If Trump Drops Out Of The Race...Who Voters Will Insist Replace Him..

Kasich would need someone pretty on the ticket.

Either Rubio or Carly. Carly has the added advantage of being female, although she probably won't draw away any women from Hillary. Hillary knows what she is doing while Carly does not.

Well a woman in this day and age in terror will not inspire the confidence in middle voters. When the shit hits the fan, humans don't turn to the alpha female to draw the sword and fight. The veep would have to be male, but in compromise, a male Hispanic. I still like the conservative male Hispanic from California idea.
. Did you know a political party doesn't have to elect it's nominee?

Did you know this election cycle is about voter rebellion? Might want to factor that into your cookie-cutter RNC scenario..
If Trump quits then all the non college educated male tv audience of Trump will quit too.

Then you would be back to a normal GOP voter base -- more tax cuts for the rich -- more oil drilling everywhere -- less government regulation -- more pollution ...

But in this case you might be able to capitalize on Hillary's apparent low honesty credibility.

Kasich/Rubio or Kasich/Carly might be able to pull it off.
I don't see him dropping out, but if he did, I'd think Cruz would replace him. Maybe Pence.

Kasich would be their best shot at actually winning, but that doesn't matter, because he's a radical communist socialist Alinsky Marxist transsexual Maoist Stalinist Martian commie-type, and he's trying to turn us into Cuba and confiscate all guns and open all borders and ignore terrorism.

Something like that.
I don't see him dropping out, but if he did, I'd think Cruz would replace him. Maybe Pence.

Kasich would be their best shot at actually winning, but that doesn't matter, because he's a radical communist socialist Alinsky Marxist transsexual Martian commie-type, and he's trying to turn us into Cuba.

Something like that.
1. Cruz was born in Canada and only renounced citizenship in 2014. So it's illegal for him to be president. And as the other poster said anyway, he's too far right to bring in the undecideds..

2. Pence was not nominated by the People. There will be a voter-revolt in the Trumpees and you'll be back to square one with another unelectable candidate.

3. It HAS to be one of the people who ran in the primaries...and preferably one with more delegate votes than not.

4. Kasich opposed gay marriage, and has restored his state's economy from a downfall. He sent his girls to Christian schools. He was raised catholic. His wife doesn't have any nude photo spreads that I know of and wasn't born to a communist party member in Slovenia. He is for good paying jobs for Americans and he's scrappy/won't take Cheney orders. He is the perfect Trump replacement actually. It's clear you don't like him. Say "hi" to Dick for me, OK?
I don't see him dropping out, but if he did, I'd think Cruz would replace him. Maybe Pence.

Kasich would be their best shot at actually winning, but that doesn't matter, because he's a radical communist socialist Alinsky Marxist transsexual Martian commie-type, and he's trying to turn us into Cuba.

Something like that.
1. Cruz was born in Canada and only renounced citizenship in 2014. So it's illegal for him to be president. And as the other poster said anyway, he's too far right to bring in the undecideds..

2. Pence was not nominated by the People. There will be a voter-revolt in the Trumpees and you'll be back to square one with another unelectable candidate.

3. It HAS to be one of the people who ran in the primaries...and preferably one with more delegate votes than not.
I'm pretty sure they're all RINOs, though. Can't have a RINO.
. Did you know a political party doesn't have to elect it's nominee?

Did you know this election cycle is about voter rebellion? Might want to factor that into your cookie-cutter RNC scenario..
Where is the 'voter rebellion' in the DEM party?
The DEMs are "rebelling" by voting for Hillary?????????
You really need to pull your head out of your ass pal.
The DEMs are fucking sleepwalking from the 'First AA President' to what they hope will be his third term.
There's NO rebellion there there you fucking dummy!
"If Trump Drops Out Of The Race...Who Voters Will Insist Replace Him"

There wouldn't be time for that.
. Did you know a political party doesn't have to elect it's nominee?

Did you know this election cycle is about voter rebellion? Might want to factor that into your cookie-cutter RNC scenario..
Where is the 'voter rebellion' in the DEM party?
The DEMs are "rebelling" by voting for Hillary?????????
You really need to pull your head out of your ass pal.
The DEMs are fucking sleepwalking from the 'First AA President' to what they hope will be his third term.
There's NO rebellion there there you fucking dummy!
The current president has approval over 50% the ue rate under 5%,claims under 300k. Things are pretty good for most people
70% think country is headed in wrong direction But 89% are satisfied with their lives and standard of living

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There are various reasons why the man Trump himself would choose to drop out of the race. His family for one may be pressuring him behind the scenes. The writing is on the wall and even they know it. They know him better than anyone else after all. And he is 70 years old this year with multiple businesses to run. So this may have been just a fun ego trip for him. He may take home the consolation prize that he "beat 18 candidates in the primaries". OK, let's give him a plaque and move on, should he decide it's too much for him after all.

