If Trump is so sure that COVID is no big deal, then why is he getting tested frequently for it?

He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...
Lol luckily only morons like the president. I think I’m okay.

If Hillary had won, would you want her tested every day?

Of course you would.

It has to do with the office, not the person...
Lol yep. Gotta pivot to Hillary. It’s the go-to republican debate strategy I guess. Man you people are obsessed with this woman.

I dont mind the president gets tested. My point is his hypocrisy. Overall testing in the US is way behind and yet this fucking idiot is telling everyone to defy state orders thus putting themselves and others at risk. It’s so stupid.

Of course I'll ask you about Hillary, simply because your hatred of Trump is obvious.

I don't care what party the President is a member of. I want the President tested daily.

Why don't you?
Are you just not listening to what I am saying? Good god lol. Re-read what I just said and get back to me.
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...
Lol luckily only morons like the president. I think I’m okay.

If Hillary had won, would you want her tested every day?

Of course you would.

It has to do with the office, not the person...
Lol yep. Gotta pivot to Hillary. It’s the go-to republican debate strategy I guess. Man you people are obsessed with this woman.

I dont mind the president gets tested. My point is his hypocrisy. Overall testing in the US is way behind and yet this fucking idiot is telling everyone to defy state orders thus putting themselves and others at risk. It’s so stupid.

Of course I'll ask you about Hillary, simply because your hatred of Trump is obvious.

I don't care what party the President is a member of. I want the President tested daily.

Why don't you?
Are you just not listening to what I am saying? Good god lol. Re-read what I just said and get back to me.
Why would any sane person care what you lying scum are saying? It's pointless and only good for entertainment.
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...
Lol luckily only morons like the president. I think I’m okay.

If Hillary had won, would you want her tested every day?

Of course you would.

It has to do with the office, not the person...
Lol yep. Gotta pivot to Hillary. It’s the go-to republican debate strategy I guess. Man you people are obsessed with this woman.

I dont mind the president gets tested. My point is his hypocrisy. Overall testing in the US is way behind and yet this fucking idiot is telling everyone to defy state orders thus putting themselves and others at risk. It’s so stupid.

Of course I'll ask you about Hillary, simply because your hatred of Trump is obvious.

I don't care what party the President is a member of. I want the President tested daily.

Why don't you?
Are you just not listening to what I am saying? Good god lol. Re-read what I just said and get back to me.
Why would any sane person care what you lying scum are saying? It's pointless and only good for entertainment.
Apparently you do because you keep following my posts like a little bitch lol
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contract himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.
Because he's the President of the United States you deranged idiot!
Right your dumbass and the simpletons like you are willing to put yourselves and others in danger for your dear leader. Got it. Man this cult worship is extraordinary!

How does it feel to live in fear all the time?

fear has nothing to do with it U DIPSHIT -


rw's got to be the dumbest fuks on the planet
Do you know how many viruses i have beaten in my life? More than your pansy liberal ass. When you are in the military you suck it up and press onward, while you liberals just suck and press each other's groin...
Lol this false sense of manliness and toughness you have is so incredibly pathetic. Deep down we all know you’re insecure.
False sense of manliness.....Bwaahhhhaaaaaaaa...Deep down you are just another pajama boy.....

....................................................ex military man.............................................................................................you...........................
View attachment 333379
Lol think what you want about me. You’re just so full of shit. See a real man doesn’t feel the need to gloat about being tough. They just are. Their personalities speak for themselves. A deep down wuss like you feels the need to make the claim. Trump is another example of this. He’s an obvious whiny little bitch but he desperately wants us all to think otherwise.
I am not so full of shit, you are, who is a flaming fudge packer who shares in the delight of another man's smelly excrement. You are a perfect specimen of the Feminazi movement that a long time ago, decided that men should be more like women because then there wouldnt be so much war. Instead we have crazy lunatic lefties out there killing young kids because those guys are so fucked up in the brain. Crazies should be locked up in a rubber room, like you, but alas, Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up allow insane people to walk amongst US.
Lol just for the record, it’s you who keeps bringing up gay sex and shit - not me.

