If Tim Scott turns out to be gay as rumored, I will still support him

What does the dishonestly named conservative from Georgia say now? Something about being a gay supporter?

Typical libtard. More concerned with a candidate’s sexuality than with the politician’s positions on the issues.
Yup. Government must be inclusive so voting for someone just because they are gay or a tranny outweighs their qualifications. He's liberal to the bone.
Amid news of threatened funding by donors due to his rumored homosexuality, Tim Scott is a reliable conservative and I support him.

He is for small government, and opposes liberals in many social issues.

People should be judged by their views, not their sexual preference.

He may have chosen just to be single.
Being black AND gay would immediately qualify him for a top position in the Xiden administration.

Too bad he is sane, and reasonable.
We have reached such a gig Point in gaslighting the bad Republicans pretend is that democratic party that is anti-gay, and anti-black. Despite both groups voting overwhelmingly Democratic.
The senator's sexuality is his own business and no one else's.

If any homophobe does not want to vote for him in the event that he is actually gay should simply vote for someone else.

At least the senator is not a robber or sucker puncher or looter or rapist or murderer. Those are the really bad individuals in this country.
In other words, being black and gay means he will be ostracized in the homophobic and racist Republican Party? Dang his qualifications?

Yeah, we know but thanks for confirming.

Worked to perfection on you.
The leftists care because I’m Going To Bed *Joe is an unelectable total disaster. They must have wedge issues and fear to control the useful idiots.
Nov 24 comes down to: can the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team once again add tens of millions of unverified mail in votes for the Biden Body Double?
The GOP needs to assert itself. Dump the gay guy and restore decency by voting for the rapist.
Every day there are endless commercials for HIV/AIDS medications. Everyone having fun and partying. Here is the truth. HIV/AIDS is a plague. It is a virus behavior issue. And it is preventable from that. Many of the same people would accost any person who did not get the COVID shots.
Every day there are endless commercials for HIV/AIDS medications. Everyone having fun and partying. Here is the truth. HIV/AIDS is a plague. It is a virus behavior issue. And it is preventable from that. Many of the same people would accost any person who did not get the COVID shots.
News flash...not every gay person has HIV....not all people with HIV are gay.
Every day there are endless commercials for HIV/AIDS medications. Everyone having fun and partying. Here is the truth. HIV/AIDS is a plague. It is a virus behavior issue. And it is preventable from that. Many of the same people would accost any person who did not get the COVID shots.
You loons crack me up. Thanks for that.
I think the problem with Tim Scott is not just that he is a Republican but that he is so openly Religious

Hard to come out as gay with a constituency that considered homosexuality to be a sin

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