If this isn't blatant racism, then I don't know what is.


The man behind the curtain was pulling the levers, just like Bannon will be pulling strings behind Trump. Funny that everyone understands that except you...

You mean everyone over at DailyKOS knows that, after Soros told it to you?

i don't know your age but you sound pretty naive and inexperienced in the ways of the REAL world RDean . -------------- no offense intended .
I'm retired. And I know naked hatred when I see it. Trump didn't limit his disgusting comments to the illegals who came here, which was bad enough, but he said Mexico sends us. Meaning the entire country. Me made it a plot by the country of Mexico against this country. Without a shred of evidence.

The shear hatred from the white wing is bad enough, but the lying through denial is disgusting.

I remember when USMB Republicans were saying, "Oh, we don't hate gays anymore. That's a thing of the past". Until Romney made a gay one of his advisors.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives


So a Muslim guy shot up a gay nightclub. As horrific as that was, the chances of another Muslim doing that in this country is slim. Most of the attacks on gays come from your kind. Go ahead, deny it, But you know it's true. You would have to be a complete drooling idiot to not know that.

he said Mexico sends us.

You doubt Mexico helps their poor (as well as those from other countries) cross the border into the US?
Illegals in the US are one of Mexico's biggest source of dollars.

Did you retire due to massive brain damage?
i don't know your age but you sound pretty naive and inexperienced in the ways of the REAL world RDean . -------------- no offense intended .
I'm retired. And I know naked hatred when I see it. Trump didn't limit his disgusting comments to the illegals who came here, which was bad enough, but he said Mexico sends us. Meaning the entire country. Me made it a plot by the country of Mexico against this country. Without a shred of evidence.

The shear hatred from the white wing is bad enough, but the lying through denial is disgusting.

I remember when USMB Republicans were saying, "Oh, we don't hate gays anymore. That's a thing of the past". Until Romney made a gay one of his advisors.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives


So a Muslim guy shot up a gay nightclub. As horrific as that was, the chances of another Muslim doing that in this country is slim. Most of the attacks on gays come from your kind. Go ahead, deny it, But you know it's true. You would have to be a complete drooling idiot to not know that.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- mexico has put out pamphlets telling its illegals that travel to the USA how to milk the USA 'free stuff' system so mexican government helps its illegals as mexican government sends them to the USA. As far as hate or racism goes , it is no problem and perfectly LEGAL until it turns violent . ------------------ gays , also ok and legal to hate them until that hate turns violent which is a part of muslims doing as instructed by their koran and holy teachers RDean . Thanks for the reply RDean !!

Link to pamphlets please.
------------------------------------------------------------ cheskout posts 71 vand 72 , for some info on pamphlets that are put out by Mexican government Hutch !
i don't know your age but you sound pretty naive and inexperienced in the ways of the REAL world RDean . -------------- no offense intended .
I'm retired. And I know naked hatred when I see it. Trump didn't limit his disgusting comments to the illegals who came here, which was bad enough, but he said Mexico sends us. Meaning the entire country. Me made it a plot by the country of Mexico against this country. Without a shred of evidence.

The shear hatred from the white wing is bad enough, but the lying through denial is disgusting.

I remember when USMB Republicans were saying, "Oh, we don't hate gays anymore. That's a thing of the past". Until Romney made a gay one of his advisors.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives


So a Muslim guy shot up a gay nightclub. As horrific as that was, the chances of another Muslim doing that in this country is slim. Most of the attacks on gays come from your kind. Go ahead, deny it, But you know it's true. You would have to be a complete drooling idiot to not know that.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- mexico has put out pamphlets telling its illegals that travel to the USA how to milk the USA 'free stuff' system so mexican government helps its illegals as mexican government sends them to the USA. As far as hate or racism goes , it is no problem and perfectly LEGAL until it turns violent . ------------------ gays , also ok and legal to hate them until that hate turns violent which is a part of muslims doing as instructed by their koran and holy teachers RDean . Thanks for the reply RDean !!

