"If they can this to me, they can do this to anyone" Trump says

What are you talking about?

It’s a direct quote from his speech

You only need to watch the first 4 seconds of the video in the OP to know that's a lie. His actual quote is: "If they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone.".

I was also talking about the commietator in the video.

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Of all the bizarre, ignorant shit that has come from MAGA, this has been WAY up there.

Yeah. Break the law, pay the price. Even if you're a flamboyant NY City billionaire metrosexual.

I guess they love their mindless slogans. Don't think it through, just scream it in rage.

Yeah, the party that claims to be tough on crime, and they seem to want to be the crime.
Nope her campaign HQ was in NYC. She falsified her records to pay for election interference, the Steele Dossier. Bragg should be on her like white on rice. But she's a commiecrat, so we know that will never happen. More proof of a two tiered justice system.


Trump made the claim he would prosecute her. He did nothing.
Trump supporters: "Everyone has NDAs! If they can go after him for paying off pornstars and playboy models, then they can do it to me, too!"


I mean, I think that's part of the point Mr Trump.


Does he know anything about the law at all?

Then he just lies. Say it was unfair because they "weren't allowed to use our election expert".

Yes, they were. The judge said they could use him and the defense pulled him.

About some of the defense witnesses "they were literally crucified"...

Did ANYONE see these crucifixions?

That is true. If you commit crimes, you too can be found guilty.

I mean, I think that's part of the point Mr Trump.


Does he know anything about the law at all?

Then he just lies. Say it was unfair because they "weren't allowed to use our election expert".

Yes, they were. The judge said they could use him and the defense pulled him.

About some of the defense witnesses "they were literally crucified"...

Did ANYONE see these crucifixions?

Oh BOO fucking HOO for the Convicted Felon, Rapist and Traitor. He did this to himself. He has always played it fast and loose with the law and now he finally facing consequences for his illegal conduct. No one, including Putin's Butt Boy is above the law.
That's how far gone you cultists are.

It was a laughable question. But you would have to be tethered to reality to understand this simple exchange.
If you are tethered to reality, that tether would have to reach all the way back to before 2016. Back before Trump ever entered politics and before men could get pregnant. Back before the establishment trained you like seals to bark at the Bad Orange Man.

You don’t get to support everyone retreating into their own subjective-realities and then reference “reality” as if you haven’t already publicly celebrated your divorce from reality. The left is tethered to their own subjective realities. Tethered to the “reality” where men get pregnant and children can consent to sexual mutilation.

Denounce that idiotic shit on this first day of Pride Month if you want your “tethering” to “reality” to be taken seriously.

By “tethered to reality” you are just referring to the ideological ball-and-chain you have around your ankle.
Nope her campaign HQ was in NYC. She falsified her records to pay for election interference, the Steele Dossier. Bragg should be on her like white on rice. But she's a commiecrat, so we know that will never happen. More proof of a two tiered justice system.

If Clinton did all that se woiuld hacw got busted. But she didn't. That dOssier was first used by conservative opponenrs of Trump. The compny that used it was Fusion GPS, a Republican oppo research firm. Just because Trump repeted something over and over doesn't make it true.
We'd have been sentenced to prison long ago.
Trump was targeted. Progressive Socialist Profiling. Now when the tyranny returns in those areas and in current law aiding communities, we lowered the bar on our freedoms even more. And there is a lot of corruption, stealing, graft and other parallel words that are done from peasants in our nation. And some are African American. Teh corrupted political/lawyer government class at some point will be included as the peasants get poorer and angrier.

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