If this is true, Panetta should resign

It's not unrelated at all. It's evidence of the situation, and the situation warrants arms.

Otherwise, the marines shouldn't even be there.

It was a bullshit call.
I also believe it was a BS call.
But that is not what is alleged here. The allegations are that PANETTA made the BS call.
And the evidence is that the Marine commanders made the call.
Put the blame where it is, not where you want it to be.
Something about holding folks ACCOUNTABLE and not passing the buck and blame where it is not.
I don't care who it was. Panetta's a douche anyway, and so are the commanders who issued the order.
Well that's not what I said, but let me applaud on your attempt to use quotes.

I said I didn't care who ordered it...Panetta's a douche, and whoever ordered it is too. Pretty simple.

My credibility stands, thanks. As I was just telling another lying piece of shit, when you low-rep losers start telling me things like "you have no credibility" and "everybody hates you" I feel I've made some headway, since you wouldn't say it if the exact opposite wasn't true.

Oh, and negged.
I confess. It was me.

Long time ago before the great purge.

LOL.... & the clone wars....lol

I was there basically after most of that-I was @ nutshell prior & when everyone started flooding over I started posting @ BM..........

Is there any other old BM ppl around here???

Mr Shaman

LOL.......... I saw him yesterday & said hi...........

Did you ever post @ nuthshell?? HeathenAngel's board??
And btw, this was at the marine base, Camp Leatherneck.

I just can't get worked up about this.

The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.

What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.

Before judging the Sec of Defense or anyone else it is best to consider the mental health of 'warrior'. 'warrior' claims to be a vet; I doubt any sane person would feel save after reading one of his vulgar rants and being in his proximity armed and addled as he is.

This fruit cake is filled with fear and anger which he freely expresses in the most insane and sexually worrisome way. A sane person might be embarrassed by this behavior, but a sane person wouldn't engage in it under normal circumstances.
The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.

What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.

Before judging the Sec of Defense or anyone else it is best to consider the mental health of 'warrior'. 'warrior' claims to be a vet; I doubt any sane person would feel save after reading one of his vulgar rants and being in his proximity armed and addled as he is.

This fruit cake is filled with fear and anger which he freely expresses in the most insane and sexually worrisome way. A sane person might be embarrassed by this behavior, but a sane person wouldn't engage in it under normal circumstances.

I see nothing wrong with his mental health but you can't judge someone by a few post on a discussion board. He sounds like he is of sound mind but pissed at what is going on in D.C. Now you on the other hand aren't pissed now what is wrong with you? Are you in need of a mental evaluation?
What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.

Before judging the Sec of Defense or anyone else it is best to consider the mental health of 'warrior'. 'warrior' claims to be a vet; I doubt any sane person would feel save after reading one of his vulgar rants and being in his proximity armed and addled as he is.

This fruit cake is filled with fear and anger which he freely expresses in the most insane and sexually worrisome way. A sane person might be embarrassed by this behavior, but a sane person wouldn't engage in it under normal circumstances.

I see nothing wrong with his mental health but you can't judge someone by a few post on a discussion board. He sounds like he is of sound mind but pissed at what is going on in D.C. Now you on the other hand aren't pissed now what is wrong with you? Are you in need of a mental evaluation?
Short answer/ YES.
What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.

Before judging the Sec of Defense or anyone else it is best to consider the mental health of 'warrior'. 'warrior' claims to be a vet; I doubt any sane person would feel save after reading one of his vulgar rants and being in his proximity armed and addled as he is.

This fruit cake is filled with fear and anger which he freely expresses in the most insane and sexually worrisome way. A sane person might be embarrassed by this behavior, but a sane person wouldn't engage in it under normal circumstances.

I see nothing wrong with his mental health but you can't judge someone by a few post on a discussion board. He sounds like he is of sound mind but pissed at what is going on in D.C. Now you on the other hand aren't pissed now what is wrong with you? Are you in need of a mental evaluation?

Nope, I'm fine, thanks for asking. 'warrior' simply gets what he gives, and I happy to give it back. That does not mean there is not an element of truth in my suggestion that his sexual rants are disturbing.
Before judging the Sec of Defense or anyone else it is best to consider the mental health of 'warrior'. 'warrior' claims to be a vet; I doubt any sane person would feel save after reading one of his vulgar rants and being in his proximity armed and addled as he is.

This fruit cake is filled with fear and anger which he freely expresses in the most insane and sexually worrisome way. A sane person might be embarrassed by this behavior, but a sane person wouldn't engage in it under normal circumstances.

I see nothing wrong with his mental health but you can't judge someone by a few post on a discussion board. He sounds like he is of sound mind but pissed at what is going on in D.C. Now you on the other hand aren't pissed now what is wrong with you? Are you in need of a mental evaluation?

Nope, I'm fine, thanks for asking. 'warrior' simply gets what he gives, and I happy to give it back. That does not mean there is not an element of truth in my suggestion that his sexual rants are disturbing.

I find a lot of what the left post here very disturbing. It's not how they post it, but what they say in that post.

Btw, another soldier was killed last month by a so-called friendly Afghan soldier but the White House kept the story hidden until now.

The country is falling apart. But Obama isn't to blame.

wow! they kept it hidden?

where? and how did you find it?


They released the particulars on Fox this morning. Shot on Feb 1st while on guard duty.

What was hidden was the fact that he was shot in the back of the head by an Afghan. They released the story of his death but the press didn't cover it because these days they don't give a shit if somebody dies in Afghanistan. It's not important cuz the president is a Democrap.

I sure hope Obama called someone and apologized.