Oh so now I’m a feminazi huh? You’re just throwing any random caricatures you can at me and hoping they stick I guess lol. What a maroon. Am I talking to an 8th grader right now? Be honest.
I wasnt the one who had a sympathy post looking for someone to agree with your immoral lifestyle, then you go on a rampage against me, because like the pajama boy you are, you just cant stand a real man, who loves women over your sorry ass. Go poke another hairy shit hole, and have a fun time
Lol it’s funny how vivid and descriptive you are about my penis. It’s weird too.
Wow, you just wont give up will you about your queerness. I dont have to compare dick sizes or even balls, because as a pajama boy, you have barely any or else you would be a man like me....
If he wasn’t getting tested would you bitch and complain about that as well? Rhetorical question we all know you would.
I would not. Trump wants the country to open and we should all just deal with the consequences. Without adequate testing, without effective therapies, without a vaccine. He should do the same and forego any testing.

Lead by example.
Sit home like a coward. Virus kills cowards.

You've got it backwards, as usual. Tests are for cowards. We don't need no stinking tests and neither does Trump.

Speaking of cowards and snowflakes, I'm not the one freaking-the-fuck-out over having to stay home for a couple of months.
If you can afford to stay home for a couple of months with no steady income good for you just remember not everyone can.

Staying home for a couple of months is par for the course with millennial libs like that who live in their parents' basement playing X-Box 24/7.
That may work for your millennial moochers. My own Millennial superstars are both essential workers and both still working their normal full-time jobs. And we don't have basements in SoCal, silly.

I always wonder at the GOPhers who constantly bawl about the Millennials. What happened to your parenting skills? Did you abdicate? Why did your Millennials turn out so rotten?
Public education waves hand frantically
My kids both went to public schools, both still working their normal full-time jobs making a good living in San Diego.

Perhaps you shouldn't have depended on your school system's lousy teachers to raise your children. Maybe you should have participated in your children's education a little bit yourself. Or was that just too hard?

Do you really think public school teachers are responsible for raising your spawn? We barely pay them a living wage.
What makes you think my kids want to public schools?
Is it perhaps that you can't refute how shit they are so you bring my kids into the discussion as a diversion?

Okie-dokie then. Let's talk about the the Millennial bawlers in general. What makes you think public education is responsible for the Millennials you believe are failures?
Parents are responsible for raising their children, not public schools.

I think you're just butt-hurt that young people don't share the 'support the wealthy at all costs because they need our protection' mentality of the old fart GOPhers.
I agree it is parents. But good parents allow kids to make their own choices not force them to believe in PC correctness and overall Leftist ideology of intolerance.
My kids are intolerant of hate.

I taught them that. So go fuck yourself.

my kid was taught lying brought on extended cases of solitary confinement and a RED ASS
I didn't physically strike my children ever. They turned out just fine. I am extraordinarily proud of them.

Different parenting techniques.....
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...
Lol luckily only morons like the president. I think I’m okay.

If Hillary had won, would you want her tested every day?

Of course you would.

It has to do with the office, not the person...
Lol yep. Gotta pivot to Hillary. It’s the go-to republican debate strategy I guess. Man you people are obsessed with this woman.

I dont mind the president gets tested. My point is his hypocrisy. Overall testing in the US is way behind and yet this fucking idiot is telling everyone to defy state orders thus putting themselves and others at risk. It’s so stupid.

Of course I'll ask you about Hillary, simply because your hatred of Trump is obvious.

I don't care what party the President is a member of. I want the President tested daily.

Why don't you?
Are you just not listening to what I am saying? Good god lol. Re-read what I just said and get back to me.
Why would any sane person care what you lying scum are saying? It's pointless and only good for entertainment.
Apparently you do because you keep following my posts like a little bitch lol
Your pointless, only good for entertainment, now sod off homo.
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contract himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.
Because he's the President of the United States you deranged idiot!
Right your dumbass and the simpletons like you are willing to put yourselves and others in danger for your dear leader. Got it. Man this cult worship is extraordinary!

How does it feel to live in fear all the time?

fear has nothing to do with it U DIPSHIT -


rw's got to be the dumbest fuks on the planet
Do you know how many viruses i have beaten in my life? More than your pansy liberal ass. When you are in the military you suck it up and press onward, while you liberals just suck and press each other's groin...
Lol this false sense of manliness and toughness you have is so incredibly pathetic. Deep down we all know you’re insecure.
False sense of manliness.....Bwaahhhhaaaaaaaa...Deep down you are just another pajama boy.....

