If There Was An Insurrection, Shouldn't There Be Charges For Insurrection?

Lefties staged the Jan. 6 swarming of the Capitol to take attention away from the year of burning, looting and murdering they were responsible for. The Capitol break in was mild compared to all the summer riots by antifa and BLM.
It appears now it was FBI operatives who stage the fake insurrection.
Calling them "insurrectionists" and "seditionists" is just hyperbole. Its all federal supremacists know; without it, they wouldnt have anything to say.
There was no insurrection.

It's more fabricated Bullshit from the Federal Government.
But we can at least agree that if anything bad happened at the Capitol, BLM and Antifa were mostly behind it...
No, just black people. They're behind everything. Bunch of criminals.

Yo're either stupid or an asshole.


No one was charged with insurrection because... they did it wrong?

That's exactly what happens when crooks get caught and prosecuted- they did it wrong so they got caught.

So. As long as I do a crappy job of robbing a bank, I'll not face charges, right?

How can you possibly have lived this long when you are this stupid?
My vote is both.

You like a hyphenated name.


If There Was An Insurrection, Shouldn't There Be Charges For Insurrection?​

ISN'T THAT THE COSMIC JOKE, John? Isn't that always the tune of the Far Left?

Last year they stormed the nation wreaking havoc on the 69 largest major cities for nearly half the year nonstop (they found it within their grasp to STOP right before the election and after Biden was in office) but not before death and destruction to 2000 police, stations, cars, buildings, property, lives, and government offices, and they dismiss it all, the worst rioting ever in the history of the USA, and all over some dirty punk criminal thug hood caught in the commission of a felony, as "mostly peaceful" protesting.

Then a few hundred people rightly storm the Capitol in outrage just as the Constitution prescribes not only over an obviously crooked and irregular election that made absolutely no sense breaking numerous laws, but in the government and media's absolute REFUSAL to even admit there were many questions to be asked and things to be resolved before any final certification could go forward, and despite the lack of any real violence and the usually orderly way they went about the building, rather than admit that they had this coming and deserved it, and come clean, tried to make it about Trump rather than the election, labeling it an INSURRECTION. An attempt to "overthrow democracy" with a bunch of families bringing their kids, wives shooting selfies and such in plain view without even any attempt to cover their faces?

Insurrection is TREASON, so where are the charges of TREASON, along with life in prison or better still, shot dead before the firing squad?

Is Biden's America even capable of carrying out an execution?

The only thing 1/6 is about now is the Left's ongoing efforts to bolster their case to use against Trump because they know they are NOT done dealing with him and realized they CANNOT beat this man at the ballot box fair and square.

If There Was An Insurrection, Shouldn't There Be Charges For Insurrection?​

ISN'T THAT THE COSMIC JOKE, John? Isn't that always the tune of the Far Left?

Last year they stormed the nation wreaking havoc on the 69 largest major cities for nearly half the year nonstop (they found it within their grasp to STOP right before the election and after Biden was in office) but not before death and destruction to 2000 police, stations, cars, buildings, property, lives, and government offices, and they dismiss it all, the worst rioting ever in the history of the USA, and all over some dirty punk criminal thug hood caught in the commission of a felony, as "mostly peaceful" protesting.

Then a few hundred people rightly storm the Capitol in outrage just as the Constitution prescribes not only over an obviously crooked and irregular election that made absolutely no sense breaking numerous laws, but in the government and media's absolute REFUSAL to even admit there were many questions to be asked and things to be resolved before any final certification could go forward, and despite the lack of any real violence and the usually orderly way they went about the building, rather than admit that they had this coming and deserved it, and come clean, tried to make it about Trump rather than the election, labeling it an INSURRECTION. An attempt to "overthrow democracy" with a bunch of families bringing their kids, wives shooting selfies and such in plain view without even any attempt to cover their faces?

Insurrection is TREASON, so where are the charges of TREASON, along with life in prison or better still, shot dead before the firing squad?

