If Trump is guilty of something, tell me what he's guilty of...

It’s really amazing how many times liberals have shifted narratives and moved goalpost, all because they refuse to accept they lost an election. Pathetic
It’s really amazing how many times liberals have shifted narratives and moved goalpost, all because they refuse to accept they lost an election. Pathetic

Get ready to see them move the goal post again...
this time...Impeachment on something that Trump is innocent. Although, he was not exonerated. But still...
I will laugh my ass off when the rest of the Deep State (including Obama) will be exposed. And let the MSM run with it. Or at least....try. Lol
...or shut the fuck up.

Our POTUS is guilty thus far of failing to arrest every last governor and mayor of sanctuary states and cities. Just get a load of what the sheriff of LA County has been up to. However, I forgive him as I suspect he will allow them to secede and either strangle themselves culturally and financially or become China's bitches. But when the secessionists come crawling back to him on tender knees begging to rejoin the Union he'd better break out the firing squads.
Well, the Mueller probe went on unhindered by Trump, so where's the obstruction of justice?

Oh, right, there wasn't any.

Democrats should just jump off a cliff and die.
In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. You can get all the details there and they list like a dozen obstruction charges. And also Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies with Michael Cohen who is already gone to prison. Trumps turn will be after he gets out of office

...or shut the fuck up.
Winning an election all the alleged media and political experts said he couldn't win that is all this has ever been about about the experts not being able to come to terms with the fact they got it wrong.
...or shut the fuck up.
Obstruction of Justice. 10 felony counts.

Obstruction of justice on what? What crime did obstruct justice on?

Let me put it another way..... Did he threaten or coach witness like Bill Clinton did, which was documented in the Starr Report?

Did he conceal direct evidence, like hiding gifts that Bill Clinton sent to some of the people Starr was trying to interview?

Because all of those involved direct attempts to prevent Starr from uncovering the crimes that Clinton committed while in office, that the Democraps didn't care about.

So do tell. What actual crime, was Trump trying to prevent Mueller from investigating?
...or shut the fuck up.
Obstruction of Justice. 10 felony counts.

Obstruction of justice on what? What crime did obstruct justice on?

Let me put it another way..... Did he threaten or coach witness like Bill Clinton did, which was documented in the Starr Report?

Did he conceal direct evidence, like hiding gifts that Bill Clinton sent to some of the people Starr was trying to interview?

Because all of those involved direct attempts to prevent Starr from uncovering the crimes that Clinton committed while in office, that the Democraps didn't care about.

So do tell. What actual crime, was Trump trying to prevent Mueller from investigating?

Geezus Christ did you people live under a fucking rock for the past two years?

Trump pressured Comey to drop investigation into Flynn's lying to FBI and later fired Comey under false pretenses. That is a clear case of Obstruction of Justice.

Trump tried to Obstruct Mueller investigation, by trying to get Session to un-recuse himself and limit investigation's scope to preventing FUTURE election meddling, also by ordering McGhan to fire Mueller and subsequently for McGahn to create false record of Trump not asking him that.

The list goes on and on and on. Read it and stop making yourself look totally ignorant.

Here Are All the Ways Trump May Have Obstructed Justice
...or shut the fuck up.
Obstruction of Justice. 10 felony counts.

Obstruction of justice on what? What crime did obstruct justice on?

Let me put it another way..... Did he threaten or coach witness like Bill Clinton did, which was documented in the Starr Report?

Did he conceal direct evidence, like hiding gifts that Bill Clinton sent to some of the people Starr was trying to interview?

Because all of those involved direct attempts to prevent Starr from uncovering the crimes that Clinton committed while in office, that the Democraps didn't care about.

So do tell. What actual crime, was Trump trying to prevent Mueller from investigating?

Geezus Christ did you people live under a fucking rock for the past two years?

Trump pressured Comey to drop investigation into Flynn's lying to FBI and later fired Comey under false pretenses. That is a clear case of Obstruction of Justice.

Trump tried to Obstruct Mueller investigation, by trying to get Session to un-recuse himself and limit investigation's scope to preventing FUTURE election meddling, also by ordering McGhan to fire Mueller and subsequently for McGahn to create false record of Trump not asking him that.

The list goes on and on and on. Read it and stop making yourself look totally ignorant.

Here Are All the Ways Trump May Have Obstructed Justice

I don't know what to believe anymore, what with all the shithouse lawyers on this forum.
...or shut the fuck up.
Obstruction of Justice. 10 felony counts.

Obstruction of justice on what? What crime did obstruct justice on?

Let me put it another way..... Did he threaten or coach witness like Bill Clinton did, which was documented in the Starr Report?

Did he conceal direct evidence, like hiding gifts that Bill Clinton sent to some of the people Starr was trying to interview?

Because all of those involved direct attempts to prevent Starr from uncovering the crimes that Clinton committed while in office, that the Democraps didn't care about.

So do tell. What actual crime, was Trump trying to prevent Mueller from investigating?

Geezus Christ did you people live under a fucking rock for the past two years?

Trump pressured Comey to drop investigation into Flynn's lying to FBI and later fired Comey under false pretenses. That is a clear case of Obstruction of Justice.

Trump tried to Obstruct Mueller investigation, by trying to get Session to un-recuse himself and limit investigation's scope to preventing FUTURE election meddling, also by ordering McGhan to fire Mueller and subsequently for McGahn to create false record of Trump not asking him that.

The list goes on and on and on. Read it and stop making yourself look totally ignorant.

Here Are All the Ways Trump May Have Obstructed Justice

I don't know what to believe anymore, what with all the shithouse lawyers on this forum.

On one hand facts, on the other hand they don't look good for Trump - tough choices :rolleyes:

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