If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.
at about half the rate that citizens do, super duper. And they do not vote or get welfare, they work like hell and the only thing they get is schooling for the children.pass a goddamn ID card like other countries with this problem have done and enforce it. This is a GOP scam, your Masters and brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. we should spend about 10 billion dollars on these Central American countries and legalize pot while we're at it.

The rate should be ZERO because they should not be in OUR country in the first place. Because terrorists killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 its okay for others to kill 1,500 Americans is that your libtard logic? Or are you just desperate to deflect. I think we all know the answer. Franco come here...:itsok:
The Republicans are the party that lets this happen, super dupe. Pass an ID card that other modern countries have and end this GOP scam. They invite them in basically and seem to just love the cheap easily bullied labor.

No need for an ID card if they are deported the hell out of OUR country. Do you support deporting every last illegal or are you allied with these foreign invaders?
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.
at about half the rate that citizens do, super duper. And they do not vote or get welfare, they work like hell and the only thing they get is schooling for the children.pass a goddamn ID card like other countries with this problem have done and enforce it. This is a GOP scam, your Masters and brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. we should spend about 10 billion dollars on these Central American countries and legalize pot while we're at it.

The rate should be ZERO because they should not be in OUR country in the first place. Because terrorists killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 its okay for others to kill 1,500 Americans is that your libtard logic? Or are you just desperate to deflect. I think we all know the answer. Franco come here...:itsok:
Wrong again and always... Republican assholes and idiots keep this going. We will have amnesty and an ID card and we will end this GOP scam. Someday. You can't deport 12 million worthy hard-working people who are basically invited here by your stupid racist party. End the ridiculous GOP War on Drugs and help their countries for the first time and this will be over.

You idiots will lose a civil war before we give them amnesty. Remaining traitors on the left will flee for their lives to other countries.
Only in brainwashed GOP dupe world, GOP dupe.Start with there is no evidence they vote or get welfare, all they get is school for their kids. Pew research says 94% of adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. But carry on with your racist GOP propaganda balderdash, bigot brainwashed dingbat.

Those are some big fat whopper lies franco. Here let me rate your post for dishonesty...:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
There is no way to reduce the backlog without discouraging the illegals from falsely claiming they need asylum. Only about 15% of the asylum requests are legitimate according to border officials, but activists encourage all the illegals to request asylum in order to create a humanitarian crisis that might lead to illegals being allowed in with a summons they can then ignore. Legitimate asylum seekers are the victims of the activists who are trying to break the system.
There is no way to reduce the backlog without discouraging the illegals from falsely claiming they need asylum. Only about 15% of the asylum requests are legitimate according to border officials
Who told you that, Jeff Sessions?

Jeff Sessions' false claim about merits of asylum cases

"'Our courts find that 80 percent of those who do file for asylum aren’t qualified for it, do not merit that relief.'
Jeff Sessions on Monday, June 25th, 2018 in a speech

One way to reduce the backlog would be to build and staff more courtrooms instead of useless walls to nowhere.
Sessions was wrong, it is actually 85% who don't qualify for asylum and with the Democrats and others inviting everyone south of the border to come up here and ask for asylum it will probably reach 90% or higher soon.

Staffing court rooms would require D help on legislation, which is not available.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist
Denying legitimate claims of political asylum is consistent with the actions of a lifelong bigot whose name was first published in his hometown newspaper as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"In the run-up to the mid-term elections, President Trump focused much of his rhetoric on 'the caravan' of migrants heading north through Mexico.

"The caravan, which included many refugees, was, in the president’s telling, a would-be 'invasion' of the United States by 'bad people,' 'terrorists,' and 'Middle Easterners.'

"This purported threat to the country’s security was his stated rationale for deploying thousands of troops and, later, for firing tear gas at a group of migrants as they approached the border.

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'"
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
The racist nonsense is coming from Trump.

Jeff Sessions' false claim about merits of asylum cases

"Here’s what the 2017 asylum rates said:

• Grant rate: 20.22 percent

• Denial rate: 33.51 percent

• Other closure rate: 27.66 percent

• Administrative closure rate: 18.61 percent

"The 'other' rate is for cases that have a decision of abandonment, not adjudicated, other, or withdrawn. The administrative closure rate covers 'decisions that have not been placed back on the docket following a granted motion to recalendar,' the footnote for the table said."
If you guys stop telling everyone south of the border to come up here and ask for asylum, the legitimate asylum seekers will be processed faster, so how about showing a little empathy for people who need asylum instead of throwing them under the bus in order to try to hurt the President?
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.
at about half the rate that citizens do, super duper. And they do not vote or get welfare, they work like hell and the only thing they get is schooling for the children.pass a goddamn ID card like other countries with this problem have done and enforce it. This is a GOP scam, your Masters and brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. we should spend about 10 billion dollars on these Central American countries and legalize pot while we're at it.
Literally everything here is wrong.
Only in brainwashed GOP dupe world, GOP dupe.Start with there is no evidence they vote or get welfare, all they get is school for their kids. Pew research says 94% of adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. But carry on with your racist GOP propaganda balderdash, bigot brainwashed dingbat.
Literally everything here is wrong.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing an
I would say 100 thousand a month pouring over our border is a national emergency. What would you call it?

d raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

So ? Are you willing to pay $2.00 for lettuce? Hmm?

