"If they can this to me, they can do this to anyone" Trump says

No – Trump is lying, as usual; he’s a shameless demagogue and fearmonger.

If you’re a criminal who has violated the law – as has Trump – you should be subject to lawful prosecution and afforded comprehensive due process – as was Trump.
The trial was a bigger joke than you. And that is huge.
Why do you keep returning to Trump, is your TDS that strong, the topic is the hildabitch.

There is no such thing as TDS. We get to talk about Trump like you guys do Biden.
Can you not read child, she was fined for falsifying her campaign records, a campaign is a fucking business. They have income and expenses, and are required by law, to account for them, like any business. And it was located in NYC.

Bullshit. Quit trying to create something because trump got busted.
If anyone does what Trump did, they will get done the same way.
That’s a lie. The FEC found that Clinton and the dnc falsified records when they claimed payments to Michael Steele were legal expense. Bragg has not prosecuted her
That’s a lie. The FEC found that Clinton and the dnc falsified records when they claimed payments to Michael Steele were legal expense. Bragg has not prosecuted her
And so why would Bragg be prosecuting Clinton? Did the supposed crime happen in New York City? And why weren't the Republicans who used the same dossier investigated?
And so why would Bragg be prosecuting Clinton? Did the supposed crime happen in New York City? And why weren't the Republicans who used the same dossier investigated?

I mean, I think that's part of the point Mr Trump.


Does he know anything about the law at all?

Then he just lies. Say it was unfair because they "weren't allowed to use our election expert".

Yes, they were. The judge said they could use him and the defense pulled him.

About some of the defense witnesses "they were literally crucified"...

Did ANYONE see these crucifixions?

"Lock her up!".
Can you not read child, she was fined for falsifying her campaign records, a campaign is a fucking business. They have income and expenses, and are required by law, to account for them, like any business. And it was located in NYC.


and yet they are covered by very different laws.

weird, it is almost as if the state views them differently.
If Clinton did all that se woiuld hacw got busted. But she didn't. That dOssier was first used by conservative opponenrs of Trump. The compny that used it was Fusion GPS, a Republican oppo research firm. Just because Trump repeted something over and over doesn't make it true.

Wow more lies from IM2, who'd a thunk? Fusion GPS said nothing in the Steele Dossier was commissioned by them. I've posted Tom Fenton's statement multiple times on this very board. You can look it up yourself. Either way, the bitch wrote it off as attorneys fees and consult fees. And was fined by the FEC for falsifying her records.

With his lies and fearmongering, Trump continues to attack the judicial system and the rule of law; indeed, Trump is an enemy of the rule of law.

What happened to Trump isn’t going to happen to anyone else who hasn’t violated the law.
What rule of law?

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