I'd lay money on the recipient(s) of said apology not being the dead soldier's family. More likely apologized to the Afghanis for their having to expend ammo...
Panetta is so bleepin out of touch. Just another fat ass bureaucrat. His explanation for this is just so damn bizarre. It's pretty sad & frightening knowing incompetent clueless creeps like Panetta are running things. Our poor poor Soldiers. What a mess.

When our politicians start seeing US Soldiers and Marines in the same light as Afghan Soldiers, its time to shut down shop in Afghanistan ASAP, if we are the same as them we shouldn't even be there, they should be alright to control their own country.

Let me get this straight; a General Officer of the United States Marine Corps thought it would be a good idea to disarm Marines "...so they would look like their Afghan counterparts??? Marines, look like Afghan "soldiers"? That, my good General, would take a helluva lot more than disarming the the Marines in question; last time I checked, Marines are required to shave, bathe, wear their uniform correctly, and stand at attention properly, among other things. You could take the sorriest, most slovenly Marine in the Corps, put him on a week-long drunk, sans any personal hygiene; dress him in the rattiest, ill-fitting uniform you could find, and he still would not look anything like as sloppy and undisciplined as one of those filthy, unshaven, murdering, torturing, treacherous, slovenly, primitive, goat-fucking, woman-beating, barbarian pond-scum! Somebody please post up a pic of one of the Afghan Army's finest, so that we can all observe what the General wanted our Marines to "look like", for the sake of "diplomacy"! The only appropriate "diplomacy" for dealing with those back-shooting savages is a boot up the arse, but I digress....
The thing that scares is me Afghan Soldiers have been killing our Marines and Soldiers alot lately, thats why hearing Marines being disarmed scares me.

What's scarier is our own American officials (i.e. Panetta) are afraid our men/women are going to shoot them, that they disarm them when they come for a visit. If this is going to be the case until they come home, Panetta and the rest of this Obama Admin can stay the fuck out of the war zone.

Before judging the Sec of Defense or anyone else it is best to consider the mental health of 'warrior'. 'warrior' claims to be a vet; I doubt any sane person would feel save after reading one of his vulgar rants and being in his proximity armed and addled as he is.

This fruit cake is filled with fear and anger which he freely expresses in the most insane and sexually worrisome way. A sane person might be embarrassed by this behavior, but a sane person wouldn't engage in it under normal circumstances.

Amazing how the bait is thrown out by either the left wing or right wing rags and you folks always come agulpin hook, line and sinker.
The news that is never reported in Afghanistan is we are spending 2 billion a week over there for a country of 30 million rag heads, $67 a week PER PERSON.
Sports fans, $67 a week in that stone age of a "country" economically IS A DAMN FORTUNE.
I recently read an article written by a seasoned combat veteran over there Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis. He is taking a shit load of heat from the military for telling the truth.
We are losing this war over there big time as Davis travled the entire country-9000 miles in 12months. He says that most of the military reports coming back painting a rosy picture are rank Bull Shit.
Of course to those that know the history of these thugs over there that held off the scorched earth Russians in the 70s and 80s. He called ther report card now as Bad to Abysmal in his report.
I have always aligned myself with the grunts on the ground, the guys that have to do the dirty work. They are the ultimate working people, the guys that have taken an oath to do their job which includes a shit load of ass kissing along the way.
No one is arguing here that the Marines WERE FORCED do disarm and it was a bad idea. But as Marines they will just shrug it off, another day in paradise and Panetta gets on his plane and they hope he never comes back.
Reminds me of the old Marine officer that I knew for 55 years until we lost him on Memorial Day 2010. He would quote Smedley Butler early and often when the couch potatoes would offer their Monday morning quarter backing on Marine command decisions. Dad would have aligned himself with Major General Butler and not these promising young brown nosed ass kissers who have brutally suppressed the Bonus Army of today.
Orders that grunts do not like have been passed down for hundreds of years. The difference is these days arm chair warriors are a dime a dozen as evidenced here.
Panetta is so bleepin out of touch. Just another fat ass bureaucrat. His explanation for this is just so damn bizarre. It's pretty sad & frightening knowing incompetent clueless creeps like Panetta are running things. Our poor poor Soldiers. What a mess.

When our politicians start seeing US Soldiers and Marines in the same light as Afghan Soldiers, its time to shut down shop in Afghanistan ASAP, if we are the same as them we shouldn't even be there, they should be alright to control their own country.

Let me get this straight; a General Officer of the United States Marine Corps thought it would be a good idea to disarm Marines "...so they would look like their Afghan counterparts??? Marines, look like Afghan "soldiers"? That, my good General, would take a helluva lot more than disarming the the Marines in question; last time I checked, Marines are required to shave, bathe, wear their uniform correctly, and stand at attention properly, among other things. You could take the sorriest, most slovenly Marine in the Corps, put him on a week-long drunk, sans any personal hygiene; dress him in the rattiest, ill-fitting uniform you could find, and he still would not look anything like as sloppy and undisciplined as one of those filthy, unshaven, murdering, torturing, treacherous, slovenly, primitive, goat-fucking, woman-beating, barbarian pond-scum! Somebody please post up a pic of one of the Afghan Army's finest, so that we can all observe what the General wanted our Marines to "look like", for the sake of "diplomacy"! The only appropriate "diplomacy" for dealing with those back-shooting savages is a boot up the arse, but I digress....

I agree 100% my good man, well said.
Gadly I was curious so I decided to get some pics of Afghan Army soldiers, so we could see who our General wants our Marines to look like/




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