Is Biden's America even capable of carrying out an execution?

The only thing 1/6 is about now is the Left's ongoing efforts to bolster their case to use against Trump because they know they are NOT done dealing with him and realized they CANNOT beat this man at the ballot box fair and square.
I doubt even a few hundred people stormed the Capitol.

They murdered an unarmed white woman for climbing through a window.

Don't you think if a few hundred people actually stormed the Capitol that there would have been more gun fire/injuries?

It didn't happen.

Just like Russia, Russia, Russia didn't happen.

It is ALL fabricated by the communist side of the Federal Government.
I doubt even a few hundred people stormed the Capitol.

Blame the conservative in me John. I was just trying to be fair to the Left as they say "hundreds" (400-500) have been charged. If they didn't all storm the Capitol, then they must be charging people just for walking in and taking pictures!

Blame the conservative in me John. I was just trying to be fair to the Left as they say "hundreds" (400-500) have been charged. If they didn't all storm the Capitol, then they must be charging people just for walking in and taking pictures!
Do you know what they are charged with?

Has the DOJ put forth a list of names and charges?

Blame the conservative in me John. I was just trying to be fair to the Left as they say "hundreds" (400-500) have been charged. If they didn't all storm the Capitol, then they must be charging people just for walking in and taking pictures!
Do you know what they are charged with?

Has the DOJ put forth a list of names and charges?

I can tell you that last I heard, about 25% of all those charged in the incident had been charged with nothing more serious than "misdemeanor trespass" which sounds about right.

I can tell you that last I heard, about 25% of all those charged in the incident had been charged with nothing more serious than "misdemeanor trespass" which sounds about right.
Was that before or after the Capitol Police let them in?
I can tell you that last I heard, about 25% of all those charged in the incident had been charged with nothing more serious than "misdemeanor trespass" which sounds about right.
I wonder what the Democrats who led the way into the building got charged with?



There was no insurrection.

Technically, an insurrection in this context implies a MILITARY insurrection (a political coup) which requires the overthrow of the military to be seized by the new leaders.

In any foreign country, when there is a coup staged, the first thing they do is seize control over the military.

No such events remotely took place on 1/6.

Therefore, use of the word "insurrection" for a simple protest that got out of hand is at best, POLITICAL THEATER motivated to distort the public's perception of the event.
Whatever you have to tell your cultist ass
Cry it all out, crybaby.

Yes, if the stupid hillbillies had been better organized (a big ask for lobotomized cultists like you) and had succeeded more in stopping the transition of power and in the violence they were clearly hoping for and intending, they would be charged with insurrection.

Just the ones with balls. The fatass pussies like you sitting at home and cheering the insurrection on your teevee would still be in the clear.
Lefties staged the Jan. 6 swarming of the Capitol to take attention away from the year of burning, looting and murdering they were responsible for. The Capitol break in was mild compared to all the summer riots by antifa and BLM.
It appears now it was FBI operatives who stage the fake insurrection.

appears now it was FBI operatives who stage the fake insurrection.
How embarrassingly fucking stupid.
We see this run non stop on the Fake News MSM .... Insurrection, Insurrection, Insurrection ......

That's all we see on CNN, MSNBC, etc ....

Out of the 400 and something arrest that are claimed .....

Has anyone been charged with insurrection?

Not that I can find.
Because our system of justice is cowed by political pressure and is thus flawed. If the government would have just charged these bastards with insurrection and started hanging these magaturds straight away, you maga pissants would lose your tiny little minds.
Because our system of justice is cowed by political pressure and is thus flawed. If the government would have just charged these bastards with insurrection and started hanging these magaturds straight away, you maga pissants would lose your tiny little minds.
You Stupid Leftist Fvck ....

The Communist Federal Government didn't charge anyone with Insurrection because NO ONE IS GUILTY of Insurrection.

Damn you Leftist sick fvcks are Stupid.

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