If Trump Fires Mueller, Impeachment Would Be On The Table

Afraid or pissed?
I know you would be thrilled to be vilified for 12 months and then investigated for another 6+ months.

Trump questioned Obama's birth place for 5 years.

You mean like that?
5 years, 24/7?
No, I don't remember that.
Another dead spot in your memory. Blotted out 5 years of Trump's birtherism. Wow.
You watched Fox; I didn't.
At least we know you watch Fox.
I view all media, newspapers, web, Tv, scientific journals etc.
you'd have to be living in a cave not to know the orange clown got his political start by pushing the racist lie about Obama.
Afraid or pissed?
I know you would be thrilled to be vilified for 12 months and then investigated for another 6+ months.

Trump questioned Obama's birth place for 5 years.

You mean like that?
5 years, 24/7?
No, I don't remember that.
Another dead spot in your memory. Blotted out 5 years of Trump's birtherism. Wow.
You watched Fox; I didn't.
At least we know you watch Fox.
I view all media, newspapers, web, Tv, scientific journals etc.
you'd have to be living in a cave not to know the orange clown got his political start by pushing the racist lie about Obama.
GW & Obama created the perfect atmosphere for Make America Great Again.
I know you will only blame GW.
Please link to something boring...
Oh! You did.
There has to be something seriously wrong with you to one, support this incompetent fool and 2, the very basic things you don't know..
Try reading for a change. It will open up a new world to you.
Please link to something boring...
Oh! You did.
There has to be something seriously wrong with you to one, support this incompetent fool and 2, the very basic things you don't know..
Try reading for a change. It will open up a new world to you.

I used to be spoon fed the same repetitive and mindless bullshit you are currently swallowing.
Trump cannot be any worse than the 2 globalist tools GW & Obama.
Please link to something boring...
Oh! You did.
There has to be something seriously wrong with you to one, support this incompetent fool and 2, the very basic things you don't know..
Try reading for a change. It will open up a new world to you.

I used to be spoon fed the same repetitive and mindless bullshit you are currently swallowing.
Trump cannot be any worse than the 2 globalist tools GW & Obama.
Translation: I have no idea what's going on so I'll trust Trump, because he told me to.

Brian Beutler: 'Democrats must lay down a marker right now, to force Republicans' hands'


By Brian Beutler

Looking backwards after more than a month, the firing of James Comey has blended into the larger pattern of scandal engulfing Donald Trump’s presidency. This may have been inevitable; in a sense, Trump’s decision to fire the FBI director was a single plot point in an unfolding saga. But the effect has been to obscure in our memories just how shocking that development was when it happened. Politics is full of surprises, but the Comey firing was truly astonishing.

It was also, politically speaking, a tactical mistake. Firing Comey precipitated the appointment of Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and thrust the White House into crisis.

But the unexpectedness of it may have had the mitigating effect of forcing members of Congress into partisan corners. Democrats, of course, were appalled by Trump’s decision, and used it to renew their calls for the appointment of a special counsel. Republicans, forced unexpectedly to choose between standing with the president and condemning him for a decision they had no say in, overwhelmingly toed the line that Trump had every right to fire the FBI director.

Against that backdrop, it is unnerving to see Trump loyalists not simply question Mueller’s independence for partisan purposes, but lay the groundwork for Trump to engineer his firing as well.

Read more at If Trump fires Mueller, he must be impeached
Rosenstein has said he has no reason to fire Mueller and won't. If Trumputin forces his hand, he might resign. If Rosenstein resigned, the decision would fall down the chain of command at the Justice Department until someone agreed to follow orders—a nearly perfect reenactment of Richard Nixon’s sabotage of Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox, otherwise know as the Saturday Night Massacre.
you have one in the WH a sick puppy and until this CANCER is eliminated there will be very little bi partisanship
Trump is the one who will fu the middle class
Exactly the kind of nonsense that leftist fanatic nutcase Hodgkinson listened to, before getting a gun and assassinating Republican congressmens at a baseball practice.
you have one in the WH a sick puppy and until this CANCER is eliminated there will be very little bi partisanship
Trump is the one who will fu the middle class
Clearly this liberal is unwilling to dial back his hysterical lies, unfounded accusations, and deliberately provocative smears.

How many more leftist-nutcase assassinations of Republicans are these liberal fanatics willing to tolerate before they start thinking about changing their ways?
you have one in the WH a sick puppy and until this CANCER is eliminated there will be very little bi partisanship
Trump is the one who will fu the middle class
Clearly this liberal is unwilling to dial back his hysterical lies, unfounded accusations, and deliberately provocative smears.