At this point: yes, if it stops the flood. The border MUST be secured. It will take what it takes, it will cost what it costs. Seal the damn border.
58% just overstay their visas and the wall is stupid and won't work. Pass an ID card and amnesty for Worthy illegals about 11 million and end this crap!!

Only the ones who aren’t on any type of publicity assistance. But all the ones who collect food stamp or welfare need to be deported
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing an
I would say 100 thousand a month pouring over our border is a national emergency. What would you call it?

d raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

So ? Are you willing to pay $2.00 for lettuce? Hmm?

At this point: yes, if it stops the flood. The border MUST be secured. It will take what it takes, it will cost what it costs. Seal the damn border.
58% just overstay their visas and the wall is stupid and won't work. Pass an ID card and amnesty for Worthy illegals about 11 million and end this crap!!

Only the ones who aren’t on any type of publicity assistance. But all the ones who collect food stamp or welfare need to be deported
They only get welfare in imaginary dupe world. They basically all work, they don't vote, and the children go to school and they go to the ER. There is no evidence they get welfare or vote. try reality and pass the ID card you can use for voting too LOL.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist
Denying legitimate claims of political asylum is consistent with the actions of a lifelong bigot whose name was first published in his hometown newspaper as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"In the run-up to the mid-term elections, President Trump focused much of his rhetoric on 'the caravan' of migrants heading north through Mexico.

"The caravan, which included many refugees, was, in the president’s telling, a would-be 'invasion' of the United States by 'bad people,' 'terrorists,' and 'Middle Easterners.'

"This purported threat to the country’s security was his stated rationale for deploying thousands of troops and, later, for firing tear gas at a group of migrants as they approached the border.

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'"
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
The racist nonsense is coming from Trump.

Jeff Sessions' false claim about merits of asylum cases

"Here’s what the 2017 asylum rates said:

• Grant rate: 20.22 percent

• Denial rate: 33.51 percent

• Other closure rate: 27.66 percent

• Administrative closure rate: 18.61 percent

"The 'other' rate is for cases that have a decision of abandonment, not adjudicated, other, or withdrawn. The administrative closure rate covers 'decisions that have not been placed back on the docket following a granted motion to recalendar,' the footnote for the table said."
If you guys stop telling everyone south of the border to come up here and ask for asylum, the legitimate asylum seekers will be processed faster, so how about showing a little empathy for people who need asylum instead of throwing them under the bus in order to try to hurt the President?
Yea, he was trying to bring awareness about Dr. Sebi treatments that it even cure AIDS, that is one of the plagues that is plaguing the Black community.

If you guys stop telling everyone south of the border to come up here and ask for asylum, the legitimate asylum seekers will be processed faster, so how about showing a little empathy for people who need asylum instead of throwing them under the bus in order to try to hurt the President?
How many "legitimate" asylum seekers are there?
What's your criteria for deciding who's legitimate?

Claims from Central America

"Over the last few years, increasing numbers of individuals fleeing gang violence in Central America, and specifically El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, have fled to the United States in search of protection. UNHCR has worked to understand this refugee crisis, publishing reports in 2014 and 2015 examining why children and women are fleeing the region.

"These reports, Children on the Run, Uprooted and Women on the Run, all found that individuals fleeing El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras (a region collectively referred to as the Northern Triangle of Central America ('NTCA')), and Mexico faced startling degrees of violence presenting a clear need for international protection."
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist
Denying legitimate claims of political asylum is consistent with the actions of a lifelong bigot whose name was first published in his hometown newspaper as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"In the run-up to the mid-term elections, President Trump focused much of his rhetoric on 'the caravan' of migrants heading north through Mexico.

"The caravan, which included many refugees, was, in the president’s telling, a would-be 'invasion' of the United States by 'bad people,' 'terrorists,' and 'Middle Easterners.'

"This purported threat to the country’s security was his stated rationale for deploying thousands of troops and, later, for firing tear gas at a group of migrants as they approached the border.

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'"
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
The racist nonsense is coming from Trump.

