If they have nothing to hide, why are states refusing to check voter data?

Why does the federal government want to know how I voted for the past ten years?

And are you saying all 42 of these states are Democratic run?

Not how, just if. BIG difference.
That's for sure. I looked it up and you're right. I had interpreted "voter history" differently, but the one I just looked up explained it is just elections voted in.
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.
because they are asking for sensitive information about each voter..Which i for one think they don't need to have..What they do need is a better process of overview when allowing people to vote to double check the voter's eligibility...
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

SEND me your social security number. If you don't I'll just ask what are you hiding.
last time i checked, a social security number is a federal number.

So? The only reason someone wouldn't give it is if they have something to hide, right? No other reason could exist.
if 44 states cheated and voted democratic, Shitforhair wouldnt be tweeting from Penna Av right now..
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.
How does it feel to be a whore for your pussy grabber?
Why should the states have to do all this work and put its citizens personal information at risk just because Trump can't stand Hillarywon the popular vote?
Wild goose chase.
Deplorables... " I'm running as fast as I can for you , Donald."
TRUMP: Obama bugged Trump Tower!

NSA: We caught General Flynn on a wiretap we have on the Russians.

TRUMP: See? I told you they were bugging Trump Tower!

This is exactly the same tactic Trump will use with voter data, and the rubes will totally buy it.
voter fraud or Russia
voter fraud or Russia
voter fraud or Russia
voter fraud or Russia
voter fraud or Russia
voter fraud or Russia

pretend you arent really sure which one Trump wants to create a distraction so people will forget about the other one
Answer = because the Dems CHEATED, they KNOW they cheated, and they KNOW if the rolls are checked, they will be BUSTED for CHEATING.

I believes that President Trump had 91% of the citizens that has voted for him. And Hillary had 2%, and which they were all the members of the DNC, illegals and paid college students, that are in dire need for money because of the economy. When Hillary was campaigning,, that her audience were the same people at her other rallies. They just bust them to all of her rallies so that it looks as if someone is supporting her. at one rally, they did not let anyone of the liberal media into her rally. Because word was out that she did not had more than a handful of supporters at her rallies. and then they were using White noise makers, to block the chanting of the Bernie's supporters. .That means that there were not that much Hillary's supporters to drown out the chanting of the Bernie's bros.

Voter fraud commission may have violated law

The law also requires that agencies justify their requests for public information, specify how it will be used and provide assurances that data will be protected.

If Donald Trump has nothing to hide why is he refusing to release his Tax record ?
Maybe he doesn't want people to know that he is secret Santa for this entire country. From one of his tax record, that Rachael Maddow publicized. That he paid more than what he supposedly had paid. If everyone finds out that he is one of those cheerful givers, that people will start plaguing him for cash.


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