....................................................ex military man.............................................................................................you...........................
View attachment 333379
Lol think what you want about me. You’re just so full of shit. See a real man doesn’t feel the need to gloat about being tough. They just are. Their personalities speak for themselves. A deep down wuss like you feels the need to make the claim. Trump is another example of this. He’s an obvious whiny little bitch but he desperately wants us all to think otherwise.
I am not so full of shit, you are, who is a flaming fudge packer who shares in the delight of another man's smelly excrement. You are a perfect specimen of the Feminazi movement that a long time ago, decided that men should be more like women because then there wouldnt be so much war. Instead we have crazy lunatic lefties out there killing young kids because those guys are so fucked up in the brain. Crazies should be locked up in a rubber room, like you, but alas, Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up allow insane people to walk amongst US.
Lol just for the record, it’s you who keeps bringing up gay sex and shit - not me.

Oh so now I’m a feminazi huh? You’re just throwing any random caricatures you can at me and hoping they stick I guess lol. What a maroon. Am I talking to an 8th grader right now? Be honest.
I wasnt the one who had a sympathy post looking for someone to agree with your immoral lifestyle, then you go on a rampage against me, because like the pajama boy you are, you just cant stand a real man, who loves women over your sorry ass. Go poke another hairy shit hole, and have a fun time
Lol it’s funny how vivid and descriptive you are about my penis. It’s weird too.
Wow, you just wont give up will you about your queerness. I dont have to compare dick sizes or even balls, because as a pajama boy, you have barely any or else you would be a man like me....
Lol you’re just adorable.
If he wasn’t getting tested would you bitch and complain about that as well? Rhetorical question we all know you would.
I would not. Trump wants the country to open and we should all just deal with the consequences. Without adequate testing, without effective therapies, without a vaccine. He should do the same and forego any testing.

Lead by example.
Sit home like a coward. Virus kills cowards.

You've got it backwards, as usual. Tests are for cowards. We don't need no stinking tests and neither does Trump.

Speaking of cowards and snowflakes, I'm not the one freaking-the-fuck-out over having to stay home for a couple of months.
If you can afford to stay home for a couple of months with no steady income good for you just remember not everyone can.

Staying home for a couple of months is par for the course with millennial libs like that who live in their parents' basement playing X-Box 24/7.
That may work for your millennial moochers. My own Millennial superstars are both essential workers and both still working their normal full-time jobs. And we don't have basements in SoCal, silly.

I always wonder at the GOPhers who constantly bawl about the Millennials. What happened to your parenting skills? Did you abdicate? Why did your Millennials turn out so rotten?
Public education waves hand frantically
My kids both went to public schools, both still working their normal full-time jobs making a good living in San Diego.

Perhaps you shouldn't have depended on your school system's lousy teachers to raise your children. Maybe you should have participated in your children's education a little bit yourself. Or was that just too hard?

Do you really think public school teachers are responsible for raising your spawn? We barely pay them a living wage.
What makes you think my kids want to public schools?
Is it perhaps that you can't refute how shit they are so you bring my kids into the discussion as a diversion?

Okie-dokie then. Let's talk about the the Millennial bawlers in general. What makes you think public education is responsible for the Millennials you believe are failures?

Parents are responsible for raising their children, not public schools.

I think you're just butt-hurt that young people don't share the 'support the wealthy at all costs because they need our protection' mentality of the old fart GOPhers.
I agree it is parents. But good parents allow kids to make their own choices not force them to believe in PC correctness and overall Leftist ideology of intolerance.
My kids are intolerant of hate.

I taught them that. So go fuck yourself.
I was not speaking to you but in general and if they take after you, no they are not. Did my post really illicit a "Fuck yourself" response? Think about it.
Actually you caught it before the edit.
Healthcare workers and scientist are just one piece of the puzzle. There is also the economy that impacts EVERYONE. Why not follow the Sweden model over the next 90 days and see how they compare to France, Italy, Spain, UK and the US and gauge COVID deaths %wise as well as economic impact. My theory is that the %s will be about the same but the economy in Sweden will be much better.

I could be wrong but only time will tell.
Sweden policy was based on their hospital capacity.
We have lower hospital capacity because we have a profit based system.
Yet when they opened Javits and brought in the Navy ship they didn't have enough patients. Why did Spain, Italy and France follow suit? They have less capacity than Sweden too? They have UH there.
If he wasn’t getting tested would you bitch and complain about that as well? Rhetorical question we all know you would.
I would not. Trump wants the country to open and we should all just deal with the consequences. Without adequate testing, without effective therapies, without a vaccine. He should do the same and forego any testing.

