If this is success....

Okay, if Obama sinks lower than Bush - we won't vote for him again...
Okay, if Obama sinks lower than Bush - we won't vote for him again...

He staged a military surge.
He failed to close Gitmo
He extended the tax cuts
He endorsed the Patriot Act
He assassinates American citizens abroad.

Which part of that sounds better than Bush?
We will only vote for Obama's second term if a Kerry style rich guy flip flopper runs against him?
Ohh wait....
If the Dums here proclaim that Obama has been successful in his first term and deserves another, what would he have to do to fail and not deserve a second term?

There is nothing

The Left's identity politics would not allow them to go against him
No doubt, if Papa Obama was of another race, someone like Hillary would
be running against him.

Even now you hear some in the MSM fretting over if American can really kick out the first black president;
What would that say about us as a nation etc

Obama isn't working
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Okay, if Obama sinks lower than Bush - we won't vote for him again...

He staged a military surge.
He failed to close Gitmo
He extended the tax cuts
He endorsed the Patriot Act
He assassinates American citizens abroad.

Which part of that sounds better than Bush?

Yeah, but he brought donuts...

If the Dums here proclaim that Obama has been successful in his first term and deserves another, what would he have to do to fail and not deserve a second term?

join the Republican war against woman, voters and collective bargaining.
You guys crack me up. How many times have I requested any reason at all for not voting for President Obama. Or for voting for Mittens.

I have asked for any accomplishment from any Republican and not one of you has been able to post even one link.

I've asked for any accomplishment from Mittens and not one of you has been able to post anything EXCEPT that he used other people's money to raid businesses, shut them down and fire the workers, that he got the biggest bail out in the history of the Olympics, thus tricking the tax payers into "saving" the Olympics. He ran Mass very near bankruptcy, could not create jobs but did pass the healthcare that the states universally loves and he now disavows. And, now he's promising to do the same thing to the entire nation.

The only thing Mitt has not flip flopped (LIED) about is his plan to raise taxes on the working class, the poor and the middle class while cutting taxes even moire for his cronies.

while posting these requests, I have also posted lists of the accomplishments of the president. Those lists scare the crap out of you ALL because you know the pubs do NOTHING except drink, tan and play golf while filibustering and stalling.

Right now, among the bills they've stalled, in the highway bill that would produce almost 4 million more jobs on top of the more than 4 million the president has already created.

Just answer the question -

WHY should any real American vote for Mitt Romney.

No, don't take the coward's way out and say, 'because he's not Obama'. Believe me, we already know he's not Obama. That's why we're voting for Obama!

Just once, answer the question -

What has Romnney done in the past or said that makes anyone believe he can even begin to do the job of President of the United States. And, why would anyone even consider putting him on the world stage to represent us?
We will only vote for Obama's second term if a Kerry style rich guy flip flopper runs against him?
Ohh wait....

Romney is nothing like Kerry. Romney earned his fortune Kerry married his. Romney is smart Kerry was stupid. Romney has never been divorced Kerry has. Romney actually governed. Kerry feeds off the government while contributing nothing he feeds off his wife's fortune while contributing nothing.

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