If this is true, Panetta should resign

So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.
Later, American officials said that the top military official in Helmand, Maj. Gen. Mark Gurganus, had decided on Tuesday that no one would be armed while Mr. Panetta spoke, but that word had not reached those in charge in the tent until shortly before Mr. Panetta was due to arrive.

General Gurganus told reporters later that he had wanted a consistent policy for everyone in the tent, and that “I wanted to have the Marines look just like their Afghan partners,” noting, “You’ve got one of the most important people in the world in the room.” He insisted that his decision had had nothing to do with the massacre; later, defense officials said the decision had had nothing to do with the truck at the airfield.


yea after a truck got too close to his plane ...there is no reason to err on the side of safety
You just gotta love how the nits blame this on Obama.
So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
I agree that it's retarded but I'm not buying that this came down from the White House.

He's only Commander-In-Chief for certain military issues?
I think not.
He's Commander-In-Chief - by God, he was briefed on the call by whomever to disarm our guys. He could have put an end to it right on the spot. "DON'T DISARM THEM."
Instead, he took another golf swing/vacation.
The buck should stop with him.
"In a sign of the nervousness surrounding Mr. Panetta’s trip, the Marines and other troops who were waiting in a tent for the defense secretary to speak were abruptly asked by their commander to get up, place their weapons — M-16 and M-4 automatic rifles and 9-mm pistols — outside the tent and then return unarmed. The commander, Sgt. Maj. Brandon Hall, told reporters he was acting on orders from superiors.
“All I know is, I was told to get the weapons out,” he said. Asked why, he replied, “Somebody got itchy, that’s all I’ve got to say. Somebody got itchy; we just adjust.”
Normally, American forces in Afghanistan keep their weapons with them when the defense secretary visits and speaks to them. The Afghans in the tent waiting for Mr. Panetta were not armed to begin with, as is typical."

Why are you starting another thread on this, moron?
It was a US General that so requested after a vehicle caused a security scare.

Leon Panetta in Afghanistan: Security Scare During Defense Secretary's Visit - ABC News

SOP when deployed in a hostile AO you carry your weapon fully loaded at all times. When in the mess hall you take out your magazine but that's only if your unit is full of no-nothing con-coms.

This is an outright insult to our troops. The Afghan locals earned a lack of trust. Our troops haven't.

It makes me wonder who the White House thinks is the real enemy. I'd have to assume that moral is for shit in that unit.

Btw, an explanation needs to be made on how that SSG got off base. Doesn't say much for security.
So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?
So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Come inside the tent & shoot YOU. As has been posted before. Should Gurganus be court martialed or relieved of his command?
I don't agree with unarmed Marines in a killing zone. I lost two good friends and great Corpsmen on October 23, 1983. Anyway, I would bet that the scenario went down like this:

Panetta's security detail, which are badass by the way, recommended to the SECDEF that all personnel except for them be unarmed. He agreed and the word went to MajGen Gurganus. He then got the word to the SgtMaj who told the devildogs to stack their weapons outside before walking in. Knowing grunts the way I do, the Marines said, "Go inside an airconditioned building without carrying these heavy ass rifles?" Fuck yeah.

I am sure the general was shitten bricks the whole time Panetta was speaking, hoping that nothing happened while his Marines were in there unarmed. But being a Marine, he followed orders as he has done for 30 or so years.
So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Come inside the tent & shoot YOU. As has been posted before. Should Gurganus be court martialed or relieved of his command?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?
He should have been; I have seen nothing but endless articles about the "disarming" as if it were every soldier in the country.
So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Come inside the tent & shoot YOU. As has been posted before. Should Gurganus be court martialed or relieved of his command?

Yes and by the time they come in there and shoot me I have probably killed a bunch of Marines and Afghan Soldiers, this was a fucking bonehead move and you know that, this is a war zone not Rodeo drive.
This is an ultimate exhibition of the distrust our current regime has for the military, not to mention one of the most bizarre twists of "equality" that's been done so far.

To American politicans, American marines are just the same as the enemy they are fighting.
I agree that it's retarded but I'm not buying that this came down from the White House.

He's only Commander-In-Chief for certain military issues?
I think not.
He's Commander-In-Chief - by God, he was briefed on the call by whomever to disarm our guys. He could have put an end to it right on the spot. "DON'T DISARM THEM."
Instead, he took another golf swing/vacation.
The buck should stop with him.

So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

I hope to god the secret service were at least in there packing.
So what would have happened if an Afghan snuck a pistol or rifle in there and shot up the fuckin tent? what were the Marines supposed to? throw their bodies in front of the hale of gun fire, sacrifice their bodies for Panetta?
If Americans outside the tent were guarding as they should have been, THEY would break in. I am not convinced all WERE disarmed.

What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

There are a couple of ways to look at this..but in the broader sense..we are still at war. And when you come to the negotiating table..you have to come from a position of strength. Disarming people to show some sort of equalitarian sensiblity is wrong minded. Especially given that the people in that region respect strength.

This was wrong on many levels.
I don't agree with unarmed Marines in a killing zone. I lost two good friends and great Corpsmen on October 23, 1983. Anyway, I would bet that the scenario went down like this:

Panetta's security detail, which are badass by the way, recommended to the SECDEF that all personnel except for them be unarmed. He agreed and the word went to MajGen Gurganus. He then got the word to the SgtMaj who told the devildogs to stack their weapons outside before walking in. Knowing grunts the way I do, the Marines said, "Go inside an airconditioned building without carrying these heavy ass rifles?" Fuck yeah.

I am sure the general was shitten bricks the whole time Panetta was speaking, hoping that nothing happened while his Marines were in there unarmed. But being a Marine, he followed orders as he has done for 30 or so years.
That is logical. Today's problem is the the Taliban.
I agree that it's retarded but I'm not buying that this came down from the White House.

He's only Commander-In-Chief for certain military issues?
I think not.
He's Commander-In-Chief - by God, he was briefed on the call by whomever to disarm our guys. He could have put an end to it right on the spot. "DON'T DISARM THEM."
Instead, he took another golf swing/vacation.
The buck should stop with him.


He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.
Exactly. I'm stunned that an American would want people to think we consider OUR MARINES to be "equal" with Afghanis.
What are armed Americans outside a tent going to do to stop me once I am inside the tent unloading on everyone?
Isn't Panetta protected by the secret service?

I don't know if this was the right decision or not but I'm not sure how a bunch of marines with weapons would react to a random attack on Panetta....they have to follow the orders of their platoon leader, no? Would you seriously want a bunch of bullets flying in this situation?

I hope to god the secret service were at least in there packing.
And btw, this was at the marine base, Camp Leatherneck.

I just can't get worked up about this.
He's only Commander-In-Chief for certain military issues?
I think not.
He's Commander-In-Chief - by God, he was briefed on the call by whomever to disarm our guys. He could have put an end to it right on the spot. "DON'T DISARM THEM."
Instead, he took another golf swing/vacation.
The buck should stop with him.


He's got a point with this one. Military policy should be the President's top priority..especially given that we are still at war. This was bad form no matter how you look at it.

It's certainly bad form but he doesn't have a lick of proof to what he asserts.

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