If Trump is guilty of inciting a riot it would be easy for USMB Democrats to prove it

bloodrock you will not accept reality but you cannot force your bs on the rest of us....people still supporting trump are unamerican traitors and pos..simple as that
It appears they haven't read the Article of Impeachment. It's not just about what he said at the rally.

Trump created the environment, did nothing to stop the attack from happening, and then did NOTHING for HOURS as people died, were injured and were terrorized.

Those are the facts of these proceedings.
I am tired of all this. Arrest those who hurt people and weree busting in. Stop the impeachment and stop treating any elected leaders like kings that one would sacrifice for based on this overblown nationalistic craziness.
So, prove it...
Whatever for? The House Impeachment Managers are doing a top-notch job with that.

...Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented...
Why not? They merely cut-to-the-chase, omitting a vast amount of idiotic blathering on the part of your Baboon-God and his minions.

...I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot...
Of course you do. None exists. He's a master of innuendo. The Teflon Don. That's why the entire 2-month sequence is being looked at as a 'whole'.

...Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
Of course it's not. In-the-whole. But it IS the casus belli by which your Orange Baboon-God incited his minions and mini-me's to commit Insurrection.


Much of America is bloody sick-and-tired of you excuse-making tyrant-enabling kokksukkers trying to get him off the hook on technicalities.

Time to hold your Orange Kool-Aid -serving Dear Leader accountable.

In Congress... putting his shameful crime and its effects on the official record for all of America to see... and to force your Senators to vote; however...

The REAL fun starts AFTER the Senate Trial... as the individual States prepare to (metaphorically) crucify him in the criminal law courts ( see GA, DC ).

To hell with your boy... and to hell with YOU for ENABLING him... and for continuing to defend such a profound piece of $hit after what he did.
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I have asked repeatedly for USMB Democrats to provide proof Trump incited the riot and despite my repeated requests, they have refused.
You're afraid of the proof.

The events of January 6th would never have happened without Trump's incitement over the preceding weeks and months.
I am tired of all this. Arrest those who hurt people and weree busting in. Stop the impeachment and stop treating any elected leaders like kings that one would sacrifice for based on this overblown nationalistic craziness.

Oh poor baby. You were all keen on making Trump dictator for life. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, you want to pretend you have no part in any of it.

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
"'Never would have happened if not for Donald Trump'

"House impeachment manager Madeleine Dean played lots of video from the Trump rally that took place before the riot.

"She noted that - out of the 11,000 words Trump spoke in his hourlong-plus speech - he only mentioned marching 'peacefully' once, whereas he said 'fight' multiple times.


Trump has fanned these flames for four years.
On January 6 his base rose to the occasion.
Has anyone heard what Mike Pence has said about the insurrection?
It never would have happened unless there was obvious and massive fraud.

Yes, it would and it did.

The fact that you're still claiming there was fraud, shows you to be a gullible fool.
Illiterate georgephillip poster fails at Senate Majority vote rules. The vote is that the trial is constitutional. For one additional evidence of illiteracy: The failure at, "Dick and Jane!" Dick AND Jane are independent persons. Removal from office AND disqualification from further federal office are independent trial outcome penalties.

No one denies that the march to the Capitol Grounds was intended to be peaceful and patriotic. That is normal. There was no call for the protestors to immediately commence shooting at one another(?)! Recall the First Amendment protests, however, over the summer. In Santa Monica, the police were guarding the First Amendment. The looters were apparently monitoring the police activity--pulled up to the pricey stores, and in their BMW's: And loaded up!

So the Capitol March was directly ordered and incited. Many in fact inferred "Marching Orders!" They were then "Ordered" to scream like hell was getting set loose--many seem to have inferred. See below how others interpret the matter.
Then-President Donald Trump addressed an enormous crowd in front of the White House on Jan. 6. "We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he loudly declared to the thousands of people gathered.

He added: “After this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We’re going to walk down to the Capitol … because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. … We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue … and we're going to the Capitol.”
The "Peaceful and Patriotic" includes, clearly the March. No one had been asked to commence the riot at the Ellipse, or start the shooting--of one another--during the March. The March of a Cadre was directly ordered, "We're" going, and The Trumped-Up failure was to be a part of the Cadre. Then the Cadre was incited, ". . . .because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show STRENGTH, , ," and not just showing up in Sunday-go-to-meeting attire! These were a cadre, riot-ready at the Ellipse--visible.

After the screaming and yelling, the "Marching Orders" intended action to take back the country. Step one could be inferred the capture or isolation of the Legislative Branch.

"Take back our country" is directly quoted!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(See people prayer for a world in which Lives Don't Matter: Matt 25: 14-30!)
You've identified nothing, with no factual basis
Not HERE, not yet, but I have several times on other threads!

and all the courts, ~ ~ ~ have all said there was no election fraud or Trump is lying.
Not one court has said that. Better go back and check your facts. Trump WON 2 out of 3 cases where the courts examined the facts. Most of them ruled summarily on procedural grounds due to standing and deadlines and other technicalities and never looked at any of the evidence. There was no one court who even had access to all of the evidence as it covered a multi-state area far outside their jurisdiction and came out slowly over time long after the narrow window in which they were even considering Trump's challenges!