Link to pamphlets please.
------------------------------------------------------------ cheskout posts 71 vand 72 , for some info on pamphlets that are put out by Mexican government Hutch !

I got it. Deleted post when I saw it in a later post.
plus there is lots more if you google , pamphlets put out by Mexican government to help Mexican illegals in the USA Hutch . [or similar phrases]
rdean, you're an awful person. See my other thread, where I explain that liberals are awful people who stopped emotional development after seventh grade.
Why would I want to see lies from someone who sees a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer who stiffs his workers and uses an illegal charity to enrich his own family?

You're the one who sees that as a "role model". Not me.
here is some info on Mexican government helping its illegals to invade the USA RDean . --- http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/w...-illegal-migrants-upsets-some-in-us.html?_r=0 ---

From your link:

"Officials here say the small booklet, illustrated in comic-book style, is not intended to encourage illegal immigration, but to reduce the loss of life. Last year, more than 300 migrants died while crossing rivers and deserts to reach the United States."
------------------------------------------------- who cares , they shoulda stayed where the belonged rather than littering the desert . Feck the mexican government and their illegal invaders Hutch !!
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.

If you think Mexico's rich, white, educated citizens are sneaking across the border,
you may be a stupid liberal.....but then I repeat myself.
So rich and white are the "best". Thanks for proving my point. Trump is rich and whitish orange. He is not the best. Not a pu$$y grabber. A pu$$y grabber who stiffs working class Americans and calls people from another country rapists can't be our best. He's a con man. He is among America's worst. And by electing him, Right Wingers have told us a lot about who they are.
Clinton is a cigar stuffing pussy grabber. Trump just said he could, Bill does it. Keep it up though, your Trump melt down is very amusing!
here is some info on Mexican government helping its illegals to invade the USA RDean . --- http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/w...-illegal-migrants-upsets-some-in-us.html?_r=0 ---

From your link:

"Officials here say the small booklet, illustrated in comic-book style, is not intended to encourage illegal immigration, but to reduce the loss of life. Last year, more than 300 migrants died while crossing rivers and deserts to reach the United States."
------------------------------------------------- who cares , they shoulda stayed where the belonged rather than littering the desert . Feck the mexican government and their illegal invaders Hutch !!

Obviously you don't care as your statement was in direct opposition to the source you cited. Try reading it next time. :laugh:
point is that the Mexican government helps it Mexican illegal alien invaders to get to the USA and then they take advantage of the US , me and other Americans Hutch !!
point is that the Mexican government helps it Mexican illegal alien invaders to get to the USA and then they take advantage of the US , me and other Americans Hutch !!

They help people survive the journey. Read your own link.
they help illegal aliens to complete their travel to the USA and then to invade the USA Hutch !!
Here you go , not for you Hutch but for anyone interested in why 'mexico' is enemy to Americans and their young American kids when foreigners and Mexicans flood their school rooms . [not for you Hutch as you like ILLEGAL Aliens flooding the USA] --------- --- Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration --- plus i'll get more info as I have some time Hutch !!
I loved it how for 50 plus years libs bitched about inner cities and how shitty they were and needed more money

But when Trump said that, the libs were like inner cities.are fucking awesome how dare you say they suck.

That right there shows you the bullshit the left is fullmof.
I loved it how for 50 plus years libs bitched about inner cities and how shitty they were and needed more money

But when Trump said that, the libs were like inner cities.are fucking awesome how dare you say they suck.

That right there shows you the bullshit the left is fullmof.
Inner cities are way, way better than the ignorant poor that live in Appalachia.


The White Ghetto, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women’s life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.

If the people here weren’t 98.5 percent white, we’d call it a reservation.

Republicans like to pretend Appalachia doesn't exist. There is a really interesting story about how Appalachian families will take $500 of food stamps and convert it into $250 cash.

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