Lead by example.
Sit home like a coward. Virus kills cowards.

You've got it backwards, as usual. Tests are for cowards. We don't need no stinking tests and neither does Trump.

Speaking of cowards and snowflakes, I'm not the one freaking-the-fuck-out over having to stay home for a couple of months.
If you can afford to stay home for a couple of months with no steady income good for you just remember not everyone can.

Staying home for a couple of months is par for the course with millennial libs like that who live in their parents' basement playing X-Box 24/7.
That may work for your millennial moochers. My own Millennial superstars are both essential workers and both still working their normal full-time jobs. And we don't have basements in SoCal, silly.

I always wonder at the GOPhers who constantly bawl about the Millennials. What happened to your parenting skills? Did you abdicate? Why did your Millennials turn out so rotten?
Public education waves hand frantically
My kids both went to public schools, both still working their normal full-time jobs making a good living in San Diego.

Perhaps you shouldn't have depended on your school system's lousy teachers to raise your children. Maybe you should have participated in your children's education a little bit yourself. Or was that just too hard?

Do you really think public school teachers are responsible for raising your spawn? We barely pay them a living wage.
What makes you think my kids want to public schools?
Is it perhaps that you can't refute how shit they are so you bring my kids into the discussion as a diversion?

Okie-dokie then. Let's talk about the the Millennial bawlers in general. What makes you think public education is responsible for the Millennials you believe are failures?
Parents are responsible for raising their children, not public schools.

I think you're just butt-hurt that young people don't share the 'support the wealthy at all costs because they need our protection' mentality of the old fart GOPhers.
I agree it is parents. But good parents allow kids to make their own choices not force them to believe in PC correctness and overall Leftist ideology of intolerance.
My kids are intolerant of hate.

I taught them that. So go fuck yourself.

my kid was taught lying brought on extended cases of solitary confinement and a RED ASS
I didn't physically strike my children ever. They turned out just fine. I am extraordinarily proud of them.

Different parenting techniques.....
I only have girls. They strike me...LOL
If he wasn’t getting tested would you bitch and complain about that as well? Rhetorical question we all know you would.
I would not. Trump wants the country to open and we should all just deal with the consequences. Without adequate testing, without effective therapies, without a vaccine. He should do the same and forego any testing.

Lead by example.
Sit home like a coward. Virus kills cowards.

You've got it backwards, as usual. Tests are for cowards. We don't need no stinking tests and neither does Trump.

Speaking of cowards and snowflakes, I'm not the one freaking-the-fuck-out over having to stay home for a couple of months.
If you can afford to stay home for a couple of months with no steady income good for you just remember not everyone can.

Staying home for a couple of months is par for the course with millennial libs like that who live in their parents' basement playing X-Box 24/7.
That may work for your millennial moochers. My own Millennial superstars are both essential workers and both still working their normal full-time jobs. And we don't have basements in SoCal, silly.

I always wonder at the GOPhers who constantly bawl about the Millennials. What happened to your parenting skills? Did you abdicate? Why did your Millennials turn out so rotten?
Public education waves hand frantically
My kids both went to public schools, both still working their normal full-time jobs making a good living in San Diego.

Perhaps you shouldn't have depended on your school system's lousy teachers to raise your children. Maybe you should have participated in your children's education a little bit yourself. Or was that just too hard?

Do you really think public school teachers are responsible for raising your spawn? We barely pay them a living wage.
What makes you think my kids want to public schools?
Is it perhaps that you can't refute how shit they are so you bring my kids into the discussion as a diversion?

Okie-dokie then. Let's talk about the the Millennial bawlers in general. What makes you think public education is responsible for the Millennials you believe are failures?

Parents are responsible for raising their children, not public schools.

I think you're just butt-hurt that young people don't share the 'support the wealthy at all costs because they need our protection' mentality of the old fart GOPhers.
I agree it is parents. But good parents allow kids to make their own choices not force them to believe in PC correctness and overall Leftist ideology of intolerance.
My kids are intolerant of hate.