He's even been wobbling on committing to the debates. I think there was even an interview in July this year where he said he would step down if he beat Hillary, and let the RNC just appoint someone of their liking. The signs are all there. He isn't committed to the YUGE task ahead of him...

Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out
Presented in a recent interview with a scenario, floating around the political ether, in which the presumptive Republican nominee proves all the naysayers wrong, beats Hillary Clinton and wins the presidency, only to forgo the office as the ultimate walk-off winner, Mr. Trump flashed a mischievous smile....“I’ll let you know how I feel about it after it happens,” he said minutes before leaving his Trump Tower office to fly to a campaign rally in New Hampshire. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/08/us/politics/donald-trump-president.html?_r=0

So the next question begs: who will the RNC nominate to replace him? They would of course want their favorites, their Cheney-hand-picked "Mitt Romney" smooth types. But the voters won't stand for that. They will demand one of the men left standing at the end of it all. Those are the closest to "an actually primary-appointed candidate" where the voters won't feel ripped off. If there would be any hope of reining in the Trumpees back to the party they rebel against, it has to be one of the runners-up. Has to be. Anything less would spark a very unpredictable rebellion at the polls in November.

As far as delegates go, it must be one of these three men, in this order:

1. Ted Cruz (Senator, born in Canada, renounced that citizenship in 2014)

2. John Kasich (Governor of Ohio, born in the US)

3. Marco Rubio (Senator, born in the US)

Pick your favorites that can actually be president. Discuss.

Trump won't be dropping out.

Hillary might literally drop out given her health...
If Trump drops out the people have no say on who replaces him. My money would be on Pence unless McMullin does well.
Either way right now Hillary has a lock on the election. Basically unless something really really bad occurs say a real black Swan event, then she is the next president

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...Did you know a political party doesn't have to elect it's nominee?
Neither does a communist party. Neither does a fascist party.

So which are you? Stop lying.

Nor the Democratic or Republican parties. The only thing that would force those parties to elect a new nominee would be if it were in their own rules. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with that, I'm telling you there are no laws in the books that require a political party to hold primary elections, a convention or really give a shit what people in their own party think of their candidate.
The GOP cannot look like a Marxist or Fascist dictatorship.

They nominated Trump, so too late.

They must hold some kind of kangaroo court with a vote of some kind.

They must according to who? And why is the standard a kangaroo court?

Who are you? Reince (Reinhold) himself?

Reince you are going to need a NEW convention. Deal with it man.

You're an idiot, I'm not saying what the GOP should do, I'm telling you that they don't have to do anything other than point to that guy in the corner and say "you're it, you're our guy" and that's all the law cares about in what a party needs to do to select a nominee.
. Did you know a political party doesn't have to elect it's nominee?

Did you know this election cycle is about voter rebellion? Might want to factor that into your cookie-cutter RNC scenario..
Where is the 'voter rebellion' in the DEM party?
The DEMs are "rebelling" by voting for Hillary?????????
You really need to pull your head out of your ass pal.
The DEMs are fucking sleepwalking from the 'First AA President' to what they hope will be his third term.
There's NO rebellion there there you fucking dummy!
The current president has approval over 50% the ue rate under 5%,claims under 300k. Things are pretty good for most people
70% think country is headed in wrong direction But 89% are satisfied with their lives and standard of living

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
You are obviously a schizophrenic.
In the same sentence you say 70% think the country is going in the wrong direction and then you pull, out of your ass that 89% are "satisfied with their lives.
You need a psychiatrist pal.
Buyers remorse. Look at the Republicans patching holes in the Titanic!

You knew who Trump was before the first primary vote was cast. You knew that a tiger does not change his stripes. You knew that Trump loves a hostile take over of going concerns so he can strip it down to its skeleton and sell off the meat and sinew. In this case, that going concern was the Republican National Committee.

Too late! The fire has been set. The damage has been done.

Should Trump withdraw, he gets a ton of swag, the pleasure of the campaign, for whatever that's worth, untold notoriety and the ever lasting enmity of Right Wingers everywhere.

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