Jeff Sessions' false claim about merits of asylum cases

"Here’s what the 2017 asylum rates said:

• Grant rate: 20.22 percent

• Denial rate: 33.51 percent

• Other closure rate: 27.66 percent

• Administrative closure rate: 18.61 percent

"The 'other' rate is for cases that have a decision of abandonment, not adjudicated, other, or withdrawn. The administrative closure rate covers 'decisions that have not been placed back on the docket following a granted motion to recalendar,' the footnote for the table said."
If you guys stop telling everyone south of the border to come up here and ask for asylum, the legitimate asylum seekers will be processed faster, so how about showing a little empathy for people who need asylum instead of throwing them under the bus in order to try to hurt the President?
Yea, he was trying to bring awareness about Dr. Sebi treatments that it even cure AIDS, that is one of the plagues that is plaguing the Black community.

If you guys stop telling everyone south of the border to come up here and ask for asylum, the legitimate asylum seekers will be processed faster, so how about showing a little empathy for people who need asylum instead of throwing them under the bus in order to try to hurt the President?
How many "legitimate" asylum seekers are there?
What's your criteria for deciding who's legitimate?

Claims from Central America

"Over the last few years, increasing numbers of individuals fleeing gang violence in Central America, and specifically El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, have fled to the United States in search of protection. UNHCR has worked to understand this refugee crisis, publishing reports in 2014 and 2015 examining why children and women are fleeing the region.

"These reports, Children on the Run, Uprooted and Women on the Run, all found that individuals fleeing El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras (a region collectively referred to as the Northern Triangle of Central America ('NTCA')), and Mexico faced startling degrees of violence presenting a clear need for international protection."
Only about 15% of those asking for asylum are granted asylum by the courts, so 85% of those asking for asylum are not qualified.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

I was going to say that apparently they did not teach Economics at that school for the elite, that Trump attended. On second thought, they may have, but Trump did not learn anything, which is more likely.
You people must be as stupid as rocks. We can't afford to pay for these invaders coming in daily. Mexico wont stop them so we have to.

You are correct . also the cost of drugs comming in is is huge with loss of productivity Health Care and crime associated.
All mexico has to do is help restrict the flow of illegals crossing thier southern boarder and ours.

..or Mexico can trade with China, which is what they are doing. Meantime, the automotive parts that Mexico manufactures, including transmissions, starter motors, axles, alternators, etc., don't get shipped to American assembly plants, resulting in layoffs of American workers, so they can join the American farmers who are going broke because of Trump's economic policies.
You know, it seems that Trump seems to get a bit nuttier with every thing he gets away with.

He said that he could grab women by the pussies. He didn't lose any votes.

He said that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and not lose any votes.

Now that Mueller has said no Russian collusion? He's taking that to mean that he can get away with whatever he wants. Watch for more, even bigger, insanity from the White House.
It would cause a recession in America.

That's why it won't happen.
--------------------------------- tighten you belt and when is the first time you saw an avocado in a grocery store . I only saw them in about 1990 up in the far north of the UP of Michigan' . And heck I had lived just fine for about 40 - 50 years without Avocados Toro .
It would cause a recession in America.

That's why it won't happen.
--------------------------------- tighten you belt and when is the first time you saw an avocado in a grocery store . I only saw them in about 1990 up in the far north of the UP of Michigan' . And heck I had lived just fine for about 40 - 50 years without Avocados Toro .

Yanno......................I've seen avocados in the grocery stores ever since the early 80's. And, if you go to any grocery stores here in Amarillo, you will find them everywhere. By the way, you can't make guacamole without avocados.
It would cause a recession in America.

That's why it won't happen.
--------------------------------- tighten you belt and when is the first time you saw an avocado in a grocery store . I only saw them in about 1990 up in the far north of the UP of Michigan' . And heck I had lived just fine for about 40 - 50 years without Avocados Toro .

Yanno......................I've seen avocados in the grocery stores ever since the early 80's. And, if you go to any grocery stores here in Amarillo, you will find them everywhere. By the way, you can't make guacamole without avocados.

Yep, but you can make avocados without Mexico....weird, huh?
well , yeah , you are right next to 'mexico' and many of YOU Types are 'mexican' anyway. I'm from the far north of America and avocados weren't available and that hurt no American BSailor .
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
There shouldn’t be detention facilities...
There should be buses waiting for them,
to drive them hours away and drop them off.

No medical insurance, no food stamps, no school

Charge a $300 fee to wire money To Mexico
You know, it seems that Trump seems to get a bit nuttier with every thing he gets away with.

He said that he could grab women by the pussies. He didn't lose any votes.

He said that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and not lose any votes.

Now that Mueller has said no Russian collusion? He's taking that to mean that he can get away with whatever he wants. Watch for more, even bigger, insanity from the White House.

With all the entertainment coming out of the Democratic party, who's got time to watch Trump,
well , yeah , you are right next to 'mexico' and many of YOU Types are 'mexican' anyway. I'm from the far north of America and avocados weren't available and that hurt no American BSailor .

Wow....................the stores you grew up in must have really sucked in the variety department. I grew up in Montana, and I can remember my Aunt Laurie making me Mexican food (with homemade guacamole), in the early 80's.

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