I taught them that. So go fuck yourself.
I was not speaking to you but in general and if they take after you, no they are not. Did my post really illicit a "Fuck yourself" response? Think about it.
Actually you caught it before the edit.
Healthcare workers and scientist are just one piece of the puzzle. There is also the economy that impacts EVERYONE. Why not follow the Sweden model over the next 90 days and see how they compare to France, Italy, Spain, UK and the US and gauge COVID deaths %wise as well as economic impact. My theory is that the %s will be about the same but the economy in Sweden will be much better.

I could be wrong but only time will tell.
Sweden policy was based on their hospital capacity.
We have lower hospital capacity because we have a profit based system.
Yet when they opened Javits and brought in the Navy ship they didn't have enough patients. Why did Spain, Italy and France follow suit? They have less capacity than Sweden too? They have UH there.
The javits convention center didnt receive the needed equipment from stockpile, and could admit intubated patients.
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contract himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.
Because he's the President of the United States you deranged idiot!
Right your dumbass and the simpletons like you are willing to put yourselves and others in danger for your dear leader. Got it. Man this cult worship is extraordinary!

How does it feel to live in fear all the time?

fear has nothing to do with it U DIPSHIT -


rw's got to be the dumbest fuks on the planet
Do you know how many viruses i have beaten in my life? More than your pansy liberal ass. When you are in the military you suck it up and press onward, while you liberals just suck and press each other's groin...
Lol this false sense of manliness and toughness you have is so incredibly pathetic. Deep down we all know you’re insecure.
False sense of manliness.....Bwaahhhhaaaaaaaa...Deep down you are just another pajama boy.....

....................................................ex military man.............................................................................................you...........................
View attachment 333379
Lol think what you want about me. You’re just so full of shit. See a real man doesn’t feel the need to gloat about being tough. They just are. Their personalities speak for themselves. A deep down wuss like you feels the need to make the claim. Trump is another example of this. He’s an obvious whiny little bitch but he desperately wants us all to think otherwise.
I am not so full of shit, you are, who is a flaming fudge packer who shares in the delight of another man's smelly excrement. You are a perfect specimen of the Feminazi movement that a long time ago, decided that men should be more like women because then there wouldnt be so much war. Instead we have crazy lunatic lefties out there killing young kids because those guys are so fucked up in the brain. Crazies should be locked up in a rubber room, like you, but alas, Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up allow insane people to walk amongst US.
Lol just for the record, it’s you who keeps bringing up gay sex and shit - not me.

Oh so now I’m a feminazi huh? You’re just throwing any random caricatures you can at me and hoping they stick I guess lol. What a maroon. Am I talking to an 8th grader right now? Be honest.
I wasnt the one who had a sympathy post looking for someone to agree with your immoral lifestyle, then you go on a rampage against me, because like the pajama boy you are, you just cant stand a real man, who loves women over your sorry ass. Go poke another hairy shit hole, and have a fun time
Lol it’s funny how vivid and descriptive you are about my penis. It’s weird too.
Wow, you just wont give up will you about your queerness. I dont have to compare dick sizes or even balls, because as a pajama boy, you have barely any or else you would be a man like me....
Lol you’re just adorable.
And you are just a weak pajama boy, who couldnt please a woman. I know you are just a loser like all the other liberals...
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

Trump is all over the place when it comes to testing. It is his usual mantra. He has no core beliefs, and he likes to please everyone.

Widespread testing “isn’t necessary, but would be a good thing to have” before the economy reopens, Trump said. Well, that has been largely forgotten.

On March 30th, Trump told governors on a conference call that he had not “heard about testing in weeks,” suggesting that a chronic lack of kits to screen people for the coronavirus was no longer a problem.

Later, he said, “We’ve tested more now than any nation in the world. We’ve got these great tests and we’re coming out with a faster one this week.”

One of Trump's personal valets, who works in the West Wing serving the President his meals, among other duties, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

First, Trump says he has had "very little contact, personal contact, with this gentleman." But, then, we don't know what to believe with this President.

Then, he says, "testing is not a perfect art." Huh?

"So we test once a week. Now we're going to go testing once a day," he said during an Oval Office photo opportunity with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. "But even when you test once a day, somebody could — something happens where they catch something."

