If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

Certainly you would think the accuser would want the signature verified?

If she is sure it is real, no reason not to let an expert check it out.
There are dozens of other examples of how Moore preyed on children even without the signature.
It was a well known fact Alabamians knew about for 40 years but looked the other away because he draped himself in Jesus and the flag.
they want Moore to swear under oath that he did not do it and they can catch him lying in a criminal manner
Exactly would congress get the jurisdiction to look into anything before the election?

Hence in a he said - she said, let them say it before congress, under oath, under penalty of perjury.

If you want the TRUTH to come out.
There is enough evidence to put the matter before a civil grand jury. Moore v. all of his accusers, all under oath and in jeopardy of committing a felony.

What's a "civil grand jury?" The statute of limitations expired long ago, so there is no legal basis for taking it to a grand jury.

Moore was an elected official when he is alleged to have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, thus:

Civil Grand Jury: Every year, in each of California's 58 counties, a group of ordinary citizens takes an oath to serve as grand jurors. Its function is to investigate the operations of the various officers, departments and agencies of local government.

I don't know anything about Alabama Law, they do seem to be a couple of centuries behind the rest of us.

I seriously doubt they examine things that happened 4 decades ago. And ADAs aren't elected.


True, an ADA like most civil servants is an official government employee. He has been refereed to as the DA, thus I was wrong if you are correct and he was a deputy. Deputies can be fired for bringing discredit to a government agency. And a government official, or regular citizen (in most civilized states) is not protected from civil or criminal litigation as no statute of limitations on sexual battery of a minor is alleged.

He was an ADA at the time of the alleged misdeeds. The one instance he was claimed to have been a D.A. was in the year book. Those were the initials of his clerk who stamped his signature on court decisions when he was a judge. Funny how it matches the gals divorce decree, issued years later, isn't it?

It was a grand plot of the Serbian Empire, to destroy Mall-rat Roy Moore with a 1973 high-school yearbook. These people are so crafty.
No, they were sought out and collaborated on the Post article. Thanks for proving my assessment of you.

Congratulations for acknowledging how the justice system works. Witnesses are sought out, and cooperate in the case.

And you acknowledge these aren't people who sought a venue to tell their stories.

Yet here they are, 40 years later. Moore has been involved in around 10 elections, at least 2 were state wide, after these supposedly happened. Timing makes all this very suspect.

they want Moore to swear under oath that he did not do it and they can catch him lying in a criminal manner
Exactly would congress get the jurisdiction to look into anything before the election?

Hence in a he said - she said, let them say it before congress, under oath, under penalty of perjury.

If you want the TRUTH to come out.
The problem for him is we have a she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said versus he said, and at least three of those involve criminal actions at the time.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.
So are you suggesting the dishwasher came out and forged Moore's signature?
What a stupid line of questioning.
No one will know until there is a forensic handwriting analysis done. Allred will see to it, once the proper venue is established, either in the counter suit filed by Moore or in the Senate investigation which will occur if he is elected.
Allreds goal is to keep Moore out of the senate. If Moore doesn't win the senate seat, all this will go away.

Becomes moot doesn't it?
Kind of like Trump's taxes
Yes... and the accusers will once again become mute.
What the hell does that mean? Do the victims need to be telling their story every single day?
The excuses you dopes come up with for excusing a sexual offender of children get more ludicrous by the day.
bring it to court, I'd love to see these false claims out in the open. file the claim then.
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.
well no, he has to get the yearbook released, which allred is opposing.
Allred has said the yearbook would be available to a Senate committee. If he files a claim for a lawsuit the yearbook would become available via a court-ordered analysis. A real one, not like the fake one by some blogger running as a thread here on USMB.
And how long after the election will this take place? Allred doesn't have to get it analyzed to prove it's real. She just wants to run out the clock.

Let's support a Congressional Investigation and put Judge Moore under Oath. It was supported by the right when HRC was so investigated, why not Moore. And, to be fair - even though HRC was not treated fairly - let's put the alleged victims under oath too.

Under what authority would congress investigate prior to the election?