GOOD! Since you think "credibility" is based on calling evidence never even examined all "baseless," then you've got nothing to lose! I'll invite you again. You, me, odanny, lesh, francoHPW, and anyone else you want to join me in STRUCTURED DEBATE under strict rules of moderation. No bullshit, no name calling, no insulting trump supporters as brainwashed buffoons, no rash statements without supporting evidence and facts-- -- -- we'll go over all the "baseless lies, conspiracy theories and disproven baseless claims" of the election fraud, item by item, and I'll present each to you with my proof and you all shoot them down and tell us, with supporting documentation, how you know and how they are proven false, baseless and lies.


Just let me know when you are ready to begin.

Time to PUT UP or SHUT UP asshole. Show us what you got.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
Tommy Tubberville pretty much proved it.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
The facts prove it. Fact averse trumpkins don’t like facts.

but then again I’m not a white supremacist insurrectionist

Notice the PROG says please believe me, the unsupported "facts" prove it :abgg2q.jpg:
I am tired of all this. Arrest those who hurt people and weree busting in. Stop the impeachment and stop treating any elected leaders like kings that one would sacrifice for based on this overblown nationalistic craziness.

Oh poor baby. You were all keen on making Trump dictator for life. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, you want to pretend you have no part in any of it.

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
"'Never would have happened if not for Donald Trump'

"House impeachment manager Madeleine Dean played lots of video from the Trump rally that took place before the riot.

"She noted that - out of the 11,000 words Trump spoke in his hourlong-plus speech - he only mentioned marching 'peacefully' once, whereas he said 'fight' multiple times.


Trump has fanned these flames for four years.
On January 6 his base rose to the occasion.
Has anyone heard what Mike Pence has said about the insurrection?
It never would have happened unless there was obvious and massive fraud.

Yes, it would and it did.

The fact that you're still claiming there was fraud, shows you to be a gullible fool.
Nobody wanted to make Trump dictator for life. That's a dirty fucking lie.
Missing in the January 6 message to be sent to the Legislative Branch: The Power of Prayer(?)! Unless to prove cowardice, rather than soil his pants on bended knee in the street, or on the Capitol Steps--Secret Service apparently anticipated a security crisis and so the Trumped-Up inciter was withdrawn from the March that was promised to showcase the Presence in Prayers(?)!

It could also be said that Secret Service was having nothing to do with any prayer-crap(?)!

It could also be said that Secret Service had noticed some of the regalia--of the assembled, at the ellipse.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(See people prayer for a world in which Lives Don't Matter: Matt 25: 14-30!)
The communists are having a fine time rehashing every hurt feeling they had since Trump's election. Up to and including defending the horrible gretchen whitmer. This hearing, more than anything else a communist attack against Americans and an attack Trump based on his support for the wronged Americans. That's what this is all about. This is a warning to any politician that would dare to side with Americans.
This is the 155th post on this thread and USMB Democrats have still not provided evidence that Trump incited the January 6, 2021 riot.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
The show trial is to stop anyone with Trump's ideas from becoming President and to silence any questioning of the 2020 election that put Thief in Chief Biden in office.
The videos of the trump Qultist violence will be very useful during the next few elections.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
Trump said the word 'fight' 20 times, and the word 'peacefully' once.

Bernie Sanders told democrats to fight for progressive policies.

Obama says if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.

Tim Kaine says to "fight in the streets" against Trump.

Loretta Lynch tells people to march, bleed and die in the streets.

Hillary Clinton made a video telling people to fight for progressive policies, and to "keep fighting."

Comments? Concerns? Or is it only a problem if a republican does it?

6 democrats who called for violence:

Can you point to any insurrections that occurred as a result of these words?
What exactly did Trump say that started a riot?
Gee....so you are asserting that trump Qultists are just naturally violent. Ok, that's believable.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
Trump said the word 'fight' 20 times, and the word 'peacefully' once.

Bernie Sanders told democrats to fight for progressive policies.

Obama says if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.

Tim Kaine says to "fight in the streets" against Trump.

Loretta Lynch tells people to march, bleed and die in the streets.

Hillary Clinton made a video telling people to fight for progressive policies, and to "keep fighting."

Comments? Concerns? Or is it only a problem if a republican does it?

6 democrats who called for violence:

Can you point to any insurrections that occurred as a result of these words?
What exactly did Trump say that started a riot?
This was bigger than just that rally, this had been building for months as Trump repeated lies about election fraud that never happened

You can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater and then claim innocence after a panic ensues (and the Supreme court has ruled on that). That's exactly what Trump did.

If you are the president of the united states you can not repeat a mega lie that there was election fraud, when there is no real evidence of fraud. Trump supporters are dumb fuckin retards, gullible fuckin fools, they believe any lie Trump tells them. Look at pizzagate, you people believe that nonsense and that is insane...
The actions of Trump on January 6th and all the other actions and lies leading up to that day are a clear indicator of Trump's guilt.

If Trump did not repeat the election fraud lie, then there would never have been an insurrection. Trump is 100% guilty.
The Democrats and the media have failed to condemn the violence as BLM and Antifa burn down American cities. Does that bother you?
That's your big response...

I just shut you the fuck up, mothafucker.

Trump is 100% guilty
Trump didn't incite the riot.

Is he guilty of something else?
So trump Qultists are naturally violent. Says a lot.....and interesting that you admit it.

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