There is something wrong with this guy.
So why the fuck would you test someone who isnt infected? Oh yeah, you guys love to waste money, like Cuomo did by giving away his ventilators before the Wuhan Virus hit, or Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shitface who had countless investigations costing millions that could of gone to personal protective equipment. Want to talk about morons, just look at the Democrap Party and what they didnt do for the United States.....

are you seriously THAT ignorant? you don't KNOW if you are infected - if you are asymptomatic - & the only way to know is to be tested.

asymptomatic does NOT mean you are not infected. you can be shedding your coronakooties to everyone within your orbit - from a stranger at the super market that you are close enough to breathe on, to the people you live with.
I have been walking around Floor E Da for months now trying to find that evasive Virus from Wuhan China. No masks, when i go into stores like Wal Mart, Sam's or other box stores. Why hasnt that Virus found me, but remains elusive? Maybe because i am keep myself in very good shape, bike riding 10 or more miles a day, and muscle toning daily. Now if i was a liberal welfare puke in my parents basement playing x-box or watching Netflix on their account all day, eating cheeze its or smoking dope, i might not want to show my puss outside for i am sure China wants my liberal dumbass dead....

Wait...testing don't keep you from getting the virus. You keep telling us that

Why is he wasting tests then?
Because he is over 70 and we have treatments that work if you apply them early, you fat idiot, Herr Lesh.
But but... you keep telling us that testing is a waste of time. We’re you lying

you fucking asshole
I said mass testing is a waste of time as you have to do it daily. As the POTUS, Trump does that anyway. Do we also fly on a private jet with special security guards? No. POTUS is a different animal obviously. Learn to read, Herr Lesh.
Ohhh I see. Good for the goose but not the gander

He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...

it's pathetic that you think donny cares about y-o-u.
Oh so now I’m a feminazi huh? You’re just throwing any random caricatures you can at me and hoping they stick I guess lol. What a maroon. Am I talking to an 8th grader right now? Be honest.
No no no, you're an infectious diseases expert and an expert on everything trump.

right, huh?

next thing he'll be saying stupid shit like he knows more than generals or that he's a stable genius.
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...
Lol luckily only morons like the president. I think I’m okay.

If Hillary had won, would you want her tested every day?

Of course you would.

It has to do with the office, not the person...
Lol yep. Gotta pivot to Hillary. It’s the go-to republican debate strategy I guess. Man you people are obsessed with this woman.

I dont mind the president gets tested. My point is his hypocrisy. Overall testing in the US is way behind and yet this fucking idiot is telling everyone to defy state orders thus putting themselves and others at risk. It’s so stupid.

whatever happened to ' anybody who wants a test, can get one'?

oh ya, it's cause donny is a fucking liar.
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...

it's pathetic that you think donny cares about y-o-u.


See, I never said a word about whether or not I think the President cares about me, so all you're doing is proving what an ignorant little fuck you are...
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...
Lol luckily only morons like the president. I think I’m okay.

If Hillary had won, would you want her tested every day?

Of course you would.

It has to do with the office, not the person...
Lol yep. Gotta pivot to Hillary. It’s the go-to republican debate strategy I guess. Man you people are obsessed with this woman.

I dont mind the president gets tested. My point is his hypocrisy. Overall testing in the US is way behind and yet this fucking idiot is telling everyone to defy state orders thus putting themselves and others at risk. It’s so stupid.

whatever happened to ' anybody who wants a test, can get one'?

oh ya, it's cause donny is a fucking liar.

You need a diaper change...
He wants to reopen the economy and, pathetically, says he wants people to rebel against their states’ orders. Despite this, he is a paranoid pussy who demands testing for himself and his inner circle.

But hey, probably by next week he’ll contradict himself like he ALWAYS does. Either because he’s a senile fucking moron, or because he is too much of a pussy to be consistent in his messaging.

You're just getting pissy and filling your diaper because people actually care about the President, but they don't give a flying fuck about you.

I'd suggest you get used to that...

it's pathetic that you think donny cares about y-o-u.


See, I never said a word about whether or not I think the President cares about me, so all you're doing is proving what an ignorant little fuck you are...

who cares whether you said it or not? you obviously think that or you wouldn't have voted for him & bend over every chance you get for him.

am i right?

oh yep i am.:113:
Oh gee I’m so glad your dumbass is keeping score. It’s the perfect excuse to be too much of a pussy to criticize Trump for...anything.

The headline and premise of your OP are absurd....did you wash your hands after you pulled them outta your ass?

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