"If they can this to me, they can do this to anyone" Trump says

Yes......and it was Trump that didn't prosecute her despite his claims.

Poor dumb ass, it was handled civilly by the feds. Hence the fines. You're not too smart, are ya?

Poor dumb ass, it was handled civilly by the feds. Hence the fines. You're not too smart, are ya?


There were likey 50 things to get Hillary on.

Or are you saying that Trump was just blathering incoherently when he said he would prosecute her?

Yeah, the State laws don't cover federal campaigns, try reading your links. They are organized as section 527 tax exempt organizations under the IRS code, like churches. But many of the fund raising organizations are not tax exempt. But she operated her campaign out of NYC, that give Bragg some jurisdiction since she (in the word of the Trump prosecutors) tried to hoodwink the voters and falsified her bookkeeping records to do it. And she paid an FEC fine for it.

There were likey 50 things to get Hillary on.

Or are you saying that Trump was just blathering incoherently when he said he would prosecute her?

He didn't have that power. He wasn't a dictator. It would have been up to the AG, and Sessions was a paper tiger.

Then he just lies. Say it was unfair because they "weren't allowed to use our election expert".

Yes, they were. The judge said they could use him and the defense pulled him.

I am a little confused about how the FEC person was not allowed to testify. Some sources say that was Merchan's decision, then I hear that Trump's attorney didn't want him to testify because of the Q of Was the money to Daniels a campaign contribution..

but in any case, check this out

the FEC and the Department of Justice had looked at the $130,000 payment made by then-Trump attorney Michael Cohen to Daniels and determined it wasn't [a campaign contribution] at least with regard to the 45th president.
You're a fucking liar. The fake judge wouldn't let the expert witness (former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith) address the core issue - "Was the slut payment a campaign contribution?"

Witnesses are muzzled in N. Korea and Cuba.... oh, and ny city too....

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you mean

alleged Outlaw

Anyone can be convicted of a crime in this nasty country
Trump only hires the best. He said so himself.

And when he discovered he was wrong about Sessions he fired him. Sessions had no valid reason to recuse himself over something the hildabitch did as SOS.

And when he discovered he was wrong about Sessions he fired him. Sessions had no valid reason to recuse himself over something the hildabitch did as SOS.


And still, nothing. Hillary walks free.
I'm not. I am very specifically talking about YOUR detachment from reality.

In this specific case.

It's embarrassing.
Oh, “in this specific case”….. Not the past 8 years of you being strung along about every fake Trump controversy they could muster. Time and time again they had you convinced only to let you down again and again. And you still haven’t learned. The past 8 years have been a non-stop trail of bread crumbs leading you nowhere.

Now here you are, feeling pretty good about 34 felony convictions. Limp-wristed high-fives all around. So, are you feeling better than when they investigated Trump for Russian collusion? Or when they impeached him twice? Or when they accused him of trying to rig the election? Or when the FBI raided him for some super top secret “nuclear“ documents? Or when they ivestigated him for ”insurrection”?

Well, since you are so tethered to “reality” what does this ruling mean to you? Do you believe this time it’s going to be any different than the worn-out routine of the past 8 years?

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