If they have nothing to hide, why are states refusing to check voter data?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.
Trump - release your tax returns unless you have something to hide. Otherwise we know you colluded with the Russians. Then maybe there will be a state that wants to participate in your delusions of 'voter fraud'.

And that is what they are, delusions. But cons won't miss any opportunity to suppress as many votes as possible which is why Republicans in Congress have nothing to say about this. They smile from afar.
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Why does the federal government want to know how I voted for the past ten years?

And are you saying all 42 of these states are Democratic run?
Yeah, change the subject!!!!

Obama's IRS audited Trump 8 times. Why should we believe anything is wrong with Trump's taxes if Obama couldn't find anything in 8 attempts???


Dems = cheaters, liars, haters, kleptocrats
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.
Then why are over half the decisions being made by Republicans?
Yeah, change the subject!!!!

Obama's IRS audited Trump 8 times. Why should we believe anything is wrong with Trump's taxes if Obama couldn't find anything in 8 attempts???


Dems = cheaters, liars, haters, kleptocrats
Repubs = over half the states refusing to give information.
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

Over 40 states have refused to hand over this information. Are you insinuating that all forty-something of these states are run by Democrats?
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

yup, the dems cheated and Trump won.

ya F'n idget.
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

Over 40 states have refused to hand over this information. Are you insinuating that all forty-something of these states are run by Democrats?
It's "bi partisan" for sure.
However, to be fair, the MSM is playing with words here, too. The letter from the commission requested whatever information was publicly available.
Most states are willing to hand over that, but some of the information requested is NOT publicly available. One state is even going to charge the going rate for the list--two fitty.

So the MSM is making it sound as if many states are saying no when they are saying sure, but we can only give you some of it. The Commission only asked for what was publicly available and the states are going to supply that. I don't feel like going through them all to see which ones refused on principle, but it's not a lot, from the ones I read.
Same thing happened in 2000....

USATODAY.com - Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed

"George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows"

Gore was right about his claim ASSUMING the spoiled ballots were proportional to party registration in said counties. They were not. The spoiled ballots were overwhelmingly GOP ballots tossed by Dem canvass boards.

Indeed, it was Black Republican ballots that got tossed...

Let The Sunshine In

"the group most victimized in the Florida voting was African-American Republicans, and by a dramatic margin, too"

and that plays right in with what we observe today with the Dems - they HATE and DISCRIMINATE against those who they think MUST vote for them....

Dems do not think Blacks are free to not support the Dems....
cheating fucking dems

Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

Hello idiot.

Why would the Dems plan a shitload of illegal votes in states like California, Mississipi and Oklahoma?

If the Dems are smart enough to pull off several million illegal votes, why the fuck didn't they have them vote in close BLUE STATES like WI, PA and MI?

Idiot dumbass mother fucker.
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

Hello idiot.

Why would the Dems plan a shitload of illegal votes in states like California, Mississipi and Oklahoma?

If the Dems are smart enough to pull off several million illegal votes, why the fuck didn't they have them vote in close BLUE STATES like WI, PA and MI?

Idiot dumbass mother fucker.

I think you're giving him too much credit.
Trump - release your tax returns unless you have something to hide. Otherwise we know you colluded with the Russians. Then maybe there will be a state that wants to participate in your delusions of 'voter fraud'.

And that is what they are, delusions. But cons won't miss any opportunity to suppress as many votes as possible which is why Republicans in Congress have nothing to say about this. They smile from afar.
you've been told that's apples and oranges. you fail continuously dude.
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

Over 40 states have refused to hand over this information. Are you insinuating that all forty-something of these states are run by Democrats?
Illinois is, I live in the state and I'd love to see those babies. the dems have fkd this state so bad. let's see that deceased voter list. why not? I live here, they can look I give permission. Let's see the numbers vs the census.

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