No, they were sought out and collaborated on the Post article. Thanks for proving my assessment of you.

Congratulations for acknowledging how the justice system works. Witnesses are sought out, and cooperate in the case.

And you acknowledge these aren't people who sought a venue to tell their stories.

Yet here they are, 40 years later. Moore has been involved in around 10 elections, at least 2 were state wide, after these supposedly happened. Timing makes all this very suspect.

Yes, how odd that women are now willing to talk versus the days when Moore told them not to since no one would believe them. He was a man and they were children. My how times have hardly changed.
No, they were sought out and collaborated on the Post article. Thanks for proving my assessment of you.

Congratulations for acknowledging how the justice system works. Witnesses are sought out, and cooperate in the case.

And you acknowledge these aren't people who sought a venue to tell their stories.

Yet here they are, 40 years later. Moore has been involved in around 10 elections, at least 2 were state wide, after these supposedly happened. Timing makes all this very suspect.

No it doesn’t. Haven’t you learned a goddamn thing about how women were frightened to come forward in the past but now feel empowered to speak the truth?
Yet here they are, 40 years later. Moore has been involved in around 10 elections, at least 2 were state wide, after these supposedly happened. Timing makes all this very suspect.


This is the first in the "Harvey Weinstein" era. The breakout case where the mighty can be taken down by the meek. After the dozens of women came out against Weinstein and they weren't attacked for coming forward years or even decades later, it empowered MORE and MOORE women to come forward.
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space. Also, the ink color is different. So all we asked was to have the yearbook analyzed to see if the signature was from back in the 70's or not. no one accused anyone of anything yet. yet. let's get the book looked at. why are you against that. see someone against analyzing a document infers guilt. so maybe that's where he went. not me, let's get an expert to weigh in.
A judicial setting is all that is required according to the lawyer Allred. Only Moore can make that available or a Senate committee. How else would a judicial setting be available?
no, that is her request, his lawyer asked for her to get it analyzed, so go do it. Moore doesn't have possession of it.
Allowing a document and evidence to be examined in a nonjudicial environment and under judicial review would be a dereliction of an attorney's duty.

Bullshit, it would be in the accusers best interest to authenticate her purported evidence. It would lend credibility to her story.

When did it become evidence and for what?
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.

The woman could only be guilty of creating a hoax. He is the accused at this point, so try that again.

You seem to be forgetting slander and defamation of character.

You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space. Also, the ink color is different. So all we asked was to have the yearbook analyzed to see if the signature was from back in the 70's or not. no one accused anyone of anything yet. yet. let's get the book looked at. why are you against that. see someone against analyzing a document infers guilt. so maybe that's where he went. not me, let's get an expert to weigh in.
A judicial setting is all that is required according to the lawyer Allred. Only Moore can make that available or a Senate committee. How else would a judicial setting be available?
no, that is her request, his lawyer asked for her to get it analyzed, so go do it. Moore doesn't have possession of it.
Allowing a document and evidence to be examined in a nonjudicial environment and under judicial review would be a dereliction of an attorney's duty.

Bullshit, it would be in the accusers best interest to authenticate her purported evidence. It would lend credibility to her story.

It won't stand up in court and it won't stand up in the minds of the Morons for Moore. Why bother.
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.

The woman could only be guilty of creating a hoax. He is the accused at this point, so try that again.

You seem to be forgetting slander and defamation of character.

Please, God, let him sue.
Bullshit, it would be in the accusers best interest to authenticate her purported evidence. It would lend credibility to her story.

She has dozens of other women for that purposse. The many women (technically girls) Moore went out with while in high school and he was in his 30's means much more than a signature in a yearbook.
Bullshit, it would be in the accusers best interest to authenticate her purported evidence. It would lend credibility to her story.

She has dozens of other women for that purposse. The many women (technically girls) Moore went out with while in high school and he was in his 30's means much more than a signature in a yearbook.
But but but we all know a man who hangs around the mall asking teenage girls out on dates, even asking their mothers for permission, and meets other teenage girls at high school events would never ever sign a high school girl's yearbook. That has to be a hoax. Couldn't happen, not in a million years.

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