If this is true, Panetta should resign

He's only Commander-In-Chief for certain military issues?
I think not.
He's Commander-In-Chief - by God, he was briefed on the call by whomever to disarm our guys. He could have put an end to it right on the spot. "DON'T DISARM THEM."
Instead, he took another golf swing/vacation.
The buck should stop with him.


He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.

One would think the person who has the title "Commander In Chief" would you know, be responsible for the men/women of whom he's "Commanding." Not in the Obama Regime, however - he gets a free pass...
did obama do this or the base commander?

The base commander with direction from washington (panetta) who gets direction from obama.

Its one of those "the buck stops here" things I think...but obama is seperated by "layers". Much like it wasn't Obama who got bin laden but he gets credit, the same applies here.

I find it fascinating that the left are so quick to high 5 him when the Troops do good... and equally as quick to say it's not his fault when something is wrong. If it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards.
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

I hope to god the secret service were at least in there packing.
And btw, this was at the marine base, Camp Leatherneck.

I just can't get worked up about this.

The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.
He's only Commander-In-Chief for certain military issues?
I think not.
He's Commander-In-Chief - by God, he was briefed on the call by whomever to disarm our guys. He could have put an end to it right on the spot. "DON'T DISARM THEM."
Instead, he took another golf swing/vacation.
The buck should stop with him.


He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.
Bad form? I respect Gurganus; either remove him, or he makes the decisions. The war is flaring up again; I do not expect Gurganus to give his actual reasons for the decision though.

He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.

It's certainly bad form but he doesn't have a lick of proof to what he asserts.

What is there to prove? Do you honestly believe that Obama was NOT briefed that the men/women he "Commands" were going to be disarmed during Panetta's visit? You seriously think he wasn't briefed on this, that you're asking for a "link" to show he was/wasn't?

You are seriously smarter than this, so come on...
What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

There are a couple of ways to look at this..but in the broader sense..we are still at war. And when you come to the negotiating table..you have to come from a position of strength. Disarming people to show some sort of equalitarian sensiblity is wrong minded. Especially given that the people in that region respect strength.

This was wrong on many levels.

You nailed it.

He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.
Bad form? I respect Gurganus; either remove him, or he makes the decisions. The war is flaring up again; I do not expect Gurganus to give his actual reasons for the decision though.

If anyone was killed or an incident happened than yes he probably should be removed, but since nothing happened he's probably safe.
I hope to god the secret service were at least in there packing.
And btw, this was at the marine base, Camp Leatherneck.

I just can't get worked up about this.

The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.

What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.
The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.
My concern also; that is why I posted about the chance of a Marine's weapon being grabbed INSIDE the tent.

He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.

One would think the person who has the title "Commander In Chief" would you know, be responsible for the men/women of whom he's "Commanding." Not in the Obama Regime, however - he gets a free pass...

He's responsible for whom he is commanding, however, you don't have any proof whatsoever that he was briefed on this and let it slide therefor your assertions about Obama in this thread are baseless.
And btw, this was at the marine base, Camp Leatherneck.

I just can't get worked up about this.

The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.

What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.

I agree, they should stay the fuck home if they are going to start having our troops disarm, the sad thing is I think after that Soldier killed 16 Afghan civilians they are starting to look at our troops as more of a danger than the Afghans.:doubt:
The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.
My concern also; that is why I posted about the chance of a Marine's weapon being grabbed INSIDE the tent.

If an Afghan tried to grab a Marines rifle inside the tent he would have been disposed of by the other Marines around him, if an Afghan had snuck even a pistol inside the tent theres not much the un armed Marines could do to stop him.
He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.

It's certainly bad form but he doesn't have a lick of proof to what he asserts.

What is there to prove? Do you honestly believe that Obama was NOT briefed that the men/women he "Commands" were going to be disarmed during Panetta's visit? You seriously think he wasn't briefed on this, that you're asking for a "link" to show he was/wasn't?

You are seriously smarter than this, so come on...

Yes, I seriously think he wasn't briefed.

A link proving that he was is exactly what I am asking for.
It's certainly bad form but he doesn't have a lick of proof to what he asserts.

What is there to prove? Do you honestly believe that Obama was NOT briefed that the men/women he "Commands" were going to be disarmed during Panetta's visit? You seriously think he wasn't briefed on this, that you're asking for a "link" to show he was/wasn't?

You are seriously smarter than this, so come on...

Yes, I seriously think he wasn't briefed.

A link proving that he was is exactly what I am asking for.

Briefed or not..this is astoundingly bad policy. And it should be reversed post haste.
He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.

One would think the person who has the title "Commander In Chief" would you know, be responsible for the men/women of whom he's "Commanding." Not in the Obama Regime, however - he gets a free pass...

He's responsible for whom he is commanding, however, you don't have any proof whatsoever that he was briefed on this and let it slide therefor your assertions about Obama in this thread are baseless.

So proof is now required that coversations/briefings occur? Short of that, his hands are clean? If that was the standard required for Bush, he'd be canonized.

Give me an example of the proof you require - i.e. do you have "Proof" he ordered OBL to be taken out? Do you have the transcript of the order ?

In 25 years in the service - I never saw anything like this...

Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta speech - Telegraph

"Suck this, you assfucking little cocksmoking beatttttttttttttcht".

No one expects every member of the military to be exactly sane and under control at all times, you for example claim to be a Vet and yet your behavior is certainly suspect.

I would surely put you through a metal detector and have you watched closely were I in charge of security at any event where a diverse population of citizens congregated and a public official was to speak. You're one sick puppy 'warrior' and I'd be surprised if anyone of the officers with who you claim to have served didn't feel the same.

No entirely sane person uses the language you do (as quoted above); there is something in your history which made you not quite 'right'. Using sexual words in hateful comments suggests deep psychological trauma. I do pity you much as you repulse me.
What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

There are a couple of ways to look at this..but in the broader sense..we are still at war. And when you come to the negotiating table..you have to come from a position of strength. Disarming people to show some sort of equalitarian sensiblity is wrong minded. Especially given that the people in that region respect strength.

This was wrong on many levels.

Oh crap. Now I'm gonna have to bookmark your post to rep later.

Dammmn you Sallow. You know I don't like to rep you. :lol:
In 25 years in the service - I never saw anything like this...

Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta speech - Telegraph

"Suck this, you assfucking little cocksmoking beatttttttttttttcht".

No one expects every member of the military to be exactly sane and under control at all times, you for example claim to be a Vet and yet your behavior is certainly suspect.

I would surely put you through a metal detector and have you watched closely were I in charge of security at any event where a diverse population of citizens congregated and a public official was to speak. You're one sick puppy 'warrior' and I'd be surprised if anyone of the officers with who you claim to have served didn't feel the same.

No entirely sane person uses the language you do (as quoted above); there is something in your history which made you not quite 'right'. Using sexual words in hateful comments suggests deep psychological trauma. I do pity you much as you repulse me.

Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

There are a couple of ways to look at this..but in the broader sense..we are still at war. And when you come to the negotiating table..you have to come from a position of strength. Disarming people to show some sort of equalitarian sensiblity is wrong minded. Especially given that the people in that region respect strength.

This was wrong on many levels.

Oh crap. Now I'm gonna have to bookmark your post to rep later.

Dammmn you Sallow. You know I don't like to rep you. :lol:

Bah..I rep you every once in a while too. Then I take a shower. :D

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