%" nonsense.
You folks always push something like it is nirvana. And then it ends up not being that. So you push the agendas as what you said. People resisting the shot do not trust you. Do you get it? Do you understand it? This was/is of your own making. The Faustian bargain to acquire power from any means that the founding Fathers tried to avoid but even warned us about. You use social justice as a cover for a much nastier government.

A lot of emotion there and nothing else.

Let's try talking facts, not emotion.
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Something's amiss: The vaccine keeps you from getting it AND much harder for you to transmit it to others, vaxxed or not. And a lot of people still wear masks, shelter in and avoid groups. Viruses only stay alive at best a few days without a host to replicate in, so where are all the new cases coming from?

What has Joe and Tony lied about and fucked up now?

Joe and Tony lied about nothing. Trump convinced Republicans that the virus was a hoax, nobody was really dying and the vaccine is completely unnecessary.

Republicans are not getting vaccinated in Red States in the South. Less than half the populations in Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi, and Virginia have received any vaccine at all. Those who have been vaccinated, have been clearly split along party lines with close to 70% of Democrats in these states being vaccinated while fewer than 40% of Republicans of had the jab.

The Republican party’s anti-vaxx, anti-mask, anti covid propaganda has backfired bigly in deep southern states, where Trump win by wide margins.

Cases nationwide are spiking by over 60% because Republicans have refused the vaccines which will save their lives. 99.5% of those people who are being hospitalized and dying have not been vaccinated. The vast majority of Americans who remain unvaccinated, or Trump Republicans.

If you clowns choose to self infect and die who are we to stop you?
Biggest crock of bullshit you've ever posted. There are no numbers oriented according to politics in the death cases. It's not even legal to collect them that way. I am healthy, I am unvaccinated and I am unafraid.
Nobody has suggested forced vaccinations. We all support your right to be a cult imbecile. However, we are going to keep pointing out that you're a cult imbecile, no matter how many cult tears you shed about that.

What gives you the right to denigrate someone for making an informed decision for themselves? How does it damage you if I do not get the vaccine?

The vaccine is not yet FDA-approved primarily due to the fact that they have no long-term studies. That's a big deal especially since there has been an extraordinarily high number of deaths among people who have received the vaccine and heart problems with young males who have taken the vaccine.

If someone is in good health, and not among any high-risk groups, doesn't it make sense to NOT get the vaccine now and wait until we learn how things shake out?
600,000 eh? Who says?
Ha, stop there, our little charlatan friend.

First you tell us what would be a credible source, in your expert judgment.
Sources you depend on are rife with skewed statistics. If you knew anything at all about the statistics of outcomes oriented health initiatives you would know that a 99 percentile achievement of any trend has never been a part of any major study. Until we get past that one there's no point in discussing any others. It screams falsness like I've never seen before but then again I've never seen such a massive global campaign of bullshit like this one before either. I am still gathering information on that number because I absolutely do not believe it at all.
In the meantime I continue unvaccinated ,unmasked, unafraid and perfectly healthy whilst I mix freely and in close contact with the public.
It’s not in any way peculiar that so many wealthy people from around the world go to the USA for treatment. The USA is the only first world country where are non-citizens can buy first world treatment.

The same holds true in Great Britain, France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries.

You cannot come to Canada for surgery. Our taxpayer funded healthcare system is not for sale to the wealthy.
So long as one Canadian is waiting for treatment anywhere in the country, our hospitals cannot sell treatments or surgeries to people who aren’t residents and who don’t pay taxes in Canada.

Healthcare is extended to those living in Canada on student visas, immigrant visas, or work visas. If you are here legally OHIP will treat you.

Of the countries you list, France comes closest to the quality of the United States. Great Britain's system is a total disaster.

Why would anyone want to travel to Canada for surgery? Your waiting lists are long and getting longer. Of course, your supreme court forced Canada to allow private health care and there are many physicians taking advantage of that opportunity.

The bottom line for Canada is that is not "FREE" and actually costs more than US health insurance in the end.

Why would someone want to leave any other country to go stand in line in Canada? Your lines are LONG and getting longer.

Dark Gray 1993
Light Gray 2019

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600,000 eh? Who says?
Ha, stop there, our little charlatan friend.

First you tell us what would be a credible source, in your expert judgment.
Sources you depend on are rife with skewed statistics. If you knew anything at all about the statistics of outcomes oriented health initiatives you would know that a 99 percentile achievement of any trend has never been a part of any major study. Until we get past that one there's no point in discussing any others. It screams falsness like I've never seen before but then again I've never seen such a massive global campaign of bullshit like this one before either. I am still gathering information on that number because I absolutely do not believe it at all.
In the meantime I continue unvaccinated ,unmasked, unafraid and perfectly healthy whilst I mix freely and in close contact with the public.
Thats not what i asked you, charlatan. I didnt ask for ypur litany of stupid lies you don't even understand. You would fail a college freshman level statistics quiz, so don't try to pretend you have any idea what you're talking about there. What I asked is what you consider a credible source. Just save us all some time and admit that there are no credible sources which support your stupid fantasies. Which is exactly what everybody should expect.
"The experts don't agree with my fantasies and political fetishes and the data doesn't support my fantasies. Therefore, the experts are all conspiring to lie to me and the data is all fake."


Country full of fucking morons

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