If Trump is so sure millions of illegals voted for Hillary, why wouldn't he support the recounts?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It's yet another bullshit, baseless claim by the whiney little bitch yet he won't condone the recounts?

Can't you supporters just admit how pathetic this guy is?
What for, moron? He has already won and has a lot of other things to do.

To clean Obama's mess in your country and all over the world is just one of them.

Hillary and Stein are a bit bored after the elections, that's why they decided to entertain themselves and the whole country with a recount show for Soros' money.
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let it go butt hurt, he won, she lost. end of story.
besides, where is the liberal outrage now that hillary and the butthurts refuse to accept the outcome of the election? seemed to be pretty strong when you all thought Donald Trump wasn't going to go along with the outcome.
Hypocritical jack asses.
This is the new Democrat thang. How many recounts in the Bush election?
they just cant accept that real Americans have had enough of their socialist agenda.
Maybe if they tried to show just a little respect for the country things would work out differently for them.
Maybe if the all did just move to that garden of Eden country somewhere in the middle east?
let it go butt hurt, he won, she lost. end of story.
besides, where is the liberal outrage now that hillary and the butthurts refuse to accept the outcome of the election? seemed to be pretty strong when you all thought Donald Trump wasn't going to go along with the outcome.
Hypocritical jack asses.
Apparently he thinks he won the popular vote somehow which of course is bullshit.

I don't have any confidence these recounts will amount to anything, but I just hope I'm wrong. If ANY other republican had won the election, I wouldn't be concerned about a recount.
How are recounts going to expose illegal voting? Billy's a bit goofy I think.
Hmm well if the recounts wouldn't find it, how do you know mass illegal voting even occurred? You don't of course. Duh!
As the president, one would think he would want elections to be fair and all votes counted.

But, he's not that kind of president.
let it go butt hurt, he won, she lost. end of story.
besides, where is the liberal outrage now that hillary and the butthurts refuse to accept the outcome of the election? seemed to be pretty strong when you all thought Donald Trump wasn't going to go along with the outcome.
Hypocritical jack asses.
Apparently he thinks he won the popular vote somehow which of course is bullshit.

I don't have any confidence these recounts will amount to anything, but I just hope I'm wrong. If ANY other republican had won the election, I wouldn't be concerned about a recount.

What is interesting about all this crap is that the Repubs have been very open about stopping Americans from voting.

Going back to the mid-terms - without gerrymandering, voter suppression and outright theft of votes, they could not have won. And they admitted that.

Same thing now. And they're very open about it.

Trumpery is a crook and will be the most corrupt prez in our history so he loves him some stealing of votes. Indeed, he orchestrated much of it.

Email the Electoral College
It's yet another bullshit, baseless claim by the whiney little bitch yet he won't condone the recounts?

Can't you supporters just admit how pathetic this guy is?
lol Obviously, Clinton's illegals didn't effect the outcomes in the three states Clinton/Stein are addressing but until we find out how many of the millions of illegals in California voted, we can't be sure Clinton won the state legally.
let it go butt hurt, he won, she lost. end of story.
besides, where is the liberal outrage now that hillary and the butthurts refuse to accept the outcome of the election? seemed to be pretty strong when you all thought Donald Trump wasn't going to go along with the outcome.
Hypocritical jack asses.
Apparently he thinks he won the popular vote somehow which of course is bullshit.

I don't have any confidence these recounts will amount to anything, but I just hope I'm wrong. If ANY other republican had won the election, I wouldn't be concerned about a recount.

What is interesting about all this crap is that the Repubs have been very open about stopping Americans from voting.

Going back to the mid-terms - without gerrymandering, voter suppression and outright theft of votes, they could not have won. And they admitted that.

Same thing now. And they're very open about it.

Trumpery is a crook and will be the most corrupt prez in our history so he loves him some stealing of votes. Indeed, he orchestrated much of it.

Email the Electoral College

What is interesting about all this crap is that the Repubs have been very open about stopping Americans from voting.

Yes, I'm open about stopping dead Americans and American felons from voting.

And illegal aliens.
I'd wondered if we could crowd fund a recount in CA specifically hunting for illegals immediately after the whole VP shit started up. Problem is there's no way to do it as Obama informed the world.
Anyone else see the irony of the looney left who still can't accept their Hillary lost calling another a whiney little bitch? No I don't believe millions of illegals voted what I know is Trump won the election and no amount of calls for recounts will change this Trump won Hillary lost so accept it and stop being a whiney little bitch and STFU about recounts.

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