If there ever was a double standard


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
This would be it. It appears in today's society that between homosexuals and Christians, discrimination only works one way. The rampant double standards are plainly seen in this incident. So, justice only seems to work for one side and not the other. Looks like to me Christians can be discriminated against because of their faith, but Christians aren't allowed to discriminate against a gay couple for being gay. Gays demand equal treatment under the law, but Christians apparently, are not entitled to it, that is at least in Colorado.

Does this look like equality under the law to you?

A bakery in Colorado will not be punished for refusing to bake a cake requested by a Christian activist that included quotes from the Bible denouncing homosexuality.

Azucar Bakery in Denver was found not guilty of discrimination by the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies when it refused to make a cake requested by Christian activist Bill Jack.

In comments sent to The Christian Post on Sunday, Jack denounced the decision by the Civil Rights Division and its use of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act.

"Colorado prosecuted Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop for bringing his Christian faith to bear in his decision not to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, yet business owners who decide to refuse service to a Christian wanting Bible verses on cakes are exonerated by the state," stated Jack.

"CADA is being used to censor Christian business owners' free speech and is being used to coerce them to participate in events that violate their consciences."

Jack added that he's "in the process of filing an appeal with the CCRD" over what he calls "hypocrisy and unequal treatment before the law."

Bakeries Can Refuse Bible Verses But Not Gay Weddings Colorado Decides

Azucar Bakery did not discriminate by refusing to make anti-gay cakes Colorado

Sad but true.

Doesn't need to be that way. We could just get over ourselves and give each other some space, but some just want control.

A reasonable person doesn't want to force another person to perform a service against their will. It really isn't necessary.

Of course it's equality under the law.

If gays asked a baker to write "Sodomy rules!" on a cake, any baker would be free to refuse that. Just as any baker is also free to refuse similar slogans in the form of Bible verses. Cake bakers only have to write on cakes the normal kinds of things you write on cakes.

It's a consistent policy. Therefore, conservatives will not be able to understand it. Or in Templar's case, he'll deliberately misunderstand so he can cling to his precious, precious victimhood.
Homosexuality isn't a religion. The 1st amendment should protect us "from" religion, because without it there cam be no freedom "of" religion. Think about it the next time you want to complain about sharia law.
I don't remember Christ coming to Earth to persecute anyone......
If gays asked a baker to write "Sodomy rules!" on a cake, any baker would be free to refuse that.

Just not a Christian baker, I presume.

You only are reaffirming the double standard. Why the outrage then, when a Christian baker refuses to sell a cake or cater to a gay couple's wedding?

Do I smell selective outrage?
No, the Christian baker would be free to refuse. Like I said, you have trouble understanding consistency.

And also like I said, you're deliberately choosing to misunderstand the issue so you can play the victim. Keep up that strategy if you want, but it's not going to win you any converts. All of the eternal victims are already on your side, and everyone is disgusted by it.
Like I said, you have trouble understanding consistency.

You're the last one to lecture anyone on consistency.

And also like I said, you're deliberately choosing to misunderstand the issue so you can play the victim.

No, I'm not. The only people I see deliberately choosing to misunderstand the issue so they can play victim are those calling people bigots for not wanting to serve or cater to a homosexual.

Keep up that strategy if you want, but it's not going to win you any converts.

Hah! After what happened to Memories Pizza, you won't win any converts either!

All of the eternal victims are already on your side, and everyone is disgusted by it.

So, your whole point about bakers being allowed to refuse service is not genuine, then.
"If there ever was a double standard"

This is ignorant and ridiculous – there is no 'double-standard.'

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process and equal protection of the law, whether gay or Christian.

Regulatory measures such as state and local public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

Consequently, such laws in no way 'violate' religious practice, nor do they 'force' theists to act in a manner contrary to their religious beliefs:

“[The First Amendment] does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a law that incidentally forbids (or requires) the performance of an act that his religious belief requires (or forbids) if the law is not specifically directed to religious practice and is otherwise constitutional as applied to those who engage in the specified act for nonreligious reasons.”

Employment Division v. Smith LII Legal Information Institute
This would be it. It appears in today's society that between homosexuals and Christians, discrimination only works one way. The rampant double standards are plainly seen in this incident. So, justice only seems to work for one side and not the other. Looks like to me Christians can be discriminated against because of their faith, but Christians aren't allowed to discriminate against a gay couple for being gay. Gays demand equal treatment under the law, but Christians apparently, are not entitled to it, that is at least in Colorado.

Does this look like equality under the law to you?

A bakery in Colorado will not be punished for refusing to bake a cake requested by a Christian activist that included quotes from the Bible denouncing homosexuality.

Azucar Bakery in Denver was found not guilty of discrimination by the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies when it refused to make a cake requested by Christian activist Bill Jack.

In comments sent to The Christian Post on Sunday, Jack denounced the decision by the Civil Rights Division and its use of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act.

"Colorado prosecuted Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop for bringing his Christian faith to bear in his decision not to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, yet business owners who decide to refuse service to a Christian wanting Bible verses on cakes are exonerated by the state," stated Jack.

"CADA is being used to censor Christian business owners' free speech and is being used to coerce them to participate in events that violate their consciences."

Jack added that he's "in the process of filing an appeal with the CCRD" over what he calls "hypocrisy and unequal treatment before the law."

Bakeries Can Refuse Bible Verses But Not Gay Weddings Colorado Decides

Azucar Bakery did not discriminate by refusing to make anti-gay cakes Colorado

You are displaying an ignorance of the law. The "Christian" was not denied a product or service the business would provide a non Christian. Service was not denied on the basis of the customer being a Christian.
This would be it. It appears in today's society that between homosexuals and Christians, discrimination only works one way. The rampant double standards are plainly seen in this incident. So, justice only seems to work for one side and not the other. Looks like to me Christians can be discriminated against because of their faith, but Christians aren't allowed to discriminate against a gay couple for being gay. Gays demand equal treatment under the law, but Christians apparently, are not entitled to it, that is at least in Colorado.

Does this look like equality under the law to you?

A bakery in Colorado will not be punished for refusing to bake a cake requested by a Christian activist that included quotes from the Bible denouncing homosexuality.

Azucar Bakery in Denver was found not guilty of discrimination by the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies when it refused to make a cake requested by Christian activist Bill Jack.

In comments sent to The Christian Post on Sunday, Jack denounced the decision by the Civil Rights Division and its use of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act.

"Colorado prosecuted Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop for bringing his Christian faith to bear in his decision not to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, yet business owners who decide to refuse service to a Christian wanting Bible verses on cakes are exonerated by the state," stated Jack.

"CADA is being used to censor Christian business owners' free speech and is being used to coerce them to participate in events that violate their consciences."

Jack added that he's "in the process of filing an appeal with the CCRD" over what he calls "hypocrisy and unequal treatment before the law."

Bakeries Can Refuse Bible Verses But Not Gay Weddings Colorado Decides

Azucar Bakery did not discriminate by refusing to make anti-gay cakes Colorado

You are displaying an ignorance of the law. The "Christian" was not denied a product or service the business would provide a non Christian. Service was not denied on the basis of the customer being a Christian.
Excellent point.

If Christians are going to 'justify' discriminating against gay patrons because of 'religious beliefs' and the errant perception that homosexuality is 'sin,' then they must also refuse services to all other manifestations of 'sin.'
I guess you can look at it like this. If a church group went to an atheist baker and wanted him to cater a church function. Even though he sold the church group things out of the store. With no problem, should he be forced to cater the function in the church. Even though he doesn't want to, because it goes against his beliefs?

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