How many more leftist-nutcase assassinations of Republicans are these liberal fanatics willing to tolerate before they start thinking about changing their ways?
Pssstttttt There is about 100 times more violence on the right than left.
Don’t Blame the Left for Political Violence in America: The Problem Lies with the Right
Now carry on with your lying.
Clearly this liberal is unwilling to dial back his hysterical lies, unfounded accusations, and deliberately provocative smears.

How many more leftist-nutcase assassinations of Republicans are these liberal fanatics willing to tolerate before they start thinking about changing their ways?
Pssstttttt There is about 100 times more violence on the right than left.
Look, there goes another one!

More and more such liberal liars and hysterics are unwilling to dial back their hate and vitriol, despite they deadly effects some leftist nutcases are starting to act out after listening to them.
Clearly this liberal is unwilling to dial back his hysterical lies, unfounded accusations, and deliberately provocative smears.

How many more leftist-nutcase assassinations of Republicans are these liberal fanatics willing to tolerate before they start thinking about changing their ways?
Pssstttttt There is about 100 times more violence on the right than left.
Look, there goes another one!

More and more such liberal liars and hysterics are unwilling to dial back their hate and vitriol, despite they deadly effects some leftist nutcases are starting to act out after listening to them.
Someone has been watching too much Hannity. His show is the equivalence of the National Enquirer.

Media outlets continue to place some level of responsibility for the atrocious attack on the movement sparked by Bernie Sanders’ presidential run, or the broadly-defined “Left”. This narrative implies that the Left has the same problem with political violence as the Right. But this is a false equivalency.

In the days immediately following President Trump’s election, hate crimes in the United States soared, reaching nearly 900 nationwide. Since then, the self-described “alt-right” movement and its cohort of fascists, racists and white supremacists of all stripes have only been emboldened by having Trump and white nationalist Steve Bannon in the White House.

The level of violent hate crimes committed in recent months is staggering.

In late May, white supremacist Jeremy Joseph Christian killed two men and injured another with a knife after an altercation in which he yelled Islamaphobic epithets at two teenage women, one wearing a headscarf, on a commuter train. Christian had a history of spouting white supremacist views online. This attack came just a day before after another racially motivated stabbing of a black man by Anthony Robert Hammond in Clearlake, California.

On May 20, another white man killed 23-year-old Richard W. Collins III on the University of Maryland’s College Park campus. The killer belonged to white supremacist groups on social media. In March, Deep Rai, a Sikh man, was shot outside of his Washington house by an attacker who screamed at him to “go back to your country.” This came just days after another incident in Kansas in which an attacker entered a bar and began shooting, telling his victims, including two Indian men, to “get out of my country.” One of those shot, Srinivas Kuchibhotla, later died.

These are but a handful of examples of the horrendous acts committed by the violent, vigilante right wing in this country. These attacks are becoming all-too-common, and yet they rarely rise to meet the level of media attention now being centered on the shooting in Virginia.

But the scourge of violent, right-wing extremism in the United States goes back much further. Since its founding, this country has been built on the backs of enslaved and Native people, in a system codified by racism and economic inequality. Xenophobia, fear of the “other” and the protection of a white identity are dark traditions that people of all backgrounds face every day. This history of hate, violence and plunder will have to be recognized and dealt with before we can move beyond such sickening offenses.
Clearly this liberal is unwilling to dial back his hysterical lies, unfounded accusations, and deliberately provocative smears.
How many more leftist-nutcase assassinations of Republicans are these liberal fanatics willing to tolerate before they start thinking about changing their ways?
Pssstttttt There is about 100 times more violence on the right than left.
Look, there goes another one!
More and more such liberal liars and hysterics are unwilling to dial back their hate and vitriol, despite they deadly effects some leftist nutcases are starting to act out after listening to them.
(excuses for leftist violence deleted)
How many Democrat congressmen and aides have been shot since Donald Trump started running for President?

Looks like these liberals are STILL unwilling to dial back the kind of hate, groundless accusations, and smears that the leftist nutcase listened to regularly, before finally getting a gun and assassinating Republican congressmen.

Any others have any (hopefully more rational) response to the nationwide pleas for civilized discourse and reasonable debate we have heard?

Or can we only look forward to "more of the same" from the liberals of this board? And possibly more of the same political assassinations from their more fanatic cohorts?
Trump is Mueller's boss. So of course he can fire him anytime he wants.

You looney libs think everything Trump does that you don't like is an Impeachable offense. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
do you really think the orange clown can keep firing anyone that investigates him? Really?

It does amuse us how the left claims they are not racist yet always say the "orange" this and that referring to Trump..

Why is that?




I never had any idea of the existence of an entire RACE of Cheeto People.

Really - I thought he was applying phony, glow in the dark orange make up and bright yellow hair dye.

If I had but known that garish look was the natural coloring of a RACE of people, I would never have made fun of him.

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